126 556543 8 13 10 48 0 21 3 35 559538 10 23 2 16 11 47 53 1 55 11 46 19 1 34 11 45 3 1 1311 44 11 Washington; Maryland, Virg'a, Ken'ky, Missouri, and California. SUN SUN MOON RISES. SETS. SETS. H. м. н. м. H. M. 5 55 543 8 17 5 565 42 8 57 557 5 40 9 41 5 585 39 10 27 5 59 5 37 11 16 236 05 35 morn 1T 11 18 253 557 542 8 10 2W 11 14 3 41 5 58 540 850 3T 11 10 429559539933 249 558539937 morn 4 F 11 7 5 176 0 5 37 10 19 5S 11 364 615 35 11 8 640 10 59 65162533 morn 7386 3532 0 16 16 6 25 33 0 53261534 08 8 25 6 45 30 0 57713 6 353110357 6 25 321 3 9116 6528 155 8864530 158 4.52 6 3531 20 958 675 27 10 45 6 8525 11 346 95 23 morn. 6 10 5 22 7M 10 55 8T 10 51 9W 10 47 254 859 6 55 28 256 544 6 45 29 356 258 3 57 10T 10 43 11 F 10 39 12S 10 35 355 947675 27 633 65528 7176 65 26 4 58 13 41 10 31 rises 11 17 6 95 23 rises 759 6 7 5 25 rises 924 2 21 6 314 57 7 26 0 576284 59 7 30 10 24 6 25 5 9203963245581213962945881611 36265 18 20 An Irishman asks a Long Island woman the price of a pair of fowls, and is told, "A dollar." "And a dollar is it, my darlint? Why, in my country you might buy them for sixpence apiece." "And why didn't you stay in that blessed cheap country?" "Och, faith, and there was no sixpence there, to be sure!" An old darkey says "Woman's lub is like India-rubber It stretch de more de more you lub her." A LADY at Columbus, in Ohio, inquired of the spirit-rappers how many children she had. "Four," rapped the spirit. The husband, startled at the accuracy of the reply, stepped up and inquired, "Two!" answered the rapping medium. The husband and wife looked at each other, with an odd smile on their faces, for a moment, and then retired non-believers. There had been a mistake made somewhere. How do you arrive at the height of a church steeple on a hot day?-Per-spire. 24 47 25 M 26 T 27 W 28 T 29F 506 504 39 11 54 827316574 34 0 58 45 628 6514 42 7 46 10 40 7、2432 5 8 10 27 657436 5 6 7 12 6 52 4 41 734 1 37 5430 6 5 morn 70435 30 S 7 22 3 267 8429 835 154 7 4434 "I'LL bet you five dollars," said Macarty, "you can't repeat the Lord's Prayer, now, if you try." "Done!" said Kolloch, "done!" and, assuming a decent gravity for the moment, summoned his memory to aid him in his novel, but certainly very commendable, effort. "Ahem! a-a-hem! ah! now I have it: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; "There! I told you I could." sets 8346 55 4 40 5 3 6 1 sets 6 13 70 6 9918 656 4 40 839 11 18 6 594 398 42 "Well, I give up, beat," said Macarty, paying over the money; "I wouldn't have thought you could do it." A pair of them, to be sure; for neither of them knew it. "Do you think I shall have justice done me?" said a culprit to his counsel, a shrewd Kentucky lawyer of the best class in that "eloquent State." "I am a little afraid that you won't," replied the other; "I see two men on the jury who are opposed to hanging." THE Merchant's Patron Saint-St. Leger. 0 23 DAY OF WEEK. ☑ DAY OF MONTH. SIDEREAL Even'g MOON SOUTH, 6 31 ev. Boston; New England, SUN SUN MOON H. W. 5 910 45 11 51 38 131 21 016 4 48 10 24 11 54 22 130 0 13 4 28 10 3 11 57 17 138 0 94 89 4212 0 17 19 New York City; Phila- SUN SUN MOON | H. W. 118 7 18 4 12 7 104 29 931 12345678 Washington; Maryland, Virg'a, Ken'ky, Missouri, and California. SUN SUN MOON RISES. SETS. SETS. H. м.