SLAVERY AND SECESSION, 1865. On Nov. 9, 1865, a vote was taken on two ordinances passed by the State Convention of 1865, and entitled "An Ordinance declaring null and void the Secession Ordinance of May 20, 1261," and "An Ordinance prohibiting Slavery in North Carolina," with the following result Ratification... Anti-Slavery Ord. Anti-Secession Ord. ..19,039 Maj. for ratification.. 15,069 20,506 2,002 18,504 LEGISLATURE, 1866. The House of Commons contains about 25 members who are favorable to the Constitutional Amendment, and 95 who are opposed to it. The Senate has 50 members. At the election of a U. S. Senator, in November, 1866, 9 members voted for the candidate of the Union Party, John Pool. NEBRASKA. Abstract f votes on the adoption of the Constitution for the State of Nebraska, cast at an election held June 2d, 1866. STATE CONSTITUTION, 1866. For. Against. Counties. For. Against. .346 .432 Butler. Morton.Taffe.Pad'k.K'tze.G'd'h Saunders.. 28 14.. 23 16.. 16 Cavalry.......152 41.. Total........4093 3948.. 4820 4072.. 3422 2549 Per cent.. ...50.90 49.10.. 54.02 45.64.. 57.16 42.84 For Governor, David Butler (Rep.), 4,093; J. S. Morton (Dem.), 3,948, total vote, 8,041; Butler over Morton, 145. For member of XXXIXth Congress, T. M. Marquette (Rep.), 4,820, J. R. Brooke (Dem.), 4,072; Marquette over Brooke, 136. On Oct. 9th, an election was held for member of the XLth Congress, Delegate to the XLth Congress, Territorial Auditor, Territorial Treasurer, and Territorial Librarian, with the following result: For member of Congress, John Taffe (Rep.), 4,820; A. S. Paddock (Conserv. Rep.), 4,072; George Francis Train, 30; total vote, 8,920; Taffe over Paddock, 748; over all, 718. Total vote for Delegate to Congress, 8,958; T. M. Marquette (Rep.), 4,821; J. .S. Morton (Dem), 4,105; G. F Train, 32; Marquette over Morton, 716; over all, 684. In 1865, total vote for Territorial Treasurer 5,950; Kountze over Goodrich, 852. In 1864, 489 Hitchcock's (Union) majority for Delegate to Congress, 793. In 1862, Daily's (Union) maSTATE LEGISLATURE, '66. Senate.House.J.Bal. 870 .233 31 55 Jority, 153. 8 30........38 5 9........14 Counties. Burt .222 42 Nemaha.. .123 Cumming Dakota 5 54 Gage 96 61 1st Neb. Vet. Hall. 2 24 Kearney. 21 Lancaster 95 Lincoln... 30 Merrick 16 13 Total3938 3838 7 Total vote on adop- 20 tion, 7,776; majority for STATE AND TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. Simultaneously with the vote taken on the adoption of the State Constitution (June 2) an election for Governor of the State of Nebraska, and for member of the XXXIXth Congress, was held, with the following result GOV'NOR. 66. CONG. 266. TREAS'R. '65. 16.. உ 41 398.. 433 402 COLORADO. Douglas Johnson Dodge Gage. Hall.. Jones Kearney........ 22 28.. 14 Lincoln.. Merrick .110 33.. 147 49.. 85 29 Counties. Repub. Conserv. 10 27.. 46 -.. 67 .121 76.. 131 45.. 88 13 Clay 66 79 50 2.. 45 11[withGage] Bon Homme 80.. 8 3 Kittson 103 69.. 100 8 Todd.. 26 Union. 213 Yankton. Otoe... .462 842 446 782.. 422 714 Burleigh's majority, 339. LEGISLATURE, 1867. Council.House, Joint Bal. Platte. 90 89.. 85 96.. 50 82 Republicans... 0 6. 6 Richardson.....487 419 364 473.. 489 237 Conserv. and Dem....... 13 Saline. 11 50.. 44 68.. Sarpy.. ...106 235.. 147 210.. 