mittee on printing be authorized to have the debates reported and printed under the direction of the Congressional printer at the Government printing office. That for the purpose aforesaid there be appropriated and paid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three hundred and fifty thou sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. No. 21. Bridg, over the Ohio. Gives consent of Congress to the building of the bridge over the Ohio, at Cincinnati. No. 22. The Fur Trade. To protect fur-seal fisheries in Alaska. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION. CHAP. I.-To Strengthen the Public Credit. -In order to remove any doubt as to the purpose of the Governmen. to discharge all just obligations to the public creditors, and to settle conflicting questions and interpretations of the laws by virtue of which such obligations have been contracted, it is hereby provided and declared that the faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment, in coin or its equivalent, of all the obligations of the United States not bearing interest, known as United States notes, and of all the interest-bearing obligations of the United States, except in cases where the law authorizing the issue of any such obligation has expressly provided that the same may be paid in lawful money or other currency than gold and silver. But none of said interestbearing obligations not already due shall be redeemed or paid before maturity unless at such time United States notes shall be convertible into coin at the option of the holder, or unless at such time bonds of the United States bearing a lower rate of interest than the bonds to be redeemed can be sold at par in coin. And the United States also solemnly pledges its faith to make provision, at the earliest practicable period, for the redemption of the United States notes in coin. CHAP. III. For the further security of Equal Rights in the District of Columbia. The word "white," wherever it occurs in the laws relating to the District of Columbia, or in the charter or ordinances of the cities of Washington or Georgetown, and operates as a limitation on the right of any elector of such District, or of either of the cities, to hold any office, or to be selected and to serve as a juror, be, and the same is hereby, repealed, and it shall be unlawful for any person or officer to enforce or attempt to enforce such limitation after the passage of this act. CHAP. IX. Chief of Staff - Abolishes the office of chief of staff to the general of the army. CHAP. X. Civil Offices. Amends the act of March 2, 1867, so that every person holding any civil office to which he has been or hereafter may be appointed, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall have become duly qualified to act therein, shall be entitled to hold such office during the term for which he shall have been appointed, unless sooner removed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or by the appointment, with the like advice and consent, of a successor in his place, except as herein otherwise provided. During any recess of the Senate the President is empowered, in his discretion, to suspend any civil officer appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, except judges of the United States Courts, until the end of the next session of the Senate, and to designate some suitable person, subject to be removed in his discretion by the designation of another, to perform the duties of such suspended officer in the mean time; and such person so designated shall take the oaths and give the bonds required by law to be taken and given by the suspended officer, and shall, during the time he performs his duties, be entitled to the salary and emoluments of such office, no part of which shall elong to the officer suspended; and it shall be the duty of the President, within thirty days after the commencement of each session of the Senate, except for any office which in his opinion ought not to be filled, to nominate persons to fill all vacancies in office which existed at the meeting of the Senate, whether temporarily filled or not, and also in the place of all officers suspended; and if the Senate during such session shall refuse to advise and consent to an appointment in the place of any suspended officer, then, and not otherwise, the President shall nominate another person as soon as practicable to said session of the Senate for said office. CHAP. XI.-Frauds on the Currency.--Makes those who aid principal offenders in frauds upon the currency equally punishable with the main offenders. CHAP. XII. - Mexican Claims.-Directs the appointment of a commissioner to adjust Mexican claims under the convention of July 4, 1868. His compensation not to exceed $4,500 in currency per annum. Mexico is to appoint a commissioner with equal powers. CHAP, XIV.-Freedmen's Hospitals. - The commissioner of the bureau of refugees and freedmen is authorized and directed to continue the freedmen's hospitals at Richmond, Virginia; Vicksburg, Mississippi; and in the District of Columbia, including the asylum for aged and infirm freedmen, and for orphan children; expenses to come from money heretofore appropriated for the bureau; the hospitals to be discontinued as soon as may be practicable, at the discretion of the President. CHAP. XVI-Indian Matters. - This is the regular appropriation bill, to which was added a clause under which the military and Quaker Indian Peace Commissioners were organized. CHAP. XVII.