Gle. I cry thee mercy then; for I did think, That thou had'ft call'd me all these bitter names. 2. Mar. Why, fo I did; but look'd for no reply. O, let me make the period to my curfe. Glo. 'Tis done by me; and ends in—Margaret. against yourself. [fortune! 5 Hath in eternal darknefs folded up. As it was won with blood, loft be it fo! Buck. Peace, peace, for shame, if not for charity. 2. Mar. Urge neither charity nor shame to me; Uncharitably with me have you dealt, And shamefully by you my hopes are butcher'd. 10 And in my shame still live my forrow's rage! [hand, 2. Mar. O princely Buckingham, I'll kifs thy In fign of league and amity with thee: Now fair befal thee, and thy noble house! 15Thy garments are not spotted with our blood, Nor thou within the compafs of my curfe. 20 2. Mar. Poor painted queen, vain flourish of my Why ftrew'st thou fugar on that bottled 5 fpider, Whofe deadly web enfnareth thee about? Fool, fool: thou whett'st a knife to kill thyself. The day will come, that thou fhalt with for me To help thee curfe this pois'nous bunch-back'd toad. [curfe; 25 Haft. Falfe-boding woman, end thy frantick Left, to thy harm, thou move our patience. 2. Mar. Foul fhame upon you! you have all Riv. Were you well ferv'd, you would be taught 30 2. Mar. To ferve me well, you all fhould do 2. Mar. Peace, master marquis, you are mal apert; Your fire-new stamp of honour is scarce current: Buck. Nor no one here; for curfes never país 2. Mar. I'll not believe but they afcend the sky, Glo. What doth fhe fay, my lord of Bucking- And footh the devil that I warn thee from? What 'twere to lofe it, and be miferable! [them; 40 She hath had too much wrong, and I repent They that ftand high, have many blafts to fhake My part thereof, that I have done to her. Queen. I never did her any, to my knowledge. Glo. Yet you have all the vantage of her wrong. I was too hot to do fome body good, 45 That is too cold in thinking of it now. 2 The common people in Scotland have ftill an averfion to those who have any natural defect or redundancy, as thinking them mark'd out for mifchief. She calls him bog, as an appellation more contemptuous than boar, as he is elsewhere termed from his entigns armorial. 3 The expreffion is ftrong and noble, and alludes to the ancient custom of mafters branding their profligate flaves: by which it is infinuated, that his mishapen person was the mark that nature had fet upon him to ftigmatize his ill conditions. 4 Intimating that much of his honour was torn away. 5 A fpider is called bottled, because, unlike other infects, he has a middle slender, and a belly protuberant. Richard's form and venom make her liken him to a fpider. An aiery is a hawk's or an eagle's neft. 7 Mr. Pope fays, that a frank is an old English word for a bog-fye, and that 'tis poffible he uses this metapor to Clarence, in allufion to the creft of the family of York, which was a bear. Mr. Steevens however afferts, that a frank was not a common bog-flye, but the pen in which thofe hogs were confined of whom brawn was to be made. 8 i. e. harm, mischief. Enter Enter Catesby. Catef. Madam, his majesty doth call for you,- Riv. Madam, we will attend your grace. With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ; But foft, here come my executioners.- 1 Mur. We are, my lord; and come to have That we may be admitted where he is. [me: 5 And, in my company, my brother Glofter: Upon the hatches; thence we look'd towards And cited up a thousand heavy times, During the wars of York and Lancaster That had befall'n us. As we pac'd along O Lord! methought what pain it was to drown! All fcatter'd in the bottom of the fea. 20 Some lay in dead men's skulls; and, in those holes, 25 Clar. Methought, I had; and often did I strive To yield the ghoft: but still the envious flood Kept in my foul, and would not let it forth Gio. Well thought upon, I have it here about 30 To feek the empty, vaft, and wand'ring air; When you have done, repair to Crosby-place. But, firs, be fudden in the execution, Withal obdurate, do not hear him plead; May move your hearts to pity, if you mark him. But