Statutes at Large ...1864 |
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Act of Parliament Act passed Admiralty aforesaid amend apply appointed Ardglass authorized Barony Board of Trade Carlingford Lough Certificate Clauses Act Clerk Commissioners Company County course of Payment Court Court-martial Day of March deemed defray the Charge deposited Ditto duly Duties enacted entitled Excellent Majesty Execution Expenses force granted hereby herein-before Highway House hundred and sixty-five Imprisonment Ireland Justice Lands Clauses liable Licence Lord High Admiral Lords Spiritual Majesty's Treasury March One thousand Marine ment Money not exceeding Number Offence Officer paid Parish payable Peace Penal Servitude Penalty Person Pier and Harbour Place Polling District Pounds Power Prison Provisional Order Provisions Punishment Purposes pursuance Queen's most Excellent Railway rates Registrar Regulations respect River Thames Royal Marine Schedule Scotland Secretary Section Sentence Service Session Sheriff Ship Sum or Sums Sums of Money therein thereof thereto Thirty-first Day thousand eight hundred United Kingdom vessel Vict Warrant whereas Yard