-Submission of Southern State Constitutions. That the President, at such time as he may deem best for the public interest, may submit the Constitution of Virginia to the voters registered at the time of submission, and may submit separately such provisions as he may deem best; such vote to be taken either upon each of said provisions alone, or in connection with other portions, as the President may direct. At the same election the electors may elect members of the General Assembly, and all officers provided for by said Constitution, also for members of Congress. The commanding officer in Virginia shall cause the registry lists to be revised before this election, appointing such registrars as he deems necessary. [The act provides substantially the same forms of proceeding in the cases of Texas and Mississippi.] If either of the Constitutions shall be ratified, the legislature elected therewith shall assemble on the fourth Tuesde after official promulgation of the ratification. Section 6 reads thus: "Before the States of Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas shall be admitted to representation in Congress, their several legislatures which may be hereafter lawfully organized, shall ratify the Fifteenth Article which has been proposed by Congress to the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States." The last section enacts that the proceedings of any of these States shall not be deemed final, or operate as a complete restoration thereof, until their action respectively shall be approved by Congress. CHAP. XVIII.-Liquor and Tobacco Tax.Amends existing laws and provides for more efficient collection of revenue, the imposition of fines, confiscation of stock, etc., for evading the tax, using stamps a second time, etc. CHAP XX.-Judge Advocates. Fixes the number of judge advocates in the army at eight; the President and Senate to fill vacancies. able to him at the time of his resignation. That this act shall take effect on the first Monday of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. CHAP. XXIII.-Property of Married Women. That in the District of Columbia the right of any married woman to any property, personal or real, belonging to her at the time of marriage, or acquired during marriage in any other way than by gift or conveyance from her husband, shall be as absolute as if she were femme sole, and shall not be subject to the disposal of her husband, nor be liable for his debts; but such married woman may convey, devise, and bequeath the same, or any interest therein, in the same manner and with like effect as if she were unmarried. That any married woman may contract, and sue and be sued in her own name, in all matters having relation to her sole and separate property, in the same manner as if she were unmarried; but neither her husband nor his property shall be bound by any such contract, nor liable for any recovery against her in any such suit, but judgment may be enforced by execution against her sole and separate estate in the same manner as if she were sole. CHAP. XXIV. - Grants to Alabama. -Renews certain grants of lands to the State of Alabama for the furthering of railroads. JOINT RESOLUTIONS. No. 4.-Light-houses. --Promoting the building of light-houses on the coast of Oregon. No. 5.-The White House. - Appropriating $30,000 for lighting the President's house and grounds. No. 8.-Pay of the Army. That the pay and allowances of the enlisted men of the army shall remain as now fixed by law until the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and seventy. No. 9.-Settlers in Kansas. For the relief of settlers on the absentee Shawnee lands in Kansas. Each bond fide settler, having made improvements, shall be entitled to purchase not over 160 acres, at $2.50 per acre. No. 10.-Bridging the Ohio. - Authorizes the building of a bridge over the Ohio at Paducah, the span to be not less than 400 feet clear. CHAP. XXII.-The Judicial System. The Supreme Court of the United States shall hereafter consist of the Chief Justice and eight As sociate Justices, any six of whom shall constitute a quorum. [This required the appointment of an additional ustice.] For each of the nine existing judicial circuits there shall be appointed a circuit judge, who shall reside in his circuit, and shall possess the same power and jurisdiction therein as the justice of the Supreme Court allotted to the circuit. The circuit courts shall be held by the justice of the Supreme Court allotted to the circuit, or by the circuit judge of the circuit, or by the district judge of the district sitting alone, or by the justice of the Supreme Court and circuit judge sitting together, in which case the justice of the Supreme Court shall preside, or in the absence of either of them, by the other (who shall preside) and the district judge. And such courts may be held at the same time in the different districts of the same circuits, and cases may be heard and tried by each of the judges holding any such court sitting apart by direction of the presiding justice or judge, who shall designate the business to be done by each. The circuit judges shall each receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars. That nothing in this act shall affect the powers of the justices of the Supreme Court as judges of the circuit court, except in the appointment of clerks of the circuit courts, who in each circuit shall be appointed by the circuit judge of that circuit, and the clerks of the district courts shall be appointed by the judges thereof respectively: Provided, That the present clerks of said courts shall continue in office till other appointments be made in their place, or they be otherwise removed. That it shall be the duty of the Chief Justice and of each justice of the Supreme Court to attend at least one term of the circuit court in each