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N. B. To find any particular BOOK, or PAMPHLET, see
the TABLE of CONTENTS, prefixed to the Volume.

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non, 455

ADAM and Eve, their adventures

AUTHORS, a caution against them,
222.-distinction among, 223.


on their departure from Eden, BANQUET of Plato, characters

from Gefner, 110. Their pa-
thetic reflexions on feeing, in
a bird, the first inftance of death,

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ADAMS, Parfon, in Jofeph An-
drews, remarks on that cha-
racter, 491. Who intended
for, ib.
EONIAN, how to be underflood
when applied to the kingdom
of Chrift, &c 182.
AFFECTATION defcribed, 203.
AGAMEMNON's Prayer, 458.
ANSON, Lady, poem on the
death of, 362.

ARIO TO, an examination into
the merits of public opinion
relating to him, 42.
ARMADA, the invincible Spanish,
history of, 279.
ARMS of England, its fupporters
originally leopards, 247.
ARMY, the first confideration ne-
ceffary to the forming a good
one, 6c.
ARTS, the flourishing of, an indi-
cation of the flourishing state of
a country, 244.
ATONEMENT, only effected by
perfonal contrition and reforma-

tion, 114.

ATTENTION, how manifefted by
behaviour, 201.

of the speakers in that dia-
logue, 196.

BAREBONES the apothecary, his
distress, and scheme for relief,
155. Extracts from his tran-
flation of Homer, ib. &c.
BEAUTY, difference in rank
merely, no obitacle to its pow-
er, 421.

BERING, Capt. his unhappy end,

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CASIMIR V. king of Poland, his
fpeech to the Diet on his ab-
dication of the crown, 168,
Marries a Wafherwoman, 169.
CHARLES I. his enemies, con-
fiftently enemies to Cromwel,

II. ftory of, and the
widow Oliver, 253.
CHRIST, a concife view of the
fcheme of falvation by, 116.
His kingdom not eternal, 182.
A ranfom for ALL, 186.
CLERGY MEN'S widows, their pre-
carious dependence, and di-
ftreffed conditions, 127. Pro-
ject for their relief, 128.
COLIN and Lucy, a pastoral,

COMEDY, middle, its fhort dura-
tion in Athens and England,

COMMENTATOR, a toilfome em-
ployment, 321.
CONTROVERSY, religious, the
difadvantages of heat and acri-
mony in, 206.-Conftable hath
no business in, 240.
CONVOYS, military, hints con-
cerning, 62.
COURAGE, the tokens of, 203.
Affectation of, how diftinguifh-
ed, ib.
CRITICISM, modern method of
evading 29.

defined, 413. De-
duced from organic principles,
414. Advantages of studying,
CROMWELL, the ranking all the
enemies to Charles I. as his par-
tifans, a mistake, 96. His en-
thufiafin affected, 97. Cha-
racterised by Cowley, 98. His
hypocrify infifted on, 100. His
arbitrary government, 101.
Comparifon between, and Louis
XIV. 102.
CURIOSITY, how it operates,




ANCER, humorous philofo
phy of a female one, 351.
DANCERS, droll affociation of,
DANCING and logic compared,
345. Its antiquity, ib. De-
rivation of, 345. Divifions or
characters in, 347. Negroes
extravagantly addicted to, 356.
Various kinds of dances among
the Americans, ibid.
DARIEN, the poflibility of cutting
through that neck of Land in-
fifted on, 429.

DAVID, king of Ifrael, in what
sense a man after God's own
heart, 210. Critical remarks
on his transactions in the affair
of Nabal, 211. His conduc
in refpect to Achish king of
Gath, not hitherto fatisfactorily
juftified, 212. Expofition of his
treatment of the Moabites,
213.--of the Ammonites, 216.
DEIST, reflexions on the conver-
fion of one, 480.
DENMARK, its form of govern-
ment characterised, 392.
DENTRICAL improvement, 430.
DESPAIR, depicted, 202.
DIVORCES, on what occafions

granted by the Pruffian law, 7.
Dog and Cat, a fable, 70.
Dogs, extraordinary species of,
and ftory concerning, 431.
DRUNKENNESS, two excellent
schemes for, 431.

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ELISHA, the prophet, his cha-

racter vindicated, 309.
ELOISA to Abelard, beauties in
that epiftle pointed out, 225.
EMOTION and paffion, diftinction
between, 420.

EMOTIONS, how excited by fic-
tion, 423. Pleafant and pain-
ful, agreeable and disagreeable,
diftinguished, 424.

how excited by fubli-
mity, 425. By novelty, 426.
By vifible objects, ib. By ri-
fible objects, 427.
ENGLAND more remarkable for
folidity of judgment than reline-
ment in talte, 13. Why pro-
ductive of poets rather than
painters and itatuaries, 19, 244-
ENTHUSIASM defined, 467.
EPIC Poem, its properties fpeci-

fied, 44-

cenfure on the ma-

chinery of, 424.
EPISTLE from lady Jane Grey to
lord Guilford Dudley, extracts
from, 227.
ERROR, a picture of, 460.
ETERNAL, everlafting, &c. un-
fcriptural expreffions, 182.
EVIL, principle deducible from
the reafoning of enquirers after
the origin of, 144. Various
opinions relating to the origin
of, ib.

EURIPIDES, character of that
poet, 408. Inftance of the pa-
thetic in, 412.

