Total....14835 92507.61249 638.53145 51822 10290 Per cent...... 8.77 54: 11 44.98 8.93 In 1867, total number of voters registered, 221,754; total vote on Convention, 169,229; for Convention, 107,342; against Convention, 61,887: majority for Convention, 45,455; total number of White votes, 76,084; total number of Black votes, 93,155. In 1860, whole vote for President, 115,257; Bell over Breckinridge, 1,323; over Douglas, 42,855. The Reconstruction Convention elected in October, 1867, consisted of 105 delegates, of whom 80 were whites, and 25 were colored men. They were divided into 70 Republicans and 35 Conservatives. 782.. 1311 1050 Rio Arriba 594 1497.. 626 1209.. 1125 477 780 780.. 654 Socorro..... 573 662.. 745 Taos.. ..1037 821.. 995 Valencia Total Percent ..1123 577.. 1111 116. 223 203 618.. 690 643 413.. 176 1116 874.. 880 957 362.. 511 844 .8794 8891.. 8511 6180.. 6425 7231 ..49.72 50.28.. 57.95 42.05..47.08 52.92 In 1867, total vote for Delegate to Congress. 17,685: Charles P Clever over J Francisco Chavez, 97. Both candidates are claimed as Republicans; Clever is doubtless a Democrat. In 1865, majority for Chavez, 2,331. Majority for Perea in 1863, 806. Beaverhead.. 301 297.. 92 152.. 268 2239 954 818 Gallatin... 633 1037.. 36 30.. Alexandria, 1354 92 Clarke 631 375 430 47 Amherst....1504 1356 Culpepper Appomattox 748 Augusta 3336 Bath 884 Cumberland 518 1327 1266 Dinwiddie.. 692 1603 415 110 Elizabeth C. 352 1570 Bedford.....2242 1989 Essex 575 1121 Bland 35 24 Total.. ..4896 6004.. 2422 3808.. 2665 3899 Per cent....44 92 55 08.38.88 61 12..40.60 59.40 Total vote in 1867 (incl. of 762 thrown out for informality, and 30 cast in places where no precincts had been established), 11,692, Cavanaugh over Sanders, 1,108. In 1865, 6,230 McLean's maj. 1,386. In 1864, total vote, 6,561 McLean's maj 1,234. The vote, in 1867, was Total.. Per cent.. 2,223,035 1,811,754 411,281 1,866,452 1,375,157 847,953 590,631 1,342,164 1,838,229 874,625 55.10 44.90 10.20 39.87 29.37 18.11 12.65 33.36 44.85 21.79 (* Democratic majority.)-In 1864, whole vote, 4,034,789; Lincoln's majority, 411,281. In 1860, whole vote, 4,680,193; Lincoln over Douglas, 491,275; over Breckinridge, 1,018,500; over Bell, 1,275,821; all others over Lincoln, 947,289. In 1856, whole vote, 4,019,918; Buchanan over Fremont, 496,065; over Fillmore, 963,604. Fremont and Fillmore over Buchanan, 378,560. Electrs chosen by the Legis lature. 11,350 64,709 69,274 73,638 66,178 47,548 15,438 31,169 15,639 33,808 6,849 218 1,969 39,563 10,569 545 74,323 74,681 291 89,706 60,310 888 161 66,090 52,843 579 Anhaltt..... Austria 870,000 1,337,431 Franc. Sol. Lopez President. 1862 Republic. 1867 Republic. 22,000 200,000 Gen. Cabral...... President.... 1866 Republic. 7,500 75,000 600,000 Franc. Duenas... President..... 1865 Republic. 426,712 1,565,000 Juan Falcon...... President..... 1865 Republic. EUROPE. 1,017 193,046 Leopold 1817 Lim monarchy. 239,048 32,572,932 Francis Joseph I. Emperor...... 1848 Const'l monarchy. 5,712 1,434,754 Frederic 28,435 4,774,464 Ludwig II. 11,313 4,893,021 Leopold II.. Grand Duke, 1852 Lim. sov., 2 chamb. 1864 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1865 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. Burgomaster. 1863 Free city. Duke Baden Bavaria. King Belgium King Brement..... 112 104,091 Brunswickt 1,525 292,708 William... Duke ... 