district of his circuit during every period of two years. That any judge of any court of the United States, who, after having held his commission as such at least ten years, shall, after having attained to the age of seventy years, resign his office, shall thereafter, during the residue of his natural life, receive the same salary which was by law pay-frauds shall have power to administer baths in No. 14. Gen. Heintzelman. -The President is hereby authorized to place the name of Brevet Major-General S. P. Heintzelman on the retired list of the army, with the full rank of the command held by him when wounded, in accordance with the acts of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and July twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. No. 15. Paying Bounties. That the accounting officers of the treasury and pay department, who are charged with the settlement and payment of bounties due to soldiers or their heirs, be, and they are hereby, directed to pay, or cause to be paid, the sums found due to the said soldiers or their heirs, in person, or by transmitting the amount to them direct, in a draft or drafts, payable to his, her, or their order, or through the Freedmen's bureau, or State agents appointed specially for that purpose, or governors of national asylums, or pension agents of the district where he, she, or they may reside, and not to any claim agent, or upon any power of attorney, transfer, or assignment whatever. Any officer or person lawfully detailed to investigate such investigation. Fees allowed to attorneys or agents to be retained, and paid only where actual service has been rendered. No. 16. Ship Canal.-Extending the time for completing the Portage Lake and Lake Superior ship canal to March 3, 1871. No. 17.--Port of Entry.-Making San Diego, Cal., a port of delivery. No. 18. Boná fide Settlers. Enabling bonâ fide settlers to purchase certain lands acquired from the Osage Indians. No. 19.-Pacific Railroads. For the protection of the interests of the United States in the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad Companies. That the stockholders of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, at a meeting to be held on the twenty-second day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, at the city of Boston (with power to adjourn from day to day), shall elect a board of directors for the ensuing year; and said stockholders are hereby authorized to establish their general office at such place in the United States as they may select at said meeting. The common terminus of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific Railroads shall be at or near Ogden; and the Union Pacific Railroad Company shall build, and the Central Pacific Railroad Company pay for and own the railroad from the terminus aforesaid to Promontory summit, at which point the rails shall meet and connect and form one continuous line. That, to ascertain the condition of the Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad, the President of the United States is authorized to appoint a board of eminent citizens, not exceeding five in number, and who shall not be interested in either road, to examine and report upon the condition of, and what sum or sums, if any, will be required to complete each of said roads, for the entire length thereof, to the said terminus as a first-class railroad, in compliance with the several acts relating to said roads; and the expense of such board, including an allowance of ten dollars to each for their services for each day employed in such examination or report, to be paid equally by said companies. That the President is hereby authorized and required to withhold from each of said companies an amount of subsidy bonds authorized to be issued by the United States under said acts sufficient to secure the full completion as a first-class road of all sections of such road upon which bonds have already been issued, or in lieu of such bonds he may receive as such security an equal amount of the first mortgage bonds of such company; and if it shall appear to the President that the amount of subsidy bonds yet to be issued to either of said companies is insufficient to insure the full completion of such road, he may make requisition upon such company for a sufficient amount of bonds already issued to said company, or in his discretion of their first mortgage bonds, to secure the full completion of the same. And in default of obtaining such security as in this section provided, the President may authorize and direct the Attorney-General to institute such suits and proceedings on behalf and in the name of the United States, in any court of the United States baving jurisdiction, as shall be necessary or proper to compel the giving of such security, and thereby, or in any manner otherwise, to protect the interests of the United States in said road, and to insure the full completion thereof as a first-class road, as required by law and the statutes in that case made. No. 20.