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VI. RESERVATIONS FORMULATED BY THE SWEDISH GOVERNMENT.1. The denominations of the potent drugs enumerated in the present Agreement, differing entirely from those employed in the Swedish Pharmacopoeia, shall not be inscribed in the text itself of that Pharmacopoeia, but shall appear in a special supplement to the new issue of the Pharmacopoeia which is in course of preparation;

2. The denomination of the medicinal wine vinum glycyrrhizae opiatum shall be maintained in Sweden;

3. As the preparation of tinctures of drugs by percolation involves an increase in the price of these products, this method seems not altogether suitable for employment in a general manner.

At the moment of proceeding to the signature of the present procèsverbal the Undersigned declare themselves in accord in recognizing that the right referred to in the first reservation formulated by the Government of His Britannic Majesty is acquired by all the Signatory Governments.

It is understood that the Contracting Parties which exercise this right will inform each other, reciprocally, through the intermediary of the Belgian Government, of any modifications introduced into the stipulations of the Agreement.

În witness whereof the Undersigned have drawn up the present procès-verbal.

Done at Brussels, the 29th November, 1906, in a single instrument, of which an exact copy shall be delivered to each of the Signatory Governments.

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Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères de Belgique, Favereau.



Concluded December 9, 1907; ratification advised by the Senate February 10, 1908; ratified by the President February 15, 1908; ratification deposited August 1, 1908; proclaimed November 17, 1908.

(The treaty submitted to the Senate and attached to the proclamation is in the French language. The text here printed is from the translation attached to the President's proclamation.)

Concluded at Rome December 9, 1907; ratification advised by the Senate February 10, 1908; ratified by the President February 15, 1908; ratification deposited August 1, 1908; proclaimed November 17, 1908.

I. International office of health.

II. Functions.

III. Distribution of cost.


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IV. Deposits.

VIII. Duration.



The Governments of Belgium, Brazil, Spain, the United States, the French Republic, Great Britain and Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland, and the Government of His Highness the Khedive of Egypt, deeming it expedient to organize the International Office of Public Hygiene, referred to in the Paris Sanitary Convention of December 3, 1903, have resolved to conclude an arrangement to that effect and agreed upon the following:


The High Contracting Parties engage to found and maintain an International Office of Public Hygiene with headquarters at Paris.

"Adhered to by Mexico, Servia, Peru, India, Sweden, Australia, Persia and Bulgaria.


The Office will perform its functions under the authority and supervision of a Committee composed of delegates of the contracting Governments. The membership and rights and duties of the Committee, as well as the organization and powers of the said Office are determined by the organic by-laws which are annexed to the present arrangement and are considered as forming an integral part thereof.


The costs of installation, as well as the annual expenses for the conduct and maintenance of the Office shall be covered by the quotas of the contracting States determined in accordance with the provisions of the by-laws referred to in Article II.


The sums representing the quotas of the several contracting States shall be deposited by the said States through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, at the beginning of every year in the "Caisse des dépôts et consignations " at Paris, from which they shall be drawn as needed against warrants of the Director of the Office.


The High Contracting Parties reserve the right to make, by joint agreement, in the present arrangement any change of which the usefulness shall have been demonstrated by experience.


Governments that have not signed the present arrangement are, on their request, admitted to adhere thereto. Their adhesion shall be notified, through the diplomatic channel, to the Royal Government of Italy, and, by the latter, to the other Contracting Governments; it will imply a pledge to contribute to the payment of the expenses of the Office in the manner referred to in Article III.


The present arrangement shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be deposited at Rome as soon as possible; it shall be put into operation from the date on which the deposit of ratifications shall have been effected.


The present arrangement is concluded for a term of seven years. At the expiration of that period, it shall continue in force for new periods of seven years between the States that shall not have notified, one year before the expiration of each period, their intention to terminate the effects so far as they are concerned.

In faith whereof the undersigned, duly empowered thereto, have drawn up the present arrangement to which they have affixed their seals.

Done at Rome, the ninth of December one thousand nine hundred and seven, in one copy which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Royal Government of Italy and duly certified copies thereof shall be delivered, through the diplomatic channel, to the contracting Parties.

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There is established in Paris an International Office of Public Hygiene under the States which accept participation in its operation.


The Office cannot in any way meddle in the administration of the several States.

It is independent of the authorities of the country in which it is placed.

It corresponds directly with the higher health authorities of the several countries and with the Boards of Health."

It is understood that the phrase " Boards of Health" applies to the Sanitary Councils of Alexandria, Constantinople, Tangier, Teheran and to any other Councils that may be charged with the duty of enforcing International Sanitary Conventions.


The Government of the French Republic shall, on the application of the International Committee referred to in Article VI, take such steps as may be requisite to have the Office recognized as an institution of public utility.


The main object of the Office is to collect and bring to the knowledge of the participating States facts and documents of a general character concerning public health and especially regarding infectious diseases, notably the cholera, plague and yellow fever, as well as the measures taken to check these diseases.


The Government shall inform the Office of the measures taken by them towards the enforcement of the international sanitary conventions.


The Office is placed under the authority and supervision of an International Committee consisting of technical representatives designated by the participating States in the proportion of one representative for each State.

Each State is allowed a number of votes inversely proportioned to the number of the class to which it belongs as regards its participation in the expenses of the Office. (See Article XI.)


The Committee of the Office meets periodically at least once a year; the length of its sessions is unlimited.

The members of the Committee elect, by secret ballot, a chairman whose term of office shall be three years.


The business of the office is conducted by a salaried staff including: A Director;

A Secretary General,

such force as may be necessary to perform the work of the Office. The personnel of the Office shall not be permitted to fill any other salaried office.

The Director and Secretary General shall be appointed by the Committee.

The Director shall attend the meetings of the Committee in an advisory capacity.

The appointment and dismissal of employés of all classes apper. tain to the Director and shall be reported by him to the Committee.

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