1831 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. Denmark 21.856 1,608,095 Christian IX. Great Britain..... 122,190 29,591,009 Victoria. Hesse-Darmst'dt+ Italy Lippe-Detmoldtt. Lippe-Schaumbgt Lubeckt.... Meck.-Schwerint Meck. Strelitzt.. Oldenburgt Reuss-Yourine 118,356 24,550,845 Victor Eman'l II. King 9,000,000 80,255,430 Alexander II..... 2,343,994 John.. 164,527 Ernest II...... 280,201 Chas. Alexander. King 1863 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 213.241 38,067,094 Napoleon III. Emperor. 1852 Con.mon., 2 chamb. Queen 1,096,310 George I.... King 1837 Lim.mon.. 2 houses. 1563 Lim. monarchy. 229,941 Burgomaster. 1865 Free cі у. 790,171 Louis III... Grand Duke.. 1849 Lim.sov., 2 chamb. 13,800 3,699,744 William III. King 1849 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1861 Lim.mon.. 2 chamb. 111,336 Leopold... Prince 1851 Lim.mon., 1 chamb. 31,382 Adolphus. Prince 1860 Lim.mon., 1 chamb. 7,150 John II.... Prince.. 1858 Const'l monarchy. 50,614 Burgomaster. ster. 1863 Free city. 552,612 Fred. Francis.... 997 99,060 Fred, William. 301,812 Peter.. 34,500 4,349,966 Luis I..... 135,662 23,590,543 William I. King 43,924 Henry XXII. Prince Grand Duke.. 1842 Lim. sov., 1 chamb. Grand Duke.. 1860 Lim, sov., 1 chamb. Grand Duke.. 1853 Lim. sov., 2 chamb. King 1861 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1861 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1859 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. 86,472 Henry XIV Prince 1867 Lim. sov.. 1 chamb. Czar.... 1855 Absol. monarchy. Republic, senate, and exec.council. 1854 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1853 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. Duke 1844 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. 178,065 George Duke 1866 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. Grand Duke.. 1853 Lim, sov., 1 chamb. Prince 1814 Lim. sov., 1 chamb. Schwzb'g-Sond.t. 358 66,189 Albert. Prince 1867 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. Spain 176.480 16,302,625 Isabella II. Queen 1833 Lim.mon, 2 chamb. States of Church. 4,502 690,000 Pius IX. Pope 1846 Absol.sovereignty. Sweden & Norw'y Switzerland 292,440 5,814,386 Charles XV. King 1859 Lim.mon.w.legis'e. Pres, Fed. Co. 1867 Republic. Turkey 1,895,194 37,430,000 Abdul Azis..... Sultan 1861 Absol, monarchy. Wurtemberg.. Waldeckt T.. 7,568 1,748,328 Charles I........ King.. 1864 Lim.mon., 2 chamb. 1852 Lim.sov., 1 chamb. In 1866, the Kingdom of Hanover, the Electorate of Hesse-Cassel, the Duchies of SchleswigHolstein and Nassau, the Free City of Frankfort, and portions of Bavaria and Hesse-Darmstadt, together with a population of 4,285,700, were annexed to Prussia. † The States marked belong to the North German Confederation, which embraces an aggregate population of 29,220,862. Of Hesse-Darmstadt only one province belongs to the Confederation. In 1867, in virtue of a treaty between Prussia and Waldeck, the administration of Waldeck was assumed by Prussia. .... 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 PAGES. 5 to 16 17 to 26 26 to 34 35 to 45 45 46 46 48 51 52 to 54 55 to 56 Senators and Representatives in XLIst Congress. Terms, Meeting of Legislature, and day of State Election. 50 TRADE SUPPLIED BY NEW YORK NEWS COMPANY, 8 SPRUCE ST., NEW YORK |