--Right of Way for a Railroad from a point at or near Portland, Oregon, to a point west of the Cascade Mountains, in Washington Territory-That the Northern Pacific Railroad Company be, and hereby is, authorized to extend its branch line from a point at or near Portland, Oregon, to some suitable point on Puget Sound, to be determined by said Company, and also to connect the same with its main line west of the Cascade Mountains, in the Territory of Washington; said extension being subject to all the conditions and provisions, and said company in respect thereto being entitled to all the rights and privileges conferred by the act incorporating said company, and all acts additional to and amendatory thereof: Provided, That said company shall not be entitled to any subsidy in money, bonds, or additional lands of the United States, in respect to said extension of its branch line as aforesaid, except such lands as may be included in the right of way on the line of such extension as it may be located: And provided further, That at least twenty-five miles of said extension shall be constructed before the second day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and forty miles per year thereafter until the whole of said extension shall be completed. PROCLAMATIONS. FORM SUBMITTING THE SOUTHERN CONSTITUTIONS. In pursuance of the provisions of the act of Congress approved April 10, 1869, I hereby designate the 6th day of July, 1869, as the time for submitting the constitution passed by the convention which met in Richmond, Virginia, on Tuesday, the 3d day of December, 1867, to the voters of said State, registered at the date of such submission, viz.: July 6, 1869, for ratification or rejection. And I submit to a separate vote the fourth clause of section one, of article three, of said constitution, which is in the following words: "Every person who has been a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice-President, or who held any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemics thereof. cers: governor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of State, auditor of public accounts, auditor, register of the land office State treasurer, attorney-general, sherifis, sergeant of a city or town, commissioner of the revenue, county surveyors, constables, overseers of the poor, commissioner of the board of public works, judges of the supreme court, judges the circuit court, judges of the court of hustings, justices of the county courts, mayor, recorder, alderman, councilmen of a city or town, coroners, escheators, inspectors of tobacco, flour, &c., clerks of the supreme, district, circuit, and county courts, and of the court of hustings, and attorneys for the Commonwealth; provided that the legislature may, by a vote of three-fifths of both houses, remove the disabilities incurred by this clause from clause shall include the following offiany person included therein by a separate vote in each case." And I also submit to a separate vote the sev repealed all acts and parts of acts inconsistent therewith: Now, therefore, I, ULYSSES S. GRANT, Presienth section of article three of the said consti- dent of the United States, do hereby direct that, tution, which is in the words following: "In addition to the foregoing oath of office, the governor, lieutenant-governor, members of the general assembly, secretary of State, auditor of public accounts, State treasurer, attorney-general, and all persons elected to any convention to frame a constitution for this State, or to amend or revise this constitution in any manner. and mayor and council of any city or town, shall, before they enter on the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation, provided the disabilities therein contained may be individually removed by a three-fifths vote of the general assembly: I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the United States since I have been a citizen thereof; that I have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel, or encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto; that I have never sought nor accepted nor attempted to exercise the functions of any office whatever under any authority or pretended authority in hostility to the United States; that I have not yielded a voluntary support to any pretended government, authority, power, or constitution within the I do further swear (or afirm), that to the best of my knowledge and ability I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, with out any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God. The above oath shall also be taken by all the city and county officers before entering upon their duties, and by all other State officers not included in the above provision." United States hostile or inimical thereto. And I direct the vote to be taken upon each of the above-cited provisions alone, and upon the other portions of the said constitution in the following manner, viz.: Each voter favoring the ratification of the constitution (excluding the provisions above quoted), as framed by the convention of December 3, 1867, shall express his judgment by voting FOR THE CONSTITUTION. Each voter favoring the rejection of the constitution (excluding the provisions above quoted) shall express his judgment by voting AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION. Eaca voter will be allowed to cast a separate ballot for or against either or both of the provisions above quoted. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the independence of the United States of America the ninety-third. U. 'S. GRANT. THE EIGHT-HOUR LAW. WHEREAS the act of Congress, approved June 25th, 1868, constituted on and after that date eight hours a day's work for all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed by or on behalf of the Government of the United States, and from and after this date, no reduction shall be made in the wages paid by the Government by the day to such laborers, workmen, and mechanics on account of such reduction of the hours of labor. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this nineteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the independence of the United States the ninety-third. U. S. GRANT. NATIONAL INDEBTEDNESS. It will be seen that, in proportion to territory, the debt of the United States is less oppressive than that of any other country. Our debt is up to Dec. 1, 1869, and estimated upon a population that will probably be within the census return: 1866-67. Sq. Miles. Population, Debt. Av. pr. hd. Austria..... 