fmother'd it within my panting bulk, Brak. Awak'd you not with this fore agony? Clar. O, no, my dream was lengthen'd after life; 350, then began the tempeft to my foul! Talkers are no good doers; be affur'd, I like you, lads; about your business straight; 1 Mur. We will, my noble lord. SCENE IV. An Apartment in the Tower. Enter Clarence, and Brakenbury. [Exeunt. I pafs'd, methought, the melancholy flood, Brak. Why looks your grace fo heavily to-day ?50 Environ'd me, and howled in mine ears Cla. O, I have past a miserable night, I would not spend another such a night, Brak. What was your dream, my lord? I pray Clar. Methought, that I had broken from the And was embark'd to crofs to Burgundy; 55 Such hideous cries, that, with the very noife, Brak. No marvel, lord, that it affrighted you; I am afraid, methinks, to hear you tell it. things, That now give evidence against my foul,60 For Edward's fake; and, fee, how he requites me! O God! if my deep prayers cannot appease thee, O, fpare my guiltless wife, and my poor chil- Sorrow breaks seasons, and repofing hours, And, for unfelt imaginations, They often feel a world of restless cares *: 1 Murd. Ho! who's here? Brak. What would'st thou, fellow? and how cam'ft thou hither? 5 1 Murd. Where's thy confcience now? 2 Murd. In the duke of Glofter's purse. 1 Murd. When he opens his purse to give us our reward, thy confcience flies out. 2 Murd. 'Tis no matter; let it go; there's few, or none, will entertain it. 1 Murd. What, if it come to thee again? 2 Murd. I'll not meddle with it, it is a dangerous thing, it makes a man a coward; a man cannot 1ofteal, but it accufeth him; a man cannot swear, but it checks him; a man cannot lie with his neighbour's wife, but it detects him: 'Tis a blushing fhame-fac'd fpirit, that mutinies in a man's bofom; it fills one full of obstacles: it made me 15 once reftore a purfe of gold, that by chance I found; it beggars any man that keeps it: it is turn'd out of all towns and cities for a dangerous thing; and every man, that means to live well, endeavours to truft to himself, and live without it. 2 Murd. I would speak with Clarence, and 120 came hither on my legs. 1 Murd. O, fir, 'tis better to be brief, than teShew him our commiffion, talk no more. Brak. I am, in this, commanded to deliver 1 Murd. You may, fir, 'tis a point of wisdom : 1251 1 Murd. 'Zounds, it is even now at my elbow, perfuading me not to kill the duke. 2 Murd. Take the devil in thy mind, and believe him not: he would infinuate with thee, but to make thee figh. 1 Murd. I am strong fram'd, he cannot prevail with me. 2 Murd. Spoke like a tall 2 fellow, that refpects his reputation. Come, fhall we fall to work? 1 Murd. Take him over the coftard 3 with 30 the hilts of thy fword, and then throw him into the malmfey-butt, in the next room. 1 Murd. What? art thou afraid? 2 Murd. Not to kill him, having a warrant for it; but to be damn'd for killing him, from the 45 which no warrant can defend me. 1 Murd. I thought, thou had'st been refolute. 2 Murd. So I am, to let him live. 1 Murd. I'll back to the duke of Glofter, and tell him fo. 2 Murd. Nay, I pr'ythee, ftay a little: I hope, this compaffionate humour of mine will change; it was wont to hold me but while one would tell twenty. 1 Murd. How doft thou feel thyfelf now? 2 Murd. 'Faith, fome certain dregs of confcience are yet within me. 1 Murd. Remember our reward, when the deed's done. 2 Murd. O excellent device! and make a fop Clar. How darkly, and how deadly dost thou Your eyes do menace me: why look you pale? 50 Who fent you hither? Wherefore do you come? 2 Murd. To, to, to,— Clar. To murder me? Both. Ay, ay. Clar. You scarcely have the hearts to tell me fo, 55 And therefore cannot have the hearts to do it. Wherein, my friends, have I offended you? 1 Murd. Offended us you have not, but the king. Clar. I fhall be reconcil'd to him again. 2 Murd. Never, my lord; therefore prepare to die. 2 Murd. Come, he dies; I had forgot the reward. 