н. м. н. м. 23675434 934 morn 70439 937 640 7 10 4 32 737 7 114 32 "WHAT are you writing such a big hand for, Pat?" "Why, you see that my grandmother is dafe, and I am writing a loud letter to her." A STREAK AHEAD OF NOAH. -A dispute once arose between two Scotchmen, named Campbell and McLean, upon the antiquity of their families. The latter would not allow that the Campbells had any right to rank with the McLeans in antiquity, who, he insisted, were in existence as a clan since the beginning of the world. Campbell had a little more Biblical knowledge than his antagonist, and asked him if the clan of the McLeans was before the flood. "Flood! what flood?" asked McLean. "The flood, you know, that drowned all the world but Noah and his family, and his flock," said Campbell. "Pooh! you and your flood," said McLean; "my clan was afore the flood." "I have not read in my Bible," said Campbell, "of the name of McLean going into Noah's ark. "Noah's ark!" retorted McLean, in contempt. "Who ever heard of a McLean that hadn't a boat of his ain?" BE temperate in diet. Our first parents ate themselves out of house and home. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, December 1st, 1866. THE EXECUTIVE. ANDREW JOHNSON, of Tennessee, President of the United States and Acting Vice-President.. 4 THE CABINET. Salary $25,000 Salary 8,000 WILLIAM H. SEWARD, of New York, Secretary of State... THE JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. NATHAN CLIFFORD, of Maine, Associate Justice. | DAVID DAVIS, of Illinois, Associate Justice. SALMON P. CHASE, of Ohio, Chief Justice. SAMUEL NELSON, Of N. Y., 66 NOAH H. SWAYNE, of Ohio, 66 ROBERT C. GRIER, of Penn., SAMUEL F. MILLER, of Iowa, “ JAMES M. WAYNE, of Ga., STEPHEN J. FIELD, of Cal., [Vacancy.] Salary of Associate Justices, $6,000. Court meets first Monday in December, at Washington. MINISTERS TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. ENVOYS EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTERS PLENIPOTENTIARY. XXXIXth CONGRESS. SECOND REGULAR SESSION; CONVENED MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1865. SENATE. LAFAYETTE S. FOSTER, Norwich, Connecticut, President. JOHN W. FORNEY, of Pennsylvania, Clerk. [Republicans and Unionists (in Roman), 42. Democrats and Conservatives (in Italics), 10. For the names of the Senators who voted against the Civil Rights and Frecimen's Bureau Bills, see the vote on those bills on other pages. Senator Patterson, of Tennessee, who was elected as a Unionist, has been classed with the Conservatives. (C.) Seats contested. (A.) Appointed by the Governor of the State to serve until the election of a Senator by the Legislature. The figures before each Senator's name denote the year in which his term expires.] 1867 Ira Harris. NEW YORK. Albany. 1871 Alexander H. Stephens....Crawfordsville. Thomas W. Tipton........ John M. Thayer..... LOUISIANA. New Orleans. 1867 R. King Cutler (C.).... 1871 Michael Hahn (C.).. New Orleans. MISSISSIPPI. 1867 Wm. L. Sharkey.. ...Jackson. 1871 J. L. Alcorn NORTH CAROLINA. 1867 John Pool. .. Goldsboro. 1871 William A. Graham ..... Hillsboro. SOUTH CAROLINA. 1867 John L. Manning... ..Columbia. 1871 Benjamin F. Perry. .. Greenville. TEXAS. O. M. Roberts ........Tyler. 1869 Edwin D. Morgan........New York City. - David G. Burnett Galveston. OHIO. 1867 John Sherman........ Mansfield. 1869 Benjamin F. Wade.......Jefferson. VIRGINIA. 1867 John C. Underwood Alexandria. 1871 Joseph Segar Fortress Monroe |