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tion laid on theatric exhibition,
371. His genius characterifed,
482. The afperity of his mufe
accounted for, 484. Anecdote
relating to his comedy of the
Wedding-Day, 485. Waftes his
patrimony, 487. Studies law,
ib. His account of fome of
his own performances, 489.
Three epochas of his genius
pointed out, 490.
FINGAL, ftory of, 48. Exami-
nation into the propriety of
fimilies and allufions in, 50.
Unnatural episode in, 52. Cu-
chullin's chariot described, 55.
The battle, 56. Prepofterous
civility of Cuchullin, 130. Cri
tical comparison of an episode
in, to the story of the Horatii,
131. Cuchullin routed, 133.
Fingal, his character scrutinised,
134. Sublime paffage noted,
135. Fingal arrives, 136.
Offian scares the foe by hum-
ming a fong, 137. Combat
between Fingal and Swaran,
138. Summary remarks on
the general conduct of the
poem, 139.

FLEET in a ftorm, management
of, 278.

FoOTE, his character as a mimic

and a writer, afcertained, 476.

couraged in England, 313.
FREDERICIAN Code of Laws, its
imperfections pointed out, 2.
Conjugal duty enforced by it, 6.

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country, 436. Its learning,
437. om.nerce, 441.
GOD, natural definition of, 443.
Love to, how it operates, io.
A belief in, a strong incentive
to morality, 445• Warmth of
affection toward, recommend-
ed, 467.

Good and evil, moral, objects of
perception, 376.
GOODNESS, fcripture motives to,

GRAVITY,how diftinguished,200.
GRIEF, how expreffed, c1.

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IV. reflexions concern-
ing, 87. The diffolutenefs
and reformation of his fon
prince Henry, 88.

JEFFERY Hudfon, the famous
dwarf, brief hiftory of, 251.
JESUITS, inftances of their enor
mities, 64.

Jews, cruelly plundered at the
time of Henry III. 83. Se-
vere law against marriages
with them, ib.

ILIAD of Homer, rules of epic

poetry established from it, not
formed by them, 41.
IMMORTALITY of the foul, con-
jecture relating to, 506.
INEQUALITY of condition, no
proof of inequality of enjoy-
ment, 146. Two fpecies of,
332. Refulting originally from
inequality of talents and bodily
abilities, 333-
INFIDELITY better than perfe-
cution, 22.

Jö, the manner of her appearance
on the antient ftage conjectured,

VI. misfortunes of his JoAN d'Arc, hiftory of, 90.
queen and fon, 92.
JOSEPH Andrews, remarks on the
HERMIONE, Critical difquifition plan of that novel, 490.
relating to the manner of her Joy, general expreffions of, 200.
cutting her hair, 409.
JUGGLING, no fear of the decay
HIGHLANDERS, their objections
of that art, 315.
to the union stated, 69.
HILLARY, Dr. fome important
phyfical difcoveries by, 265.
Inftances of his knowledge in
Arabic, 258.

HISTORY, the difference between
that of kingdoms and itates, and
that of arts and fciences, 241.
HORACE, criticiẩm on his neglec
of order in compofition, 419.
HOSPITALITY, fingular kind of,
among certain Afiatics, 433.-
HUME, Mr. examination of his
arguments against

500. His favourable notions
of the heathen mythology, 501.

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JUNO, her expoftulation with Ju-
piter, 457.
JUPITER, his character of Juno,



ETEL, a Dutch painter, his
whimsical methods of paint-
ing, 251.

KINGS, whether elective or he-
reditary fucceffion of, be pre-
ferable, 165.
KNOWLEDGE, practical, not
transferable, 122.


ANGUAGES, when arrived at

L maturity, 30.

LAWS, few and brief, a preca-

rious fecurity for property, 1.
LIBERTY, its influence on tafte, 17.

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MALAGRIDA, Father, principal NATURE, the real ftate of,

points alledged against him
from his life of St. Anne, 23.
His fentence, 27.
MAN, his reasonable, focial, and
religious character, 305.

a picture of, in a state of
nature, 334. Comparison be-
tween a favage and a man civi-
lized, 335 Whether void of
fear naturally, 336. Civilized,
a mifchievous being, 340.
Balance ftated between the ci-
tizen and the favage, 342.
Naturally a focial being, 378.

after God's own heart, how
that phrase is to be understood,

MARRIAGE, poetical perfuafive
to, 66.

MELANCHOLY characterised, 201.

MESSIAH, in what fenfe the pro-
phecies accomplished in him,
311. His birth-place predic-
ted by the prophet Micah, 312.
METAPHYSICs, &c. diffuafive
from making them a part of
univerfity education, 234. Un-
juftly decried, 503.
MILITARY books, why more fre-
quently written in France than
in England, 276.

MISER, his confolation amidst
hiffes and contempt, 233.


NAVAL Evolutions, the impor-
tance of a fyftem of, 276.
Management of a fleet in a
ftorm, 278.
NEWTON, plan of a new edition
of his Arithmetica Univerfalis,

NICE Lady, her character and
adventures. 387.
NIGHT, verfes on, 152.
NOBILITY, antient, of England,
characterised, 249.
NORTH-EAST paflage to the Eaft-
Indies difcovered by the Ruf-
fians, 429.

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OSSIAN, the antient Scottish bard,
the different merits of his com-
positions and those of Homer
accounted for, 43.
OWEN on in-dwelling fin, com-
fortable properties of that
book, 480.


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