146 200 Conserv. and Dem. maj. 13 12 25 Total.....1009 518 Holbrook's majority, 718. Democratic majority since 1864, LEGISLATURE, 1866. Council.House. Joint Bal. Republicans Democrats.... 3 7 3. Democratic majority.. 4 14 ΜΟΝΤΑΝΑ. 6 ..24 168.. 707 376 260 In 1866, total vote for Delegate to Congress, 1,695; Bashford over Poston, 491; over all $23. In 1865, total vote for Delegate to Congress, 1,343, Goodwin over Allyn 331; over Poston, 447; over both, 71. LEGISLATURE, 1866. No party lines were drawn at the election for members of the Ter18 ritorial Legislature, except in one county in which the Democrats were successful. According to the new apportionment, the Council consists of 9 members, (1 for Mohave, 3 for Pima, 1 for Pah-Ute, 3 for Yavapai, 1 for Yuma) and the House of 18 members (1 for Mohave, 8 for Pima, 1 for Pah-Ute, 5 for Yavapai, and 3 for Yuma). The apportionment is made on the basis of 614 persons to 1 member of the Council, and 307 persons for 1 member of the House. LEGISLATURE, 1866. Council.House.Joint Bal. Republicans... 2 ...11 Democratic majority.. 9 4......... 6 22..........33 18 27 Total Per cent 83,458 65,884 17,574 86,110 65,021 218 1,969 39,563 74,323 74,681 6,680 1,675 73,638 66,178 31,169 15,639 10,569 545 89,706 60,310 888 161 66,090 52,843 579 2,223,035 1,811,754 411,281 1,866,452 1,375,157 847,953 590,631 1,342,164 1,838,229 874,625 55.10 44.90 10.20 39.87 29.37 18.11 12.65 33.36 44.85 21.79 (* Democratic majority.)-In 1864, whole vote, 4,034,789; Lincoln's majority, 411,281. In 1860, whole vote, 4,680,193; Lincoln over Douglas, 491,275 over Breckinridge, 1,018,500, over Bell, 1,275,821; all others over Lincoln, 947,289. In 1856, whole vote 4,019,918, Buchanan over Fremont, 496,065; over Fillmore, 963,604. Fremont and Fillmore over Buchanan, 378,560. 12,244 7,707 11,467 Electrs chosen by the Legis lature. 11,350 64,709 69,274 47,548 15,438 33,808 6,849 291 9,106,000 Don Pedro II..... Emperor Argentine Repub. 820,000 1,171,800 B. Mitre...... Bolivia 374,000 Brazil 3,004,460 Chili... 170,000 Colombia. 480,800 Costa Rica. 16,250 Ecuador... 240,000 Guatemala 44,500 1,000,000 Vincente Cerna Hayti 10,081 Honduras 1866 Republic President..... 1865 Republic. 700,000 Gen. Geffrard.... President... 1859 Republic. 33,000 350,000 Jose Medina.... President..... 1864 Republic. 39,000 Benito Juarez.. President. 8,218,080 Maximilian I... Emperor 7,500 600,000 Franc. Duenas.... President. Uruguay Venezuela 426,712 1,565,000 Gen. Falcon...... President... 239,048 82,572,932 Francis Joseph I. Emperor.... 5,712 1,434,754 Frederic. 28,435 4,774,464 Ludwig II. 11,313 4,893,021 Leopold II. 112 1,525 104,091 292,708 William 21,856 1,608,095 Christian IX. 213,211 37,472,732 Napoleon III. 19,250 1,096,310 George I.... 4,430 8,761 229,941 790,171 Louis III... 13,890 3,699,744 William III. 1861 Republic. 1864 Absol. monarchy. 1863 Republic. 1862 Republic. 1865 Republic. 1866 Republic. 1863 Republic. 1865 Republic. 1855 Republic. 1795 Lim. monarchy. 1348 Const'l monarchy. Grand Duke.. 1852 Lim.sov., 2 chamb's. King.. King 118,356 24,550,845 Victor Eman'l II. King 552,612 Fred. Francis. 34,500 4,349,966 Luis I..... 1864 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1865 Lim. mon., 2 chamb. Burgomaster. 1863 Free city. Duko.. 1831 Lim. sov., 1 chamb. King 1863 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. Emperor. 