Obrázky stránek
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from the front of the building. In the rear of the mansion are the gardens: the beauty and magnificence of the whole plan taken together, of this delightful spot, is only equalled by its generous and hospitable owner.

It was my design to enliven these sketches with anecdotes, and detached incidents of daily occurrence, such as the gossip of the day, &c., but the principal subjects have so increased upon my hands, that I find it impossible. I cannot, however, resist an anecdote of two countrymen at the theatre. They were in the same box with myself, and it appeared from their conversation, they had never witnessed a stage performance before. They were both well dressed, the one a young, the other a midlde aged man. The young man' assumed a knowledge of the world, and explained to his friend the meaning of the wonders before them. "What is all them there things for, that's upon the doors, or whatever they are, that looks like they are painted, but I suppose that's the play," says the elderly man to his friend: " () no, that's jest, I don't know what it's done for, but it isn't the play," replied the friend: "You'll see live people a playing, and running about like mad, and making love, and making speeches, and the most funnyest things that ever you saw; John Steward says it will make you split your sides with laughing.' "What's all them people doing down there?" (pointing to the pit,) said the first, "O they're the players, you'll see um begin presently; (looking at his watch) it's most time." Thus the one continued to inquire, and the other to explain, until their patience became exhausted: the commencement of the play, being from some cause protracted nearly an hour beyond the time mentioned in their bills, they in a violent passion, at being cheated out of their money by a set of lazy fellows, that just made fun of them, were actually about to quit the box, when the bell rang, and I informed them the players were coming on the stage; at this moment the curtain flew up, and our fascinated strangers were amply compensated for the delay. It was amusing enough to hear them during the performance, "that's a tarnation pretty gall, is'nt she," all aloud. When the actress (as was sometimes the case,)

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would seem to shrink one would rise up and her at the same time,) you, don't be afraid."

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back as though afraid, the young eagerly exclaim, (beckoning to come out, come out, let's look at The house was in one continued roar of all things, they disliked the clapping and the drop of the curtain.

Troy. Before my visit to the New-England states, I took a ride up the Hudson as far as Troy, to see the canal. The distance from Albany to Troy is six miles, and the road lies on the margin of the canal. The canal is 40 feet wide, 4 feet deep, and very straight; this, and its symmetry, constitute its beauty: it is upwards of 300 miles in length-cost rising of $4,000,000, and terminates in Albany, by a basin. From a bridge which is thrown across it, on our way to Troy, we had an extensive view of it both ways. Nothing can be handsomer. But language fails me in describing this wonder-working state. Besides this canal, they have, at their last session, appropriated $1,000,000 for public uses! this speaks the character of the people more emphatically than volumes of news-papers and books. Troy is at the head of sloop navigation, and has considerable trade: it is a very handsome city, built chiefly of brick, and some of the houses on the bank of the Hudson are five stories high, having double ware-houses, so that when the river is high, the goods can be taken in at the second story, the first being wholly under water. From these houses which hang over the Hudson, you have one of the finest prospects in the country A female seminary of high repute is kept at Troy, by Mrs. Willard, who has nothing very remarkable in her appearance, excepting her masculine size.She appeared to be about thirty years of age, of a fair compexion, and regular, though coarse features. Her countenance and carriage are very majestic and striking. She is said to be the best qualified female teacher in the state. Here, too, I had an interview with the celebrated Mrs. French, one of the handsomest females of the age: her beauty, however, is her least recommendation, being possessed of every accomplishment which adorns her sex, or renders them interesting. To my no small please

ure, I met with Miss D-s, with whom I had become acquainted in the course of the winter, in Albany. We rallied each other on the total defeat of our anticipated pleasure in visiting Troy, turning out as it did, one of the most tempestuous days I had witnessed since my visit to the state. The two ladies just mentioned were not only among the first, but the most amiable females I have met with in the eastern states. Troy contains a court-house 2 banks, 5 churches, and 5,264 inhabitants. It lies on the opposite side of the Hudson, from Albany. Mr. Boardman, of Huntsville, editor of the "Alabama Republican," went from this city, and his mother lives here now. Also Mr. Adams, who prints for Mr. Boardman. He and his lady I have often seen in Huntsville. Troy is also the residence of Mr. Holley, brother of the president of the University of Lexington. He edits the "Troy Sentinel" a paper of no small merit. Mr. Holley is said to be eminent for his literary acquirements, both in poetry and prose. He is possessed of surprising personal advantages, being one of the finest looking men in the United States! I saw him in company with his counter-part, Mr. G, son of the —, son of the ex-post-master general. These men bid fair to figure in the affairs of their country. They are nearly of the same age and size, being about twenty-four years of age, and want a little of six feet in height, stout, able-bodied men, of perfect symmetry. Mr. H. has blue eyes, of the softest lustre-his complexion fair, his face oval, and finely proportioned. Mr. G. has black eyes, fine, full, and expressive; his face round and beautiful, with a countenance at once noble, open, and captivating, with the manners of the first order of gentlemen, and every requisite accomplishment. We may expcet he and his friend will, one day, if I am not mistaken, share the honors and confidence of their country.

