THE DECISIONS OF THE SEVERAL COURTS OF LANCASTER COUNTY, WITH BY GEORGE ROSS ESHLEMAN Of the Lancaster County Bar VOL. XXXVII 1920-1921 LANCASTER, PA. THE WICKERSHAM PRINTING COMPANY 1921 LOWER COURT DECISIONS REPORTED IN THIS VOLUME AND APPEALED, BUT THE DECISIONS OF THE APPEALS NOT HEREIN REPORTED. (Affirmed) Adamstown Boro. v. Hartman. Agricultural Trust Co. v. Shaub and Brubaker. (Affirmed) Carpenter v. Wolf. (Affirmed) Fahey v. Adams Gottselig v. Cigar Makers Union, etc., et al. (Affirmed) Hamaker v. Fulton Farmers Ass'n. (Affirmed) .67, 270 123, 128 141 390 244 77 384 217 497 Miller v. Schaeffer et al. Mitsios v. Morios. (Reversed) 97 265 Octoraro Water Co. v. Garrison et al. (Affirmed) 1, 413 Oster v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, etc. (Affirmed) 68, 274 On page 5, in Estate of John Killian, dec'd, enter J. E. Senft and John A. Coyle, for accountant, and John A. Nauman, for wards. On page 9, in Agricultural Trust Co. v. Eby, in second line of syllabus, substitute " farming" for forming ". On page 28, substitute 1919 for 1918 in date of opinion. On page 77, in case of Hamaker, Ex'r v. Fulton Farmers Ass'n, substitute "his" for "as 99 in third line of opinion. On page 79, substitute "malicious prosecution" for "malicious mischief" in designation of case. On page 94, in case of Joseph Wacker, dec'd, insert in place of the word "share", in third line of syllabus, the words "portion of the rents which would have been the share in the residue ", and after the word "testator ", in the fourth line, the words "and whose legacy lapses ". On page 305, in the thirteenth line of the opinion, for "exception" substitute "exceptant". On page 313, eliminate the word "subject" in the third line of the syllabus. On page 331, after the word "credit" at the end of the second paragraph, add the words "Why surprising that one wants a reason for the faith that is now?" FEB 18 1922 413 244 193 Clifton Forge Milling & Feed Co. v. B. & Son Commonwealth v. Altland et al. 577 582 61 159 Conestoga Traction Co. v. Helman Conestoga Traction Co. v. Jacob Hupper. 373 Conestoga Motor Truck Co., terre tenant, Jacob Pontz v. Frew Douglas Craw- ford, with notice to (No. 1)... Conestoga Motor Truck Co., terre tenant, Jacob Pontz v. Frew Douglas Craw- ford, with notice to (No. 2)... Contractor, The, Baumgartner, trading as, v. Druschel, trading as O. K. Clutch Coventry, W. A., I. R. Stewart, G. Ells- Cuppy, Hazlitt A., v. Artemas Ward, Ideal Cocoa and Chocolate Co. et al... 297 Dabler, Harry, v. Eli Mann 502 105 181 Commonwealth v. Marquette Fembeaux. 489 Commonwea th v. Heagy Commonwealth v. Eber E. Hilton, Ap- Doerr, Ella, dec'd, Horace L. Skiles, Eshleman, Greider v. 529 Eshleman, John W., v. Grey Iron Cast- ings Co., G. Ellsworth Higgins, W. A. Coventry and I. R Stewart (No. 1).. Eshleman, John W., v. Grey Iron Cast- ings Co., G. Ellsworth Higgins, W. A. Fulton Farmers Ass'n, A. G. Hamaker, Fulton Township, Cyrus Eckman, Ches- Galvin v. C. F. Bowman & Co. (No. 1). 2 Galvin v. C. F. Bowman & Co. (No. 2). 115 Gardner, Elizabeth L., et al. v. Lancas- 147 Garrison, F. Lynwood, Chrome Mining Co. et al., Octoraro Water Co. v..... 413 211 Gass, W. H., deft., and Saml. Ruth, garnishees, J. G. Usner et al. v. 387 435 Gehman, New Holland Nat'l Bank to Geib v. Geib Estate of Charles W. Bitner, dec'd Estate of Roland S. Brubaker, dec'd Estate of Amos F. Bruce, dec'd ... 12 Estate of Jacob S. Buch, dec'd (No. 1). 406 Estate of Jacob S. Buch, dec'd (No. 2). 506 Estate of Jacob S. Buch, dec'd (No. 3). 508 Estate of Peter Büttner, dec'd Estate of Emanuel Eby, dec'd (No. 1).. 278 Estate of Emanuel Eby, dec'd (No. 2).. 329 |