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have added fresh languages to the vocabulary of the earth; and presented in written forms, alphabets and tongues unknown in the literature of the world. They have opened new refuges to our ships, and new channels to our commerce, and multiplied the friends of our country. Apart, therefore, from Christianity, and without any respect to the spiritual welfare of a large portion of the human race, it may be asserted, that the labours of those zealous men must prove at once extremely interesting and important to the philosopher, the scholar, and the politician."*

And it is to Christian Missions that weo we much of the present happiness and enlightened condition of the labouring classes of our country. The contemplation of the moral wonders which had been effected by Christian Missions, in foreign climes, induced the Christian public at home to look to the benighted portions of our own country-induced them to established our City Missions, our School Societies, and other institutions having as an object the promotion of knowledge among the poor and the ignorant. And as a consequence, schools have been established, knowledge has been diffused, and now we can scarcely visit any portion of our country without seeing a reading-room, a lecture-room, and a literary or mechanics' institute, amongst that portion of the population.

It has been insinuated by some, however, that Philosophy can civilize the savage. If so, then why has she not gone forth to extirpate vice, and, in its stead, to establish virtue, to dry up the sources of misery, and to let loose the fountains of happiness? Why has she not gone forth "to plant the germ of civilization on the icy hills of Greenland to sow the seed of social virtue on the sultry plains of Africa, or to impart the charter of evangelical liberty to such as are in a state of slavery?" Why? Because she knew herself to be inadequate to the task, and therefore did not attempt it.

It has again been said, that before a people are taught religion, they should first be instructed in some of the useful arts. Let us see whether this assertion is not disproved by facts. The East India Company, influenced doubtless by benevolent motives, made some attempts to civilize the Hottentots, but these completely failed; and from this failure the conclusion, as above stated, had been drawn that the Hottentots were "weak in intellect, almost devoid of memory, and that the Bushmen are incapable of civilization." But no sooner had religion got hold of their minds, than they applied themselves to the cultivation of their lands, to the erection of spacious and suitable dwellings, to the improvement of the arts, and to the culture of their minds. Again, Mr. Williams says, 66 the Missionaries were at Tahiti many years, during which they built and furnished a house in European style. The natives saw this, and not an individual imitated their example." "The females had long observed the dress of the missionaries' wives; but while heathen they greatly preferred their own, and there was not a single attempt at imitation." As soon, however, as they were brought under the influence of Christianity, they began to attend to the manufacture of the conveniences of civilized habits. "While the natives," he says, under the influence of their superstitions, they evince an inanity and torpor, from which no stimulus has proved powerful enough to rouse them, but the new ideas and the new principles imparted by Christianity."

66 are

It may be asked then, how is it that Christian Missions are alone able to effect this mighty change? In reply, we say that the first step towards the civilization of the savage, is to rouse the thinking faculties, and that Christianity is the only means by which these can be brought into action. It is necessary to propose to the mind of the savage something which will outweigh his natural partiality for his own habits and mode of life-something which, addressed to his passions and suited to his capacity, overcomes his natural indolence. "The speculations of science, and the pursuits of literature," are above his comprehension; and religion is the only agent which can reach his case and produce the change.

"It is Christianity, as suited to man as a sinner, as fitted to supply the wants of man as an immortal creature,-as viewed in its relation to the invisible world, and as it brings life and immortality to light, and triumphs over death and the grave,that raises all the slumbering energies of the human mind, that kindles the zeal of the missionary,--and that elevates the savage in the scale of being."

* Orme's "Defence of the South Sea Mission."

We have thus taken a short notice of the manner in which knowledge has been extended over a portion of our world. And are we not warranted in anticipating the time when the millions of China shall receive, along with Christianity," instruction and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold ?" When Hindostan shall again boast of her sages; when, from every glen and from every forest of the earth, from every desert and from every ice-bound region where human beings are residing, shall be heard the busy hum of civilized life, mingled with the anthem of praise to Him who

"is ever present, ever felt,

In the wide world as in the city full;

And where he vital breathes, there must be joy."

As then Christian Missions can alone accomplish the work, let all lend them the energies and opportunities of life, the faculties of the understanding, the affections of the heart; and let us cease not our efforts till this career of benevolence be finished, till all men shall know that, next to religion, "wisdom is the principal thing;" till the noble edifice of knowledge be completed amidst the acclamations of multitudes from every uninhabited portion of the earth.


FOUR learned Russians have been appointed to copy, from the archives of the different communes and convents of the Provinces of Podolia, Vollynia, and the Ukiaine, all historical records of any importance.

The first meeting of this session of the ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY was held on the 11th of November. Numerous communications had been received from different parts of the world; one from M. A. de Khainkoff, respecting the dried up course of the river Tanghi-daria into the Lake of Aral, which excited considerable interest, and gave rise to a long conversation. Another was received from Lieut. Ruston, stating that he was about leaving for the Orange river, in South Africa, thence commencing an exploring expedition into the interior of that continent.

The GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY also held its first meeting for the session on the 6th of November, when a paper entitled "Observations on the Geology of some parts of Tuscany," by Mr. W. J. Hamilton, M.P., was read.

November 5.-The HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY met this day, when several plants were exhibited, and among them a cutting of the Reuanthera Coccinea, a remarkable Chinese plant, common near Canton, sent by Mrs. Huskisson, which caused some interest among the members.

At the meeting of the LINNEAN SOCIETY held on November 5, Professor E. Forbes read a paper on the Medusa Proboscidialis, an animal found in the Mediterranean sea, on the coast of Lycia.

At an inquest held on Monday, November 18, upon a person who survived for three days a dreadful injury of the brain, Mr. Wakley said, that a short time ago, a man was struck on the head with a pickaxe, and that, although his brains escaped from the wound and besmeared his hand, he was able to run without assistance to the London Hospital. Upon arriving at the Hospital, he was asked how he felt, when he replied he was much better since he had lost his brains. Mr. W. further said, it was almost incredible how long persons survived injuries of the brain.—Times.

[blocks in formation]


NAPTHA Lamps, Construction of, 74.
Newton, Sir Isaac, whether a Student of
Bacon's Organon, 5.
Non-Nitrogenous Substances, 13.


OIL Gas Lamps, Construction of, 75.
Opium, No. I.-Growth of Poppy; Refer-
red to by Homer and Virgil; Medicinally
used in the days of Hippocrates; Mode
of Gathering and Preparation; Princi-
pal Varieties in Commerce Chemical
Analysis of; Adulteration and Con-
sumption of, 83.

No. II.-Effects produced by;
Antidotes to be resorted to; De Quincey;
Appearance of the Opium-Eater; Chi-
nese Mode of Smoking, 123.
Organic Substances, Ultimate Constituents
of; Proximate Principles held together
by the Vital Power; Power necessary
for effecting Changes, &c. 12, 13.
Organic Existence, Simple Fact of, demon-
strates the existence of Deity, 17.
Originality-in what it consists; Supe-
riority conferred by; Habits; Book
Learning; Wrong Notions on Origina-
lity; Same Thoughts possessed by Inde-
pendent Writers, &c., 92.

No. II.-Pandering to Popular
Taste; Real Genius; Use of Books; Ad-
vice of Robt. Hall, &c., 101.

No. III.-Inconsistencies of
Original Men not to be excused;
Eccentricity not to be mistaken for
Originality; Conclusion, 121.


PHILOSOPHY, Handmaid of Religion, 2;
Philosophy, Natural, No. I.-Introduc-
tion, 3.


No. II.-Properties of Matter,

No. III.-Laws of Motion, 68.
No. IV.-Attraction, 119.

Poetry, Benefits of, 29.

Pope, Lines from, to Addison, 109.
Pride gives Power to Temptation, 35.
Prize Essay, Proposals for, 48.

Writings of St. Paul (Geo.
Corney), 62.

Science an Agency for the Pro-
motion of Christianity (Studens), 76.
Poetry of the Book of Job (H. B.
Johnson), 92.

Knowledge promoted by Chris-
tian Missions (T. W. S.), 127.
REASON, a Source of Theology, 17.

Cannot be the Test of Truth, and
Responsibility, 67.

[blocks in formation]

by H. Ince, 96.

Lectures on the Conversion of
the Jews, by Ministers of Various De-
nominations, 111.

The Desk and the Counter, by

a Fellow Labourer, 112.

SCOTT, Sir Walter, Lines on the Death of
a Bard, 60.

Science and Religion, Harmony between-

Geology, Chronology, and Astronomy
consistent with Scripture; Bible sup-
ported by Scientific Discoveries; Science
indebted to Christianity, &c., 113.
Smith, Dr. Pye, on Various Readings-
MS. Copying; Results as shewn in Pro-
fane Authors; in the Sacred Scriptures;
Bentley on, &c., 54.

Solar Lamp, Construction of, 46.
Sonnet on the Death of Campbell, 61.
Stanhope, Lord, on Snuff-taking, 25.
Student, Christian, The, 1.

The, Poetry, 79.

Sylvester's, Joshua, Satirical Poem on To-
bacco, 9.

Superstition, Gossip on, 53.

Continued, 70.


TELESCOPE, the Earl of Rosse's Reflecting-
Construction of; Casting, Grinding, and
Polishing the Speculum for; and Results
of Observations by, 110.
Temptations of Young Men, 33.
Tobacco, No. I.-Introduction to Europe;
Tobacconists in London, 6.

No. II. Genus Plants belong
to; Mode of Cultivation and Prepara-
tion; Principal Varieties in Commerce;
Snuffs; Cigars; Adulteration of; Active
Principles and Effects of, &c. 20.

VEGETABLE Kingdom, No. I., 6.
No. II., 20.
No. III., 83.

No. IV.,












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