On my return to Albany, I called at the WatervlietU. S. arsenal, which is on the same side of the Hudson with Albany. The armory consists of a vast building in length, filled from the bottom to the top, with arms, as thick as they could stand, one by the side of another. There were 35,251 muskets, 1,835 rifles, 11,500 pistols,

9,853 swords, in complete order. The swords, by some legerdemain contrivance, are formed into flowers and figures, which stick to the ceiling over head, as if by magic. The pistols are likewise suspended in bunches from the cross-beams which support the ceiling; the space between each beam being filled up with the swords, which are fastened with straps of leather to their places. The muskets, each with a bayonet, are placed on their ends, in one solid column, from one end of the building to the other, and confined to their places by strips of wood, leaving a narrow space between each column, to pass, that no room may be lost. The side walls of the building are garnished with swords, in a style of studied elegance. The cartridges are all boxed up, and the whole in complete marching order, at a moment's warning. One cannot help shivering at the sight of such an immense pile of deadly weapons. Among the cannon I saw three brass pieces, which were taken from the British, at Saratoga. The gun carriages lie a little west of the arsenal, under long, low sheds, which protects them from the weather; and near these, in rows, are the awful cannon. The commandant, Maj. G. Talcott, is a man of accomplishments, and very gentlemanly appearance: I found him at his post, and received from him a very polite reception.

Journey to Springfield, (Mass.)-On the second day of April, 1825, I bid adieu to Albany at 3 o'clock A. M., and set off in the stage for Boston, taking Springfield in my way. It was a clear star-light morning, but the absence of the moon deprived me of the pleasure of seeing the country until day-light, when I found we were in a broken uneven soil, consisting of rugged hills, and narrow vales, which are watered by bright streams of running water. Along those vales, are strips of meadow, covered with cows, calves, and a few shabby colts; amongst which, you see some sorry sheep, and young bleating lambs. It is amusing enough to observe the low Dutch houses sitting down upon the lowest spot they can select, and around mynheer, in close array, stands his cow-house, his stable, and barns, so that he has but a

step to make from his warm stove-room to feed his stock. Their houses are small and void of ornaments, with camel-backed roofs, (I think they are called,) and universally painted red, a color to which the Dutch seem partial. The Dutch are greatly behind the Germans in farming. That comfort, ease, and opulence which distinguishes the farm of the industrious, thorough-going German, bears no comparison with the former. The country is almost destitute of timber, it having been long since cut down and appropriated to ordinary uses. A stunted growth has succeeded the first, which is very unpromising. Our course lay directly east from Albany. The Catskill, the Green mountains of Vermont, the hills bordering the Hudson, all capt with snow, resembling so many magnificent domes, the silent streams winding their way through those heights, seen to a great distance from the road, the cherry-cheeked Dutch girl milking her cow, I the whistling boy staring at our coach, and chopping his wood alternately, and a hundred things beside, present to the traveller one of the richest prospects imaginable. The vales become wider and the streams larger as you proceed, the hills gradually diminish, the Dutch houses disappear, and you find yourself in a rich soil, in high cultivation, which continues to Springfield, on the Connecticut river. My fellow-travellers consisted of two young gentlemen from Boston, and four others, who were citizens of Massachusetts; some of whom were men of information, and enlivened the time with pleasant and amusing stories. Going to Boston, I attached myself to the two Bostonians, whose lively manners and liberality of thinking, began to change my opinion of their city. Night overtook us long before we reached Springfield : the air was cold and piercing, and not even a star was to be seen. To complete our misfortune, the stage. broke down within eight miles of the town. Here we were in a dreadful predicament, over a mile from any house, and not a particle of light by which we might ascertain the extent of our disaster: one thing, however, was unanimously agreed upon, which was, that we should all get out of the stage, and by putting our wits together, see whether the misfortune could be remedied.

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