601 1 Meaning, they often fuffer real miferies for imaginary and unreal gratifications. English, means flout, daring, fearks, and frong. fhap'd like a man's head. 4 c. we'll talk, 2 Tall, in old i. e. the head, a name adopted from an apple Clara Cla. Are you call'd forth from out a world off men, To flay the innocent? What is my offence? To threaten me with death, is most unlawful. 1 Mard. What we will do, we do upon command. 2 Murd. And he that hath commanded is our king. Clar. Erroneous vaffal! the great King of kings Hath in the table of his law commanded, That thou shalt do no murder; wilt thou then Spurn at his edict, and fulfil a man's? Take heed; for he holds vengeance in his hand, To hurl upon their heads that break his law. 2 Murd. And that fame vengeance doth he hurl on thee, For false forfwearing, and for murder too: [blade, I Murd. And, like a traitor to the name of God, Didft break that vow; and, with thy treacherous Unripp'dft the bowels of thy fovereign's fon. 2 Murd. Whom thou waft sworn to cherish and defend. [law to us, 1 Murd. How canft thou urge God's dreadful When thou haft broke it in such dear degree? Clar. Alas! for whose fake did I that ill deed? For Edward, for my brother, for his fake; He fends you not to murder me for this: For in that fin he is as deep as I. If God will be avenged for the deed, O, know you yet, he doth it publickly: 1 Murd. Who made thee then a bloody minister, When gallant-fpringing2, brave Plantagenet, That princely 3 novice, was ftruck dead by thee? Cla. My brother's love, the devil, and my rage. Murd. Thy brother's love, our duty, and thy fault, Provoke us hither now to flaughter thee. Clar. If you do love my brother, hate not me; I am his brother, and I love him well. If you are hir'd for meed, go back again, And I will fend you to my brother Gloster; Who fhall reward you better for my life, Than Edward will for tidings of my death. 2 Murd. You are deceiv'd, your brother Glofter hates you. Cla. Oh, no, he loves me, and he holds me dear: Go you to him from me. to Clar. O, do not flander him, for he is kind. 'Tis he that fends us to deftroy you here. Clar. It cannot be; for he bewept my fortune, And hugg'd me in his arms, and fwore with fobs, 15 That he would labour my delivery. 20 25 30 1 Murd. Why, fo he doth, when he delivers you From this earth's thraldom to the joys of heaven. 2 Murd. Make peace with God, for you must die, my lord. Clar. Haft thou that holy feeling in thy foul, To counfel me to make my peace with God, And art thou yet to thy own foul fo blind, That thou wilt war with God by murdering me?— O, firs, confider, he that fets you on To do this deed, will hate you for the deed. 2 Murd. What shall we do? Clar. Relent, and fave your fouls. Which of you, if you were a prince's fon, If two fuch murderers as yourselves came to you➡◄◄ 1 Murd. Relent! 'tis cowardly, and womanish. Clar. Not to relent, is beaftly, favage, devilish.35 My friend, I fpy fome pity in thy looks; O, if thine eye be not a flatterer, 140 Come thou on my fide, and entreat for me: 1 Mard. Take that, and that; if all this will 45 How fain, like Pilate, would I wash my hands I Murd. How now? what mean'ft thou, that thou help'ft me not? [have been. 50 By heaven, the duke fhall know how flack you 2 Murd. I would he knew that I had fav'd his Buck. And, in good time, here comes the noble [duke. Glo. A bleffed labour, my most sovereign liege.- Riv. By heaven, my foul is purg'd from grudg-15 And with my hand I feal my true heart's love. Left he, that is the fupreme King of kings, I hate it, and defire all good men's love.- Haft. So profper I, as I fwear perfect love. this, Nor your fon Dorfet,-Buckingham, nor you ;- Dor. This interchange of love, I here proteft, Haft. And fo fwear I. [this league If ever any grudge were lodg'd between us ;- Queen. A holy-day this fhall be kept hereafter :- 4C 145 prefence, But his red-colour hath forfook his cheeks. K. Edw. Is Clarence dead? the order was re- Glo. But he, poor man, by your first order died, 55 Enter Lord Stanley, Stan. A boon, my fovereign, for my fervice done! This alludes to a proverbial expreffion, that "Ill news hath wings, and with the wind doth go; Comfort's a cripple, and comes ever flow." K. Edw |