236,311 37,931 000 $1,459 858,845 $38.49 Belgium.... 11,267 4 984,000 141,584,033 28.40 France...... 207,480 38,092,000 2,598,659,600 68.10 Gt. Britain. 112,190 29,935,000 4.014,214,745 134.89 Holland 392.595.832 107.97 Italy. 1,355,081,632 60.27 Portugal.. 188,856,238 45.71 Prussia.. 210,615,320 10.91 Spain... 819,637,356 50.32 2,453,559,735 64.57 13,464 3,636,000 18,154 22,483 000 36,312 4,350,000 107.185 19,304,000 190,325 16,287,000 Un. States. 2,819,811 38,000,000 THE CONSTITUTIONS OF NEW YORK. THE VARIOUS REVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS. FIRST CONSTITUTION. The Convention of Representatives of the People of New York that ratified the Declaration of Independence, appointed a committee, who reported (March 12, 1777) a Constitution for State Government, and on the 20th of April that Constitution was adopted, and was in operation for forty-four years. Under it the right of suffrage was confined to property owners; voters for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and Senators, were to have a freehold worth £150 above debt. For Members of Assembly all male inhabitants could vote who owned a £20 free hold, or paid a yearly rent of forty shillings, and were annually rated and paid taxes. No discrimination was made against blacks or mulat toes, except that they were required to produce authenticated certificates of freedom. Voters were enumerated whenever a census was taken, The following table shows the number and percentage of the total population:. Total.. 243 57606 64017 85907 121377 151846 259357 Per ct. of pop.16.93 13.78 13.73 10.75 14.66 18.78 The first convention under this Constitution was held in October, 1801, to settle the controversy regarding the relative powers of the Governor and the Council of Appointment. They decided unanimously that their powers were equal; fixed the number of Senators at thirty-two, and Assemblymen at one hundred, to be increased at the rate of two yearly after each census until the number reached one hundred and fifty. The Senate at first consisted of twenty-four members, in four classes, the terms of six expiring each year. The first Assembly had seventy members, chosen annually. SECOND CONSTITUTION. debts and incumbrances, and had paid tax on that amount. Persons convicted of infamous crimes were not to vote unless pardoned. The Governor's term was changed from three to two years, and to be eligible he must be a native citizen. Large appointing powers were given to the Governor and Senate, placing a vast amount of patronage practically in the hands of the Executive; the first crowd of appointments numbered 2,238. The State was divided into eight Senate districts, each having four members, one to be chosen each year. The Assembly was fixed at one hundred and twenty-eight, and apportioned to counties according to population, but counties were not divided into districts. During the existence of this Constitution the following amendments were voted upon, and decided as the figures indicate: In 1825-On electing Presidential Electors: By districts. 66,324 general ticket, plurality......... 56,801 ،، majority 931 In 1826--Election of Justices and Extending Elective Franchise (abolishing property qualification for white voters): For electing Justices... Against electing Justices. For Abolishing Property Qualifica- In 1883-Electing Mayor of New York by the 129,098 1,663 127,077 Against Abolishing. 3,215 For electing Mayor For electing all Mayors........ People: 48,977 1,936 90,473 382 In 1839-Electing all Mayors by the People: Against electing all Mayors... For Removal of Amendment..... 114,769 Against Removal of Amendment... 3,689 For Abolishing Prop. Qualification. 114,900 Against Abol. Prop. Qualification.. 3,901 In 1846-The Tavern and Excise Act, except in New York City: For No License 177,683 111,884 The number of voters at various periods under this Constitution, and their percentage of the entire population, was as follows. Ycars. Voters. 296,182 1835.... 422,034 1845........539,379 Per Cent. 18.81 19.77 20.71 The number of aliens by the census was: A Convention was called, by vote of the people, April, 1821, the result being: For Convention, 109,346; against, 34,901; majority for, 74,445. The report of the Convention was made November 20, 1821, and voted upon in February, 1822, the result being: For the new Constitution, 74,732; against it, 41,402; majority for, 33,330. The principal changes were abolishing the Councils of Appointment and Revision (of bills proposed to be enacted by the Legislature), vesting their useful powers in the Governor, extending the elective franchise, and making many more officers elective by the people. The suffrage article was as follows: Every male citizen, twenty-one years old, one year resident of the State, six months in the county, having paid taxes within the year, or being exempt, or had performed military duty, or was a fireman, or in certain conditions done work on the highway, could vote. Colored men were not allowed to vote unless they had been citizens for three years, and possessed a freehold of $250 overly all important officers elective. An election Years. Aliens. Per Cent. 2.44 8.83 7.52 THIRD CONSTITUTION. Moved principally by the danger of the abuse of the vast patronage in the way of appointments in the hands of the Governor, the people went strongly in the other direction, and demanded a Constitution that should make near |