1852 Con, mon., 2 chamb. Queen 1837 Lim.mon., 2 houses. King 1863 Limited monarchy. Burgomaster. 1865 Free city. King 1849 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1861 Lin.mon., 2 chamb. 445 1851 Lim.mon., 1 chamb. 170 81,382 Adolphus Prince 1860 Lim.mon., 1 chamb. 53 7,150 John II.... Prince.. 1858 Const'l monarchy. 142 50,614 Burgomaster. 1863 Free city. 4,701 Grand Duke.. 1812 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. 997 99,060 Fred. William 2,470 301,812 Peter 15,161 2,510,494 Const. Fornerod. Pres. Fed. Co. 1867 Republic. Turkey Wurtemberg 1,895,194 37,430,000 Abdul Azis Waldeckt..... 1852 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. Prussiat.... Reuss-Elderlinet Reuss-Young." t Russia San Marino. Saxonyt Saxe-Altenburg t. Saxe-Co. Gothat.. Saxe-Meiningen t. S'xe-W'r-Eisen.t.. 7,600 9,000,000 80,255,430 Alexander II. 2,343,994 John 141,839 Ernest 164,527 Ernest II... 178,065 George. 290,201 Chas. Alexander. Grand Duke.. 1860 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. Grand Duke.. 1853 Lim. sov., 2 chamb. 1861 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1861 Lim.mon. 2chamb. 1859 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. 1854 Lim. Sov., 1 chamb. 1855 Absol. monarchy. (Republic, senate, and exec.council. Prince 455 59,143 George Victor.... Prince In 1866, the Kingdom of Hanover, the Electorate of Hesse-Cassel, the Duchies of SchleswigHolstein and Nassau, the Free City of Frankfort, and portions of Bavaria and Hesse-Darmstadt, together with a population of 4,285,700, were annexed to Prussia. + The States marked + belong to the North German Confederation, which embraces an aggregate population of 29,220,862. Of Hesse-Darmstadt only one province belongs to the Confederation. Political. THE GOVERNMENT. 2 .50 .26 Reconstruction Act, Supple.24 mental of, March 23, 1867....30 Reconstruction Act, Supplemental of, June 19, 1867.....31 Representatives from NonReconstructed States, How .22 .19 .22 Admitted.. .22 PROGRESS OF IMPARTIAL .25 .20 SUFFRAGE. .30 Congress on Suffrage.........32 21 State Legislatures on Suf Passengers, Protection of....22 Pay of Army Officers.... .22 1 Penitentiaries in Territories.19 2 Pensions.. 4 Peonage Abolished. 3 Valid frage... IMPEACHΜΕΝΤ. ...33 20 Reports and Vote on Im.26 peaching President John.21 son.. 4 Rebel States, Government of.23 Alabama 1 Robbery of United States, Arizona 4 How Punished.... .... 3 Smithsonian Institution... Smuggling 26 Arkansas. Tenure of Civil Offices Cabinet-the President's ... 37 Volunteers, Rights of ....33 62 .65 64 47 21-22 Colorado 70 23 Connecticut. 43 65 26 Florida 63 26 Idaho Georgia .67 .65 Illinois 58 27 Indiana.. 57 27 Indian Territory 64 27 Iowa 55 27 Kentucky Kangas. 62 46 Louisiana... 62 27 Maine..... 43 48 59 55 56 .63 61 69 .68 67 43 48 69 49-54 66 45 68 44 44 64 59 61 65 68 44 70 .57 59 66 65 25 Pensions of Widows of Rey- Ohio .25 olutionary Soldiers.. .....27 Oregon 25 Post-office Site in New York. 27 Pennsylvania Causes, Removal of from Post-office and Sub-Treasury Currency and Public Securi- Amnesty Universal. ..28 OUR NEW PURCHASES. ties Drafted Men 19 Civil Courts, Supremacy of.. 28 Aliaska.... 22 Japan, Neutrality as to Civil St. Thomas. .27 VOTE FOR PRESIDENT. ..65 Education, Department of...24 Warin.. |