INDEX TO THE DEBATES IN THE SENATE. Adjournment, joint committee appointed to wait upon the Appropriation bill, taken up, 245. bill detained by President United States for further Georgia, Army of the United States, bill authorizing the President Hunt, Baltimore and Ohio railroad, bill authorizing a subscription Canals. (See Louisville and Portland.) Congressional documents, resolution authorizing a sub- Currency, resolution submitted to inquire into the expe- Deaf and Dumb, bill making donation for the New York Duties, taxes, &c., bill for the abolition of, notice given of Duties, bill to reduce the, on coffee, tea, and cocoa, from Duties on imports, bill to exempt certain merchandise from Fulton, Robert, resolution submitted and adopted, to in- bill to recompense the heirs of, rejected on the motion to print the remonstrance of the State of, Theodore, resolution calling for the reasons for the Indiana, bill to enable the President to extinguish the In- Indians, Interest Internal Lands, resolution calling for information respecting the bill to provide for an exchange of lands with, to certain States, bill for allowing, for advances improvement, bill making appropriations for ex- resolution proposing to limit the sales of the public, bill for the relief of the purchasers of the public, Land claims in the district of Jackson court-house, bill tion of stock to, taken up, and ordered to a third Massachusetts, bill to authorize the payment of the claim Military peace establishment, bill to reduce and fix the, Mounted infantry. (See Army.) Order, points of, decided, 11, 31, 169, 245. Peck, James H., impeachment of, by a committee of the Pension laws, bill explanatory of the acts in relation to, President of the United States, annual message of, com- message from, returning, with his objections, the bill authorizing a subscription to the stock of the the bill in relation to light-houses and harbors, for pro tempore, elected, 456. Reed, Mr., of Mississippi, his death announced, and pro- (See Carson, James, and Hunt, resolutions submitted calling for the number of, Solicitor of the Treasury, bill to establish the office of, no- Smyth, Mr. Alexander, of Virginia, his death announced, South Carolina railroad company, petition of, asking a Surgeon General of the navy, bill creating the office of, Tea, coffee, &c. (See Duties.) Wirt, Mr. appears as counsel for Judge Peck, 432. on third reading Louisville and Portland canal bill, on amending survey and internal improvement bill, on third reading bill to remove Indians west of the on postponing bill explanatory of the pension laws, 405. on postponing bill to graduate the price of the pub- on third reading same, 421. on third reading bill for the relief of officers and on referring bill to graduate the price of public on third reading bill to exempt certain merchandise on passing same, after being returned by the Presi INDEX TO THE SPEAKERS NAMES IN THE SENATE. iii INDEX TO THE NAMES OF THE SPEAKERS IN THE DEBATES IN THE SENATE, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. Adams, Mr. on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson court-house, 321. on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 359. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302. Barton, Mr. on national currency, 3. on limiting sales of public lands, 7, 14, 30, 146. on executive powers, 11. On extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 21. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302, 303, on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson on reorganizing the department of the Attorney on the President's power of removal, 367, 457. 427. Bell, Mr. on disposing of New York memorial, asking pro- on bill granting pre-emption rights to settlers on the regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy, on reorganizing the department of the Attorney Ge- on graduating the price of public lands, 416. on limiting sales of public lands, 4, 6, 16, 22, 42, on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 20, 21. on Indian agencies, 129. on abolition of taxes, duties, &c. 172, 245. on mounted infantry, 272. regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy, -308. on Massachusetts militia claims, 357. on graduating the price of public lands, 405, 413, on relief of officers and soldiers in the Virginia line, on reducing the duties on tea and coffee, 428. Bibb, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 3. on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson Buchanan, Mr. on impeachment of Judge Peck, 383. on limiting the sales of public lands, 119. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302. on further regulating the Patent Office, 379. on the light-house bill, 433. on Baltimore and Ohio railroad bill, 454. Clayton, Mr., on internal improvement, 340, 342. on amendments of the House of Representatives to Dickerson, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 3. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302. on creating the office of Surgeon General of the on internal improvement, 340, 341. on further regulating the Patent Office, 378, 379, on Fredericktown turnpike, 427. on bill to exempt certain merchandise from the ope- Ellis, Mr. announces the death of his colleague, 1. on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson Foot, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 2. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 20. on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson on internal improvement, 342. on bill declaratory of the pension laws, 396. on graduating the price of the public lands, 423. Forsyth, Mr. on disposing of New York memorial asking on the mileage bill, 10. on civilization of the Indians, 42. on remonstrance of Georgia against Indian treaties, on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson on reorganizing the department of the Attorney Ge- on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 324, on internal improvement, 341, 342. on further regulating the Patent Office, 379, 380. on civilization of the Indians, 42, 43. on remonstrance of Georgia against Indian treaties, on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 305, on reorganizing the department of the Attorney Ge- on prohibiting the transportation of the mail on the on amendments of House of Representatives to bill Grundy, Mr. on limiting the sales of public lands, 210. on Baltimore and Ohio railroad bill, 453, 455. Hayne, Mr. on executive powers, 11. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 20. on limiting sales of public lands, 31, 41, 42, 43, 73, 82, 210. on the public life of Mr. Bayard, 95. on marine service, 222. on taking Louisville and Portland canal stock, 247. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 304. regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy, 305, 306, 307, 308. on creating the office of Surgeon General of the navy, 321, 322. on further regulating the Patent Office, 377, 378, on bill declaratory of the pension laws, 396. on graduating the price of public lands, 413. on bill to exempt certain merchandise from the ope- Hendricks, Mr. on taking stock in the Washington turnpike, 7, 427. on granting pre-emption rights, 11. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 16, 19, 20. on taking Louisville and Portland canal stock, 247. on relief to purchasers of public lands, 274, 275. on internal improvement, 341, 344. on relief to officers and soldiers in Virginia line,423. on graduating the price of public lands, 424. Holmes, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 2. on limiting the sales of public lands, 4, 5, 6, 15, 27, 160. on the bill granting pre-emption rights, 9. on regulating the duties, &c of pursers in the navy, 305, 308. on creating the office of Surgeon General of the navy, 321, 322. on reorganizing the department of the Attorney General, 323, 324. on internal improvement, 340. on the Massachusetts militia claims, 359. on further regulating the Patent Office, 378. on the President's power of removal from office, 385. Johnston, Mr., of Louisiana, on marine service, 322. on taking Louisiana and Portland canal stock, 247. on limiting the sales of public lands, 277. on reorganizing the department of the Attorney General, 324, 404. on internal improvement, 340, 341, 342. on graduating the price of public lands, 409, 419. Kane, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 3. on limiting the sales of public lands, 11. on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson court-house, 321. on the President's power of removal from office, 384. on graduating the price of public lands, 418, 424. on relief to officers and soldiers of the Virginia line, 423. King, Mr. on executive powers, 11, on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 17, 19. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302. on internal improvement, 342. Knight, Mr. on limiting the sales of public lands, 323. on the President's power of removal from office, 384. on relief to officers and soldiers of the Virginia line, 423. Livingston, Mr. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 18. Livingston, Mr. on limiting sales of public lands, 30, 247. on the public life of Mr. Bayard, 94. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302, 303. on internal improvement, 341, 342, 343. on prohibiting the transportation of the mail on the sabbath, 427. on the bill to exempt certain merchandise from the operation of the tariff, 453. on Baltimore and Ohio railroad bill, 453, 455. Marks, Mr. on allowing interest to certain States, 2. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302, 304. on the President's power of removal from office, 467. McKinley, Mr. on granting pre-emption rights, 11. on limiting the sales of public lands, 15. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 19, 21. on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 305, on reorganizing the department of the Attorney General, 323. on internal improvement, 340. on further regulating the Patent Office, 378. on the President's power of removal from office, 384. on graduating the price of public lands, 415. McLane, Mr, on relief to purchasers of public lands, 276. on internal improvement, 340. Noble, Mr. on limiting the sales of public lands, 5, 168, on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 19. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 305. on relief to officers and soldiers of the Virginia line, on Fredericktown turnpike road bill, 427. Robbins, Mr. on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 374. on mode of deciding controversies between States, 409. on limiting the sales of public lands, 435. Rowan, Mr. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 20, 21. on limiting the sales of public lands, 129. on taking Louisville and Portland canal stock, 247. on reorganizing the establishment of the Attorney General, 276, 323, 404. on further regulating the Patent Office, 378, 379. Sandford, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 2. on disposing of memorial of citizens of New York asking protection for the Indians, 7. on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302. on the light-house bill, 433. on the bill to exempt certain merchandise from the operation of the tariff, 453. Silsbee, Mr. on the Massachusetts claim, 9. regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy, 366. on reducing the duties on tea and coffee, 428. Smith, Mr., of Maryland, on allowing interest to certain on fixing the military peace establishment, 2, 3. on the public life of Mr. Bayard, 94. on marine service, 220. on mounted infantry, 274. regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy, 306, 309. on creating the office of Surgeon General of the navy, 322. |