6 Merrill Gill'py Grant Sey'r Merrill Mason 5.. 8 767 406 936 448 540 228 10WA. GOV'R, '69. PRES.'68. GOV'R, '67. Sioux. Rep. Dem. Rep. Dem. Rep. Dem. Story.. Merrill Gill'py Grant Sey'r Merrill Mason Tama 473 219.. 313 139.. 235 108 Taylor 496 194.. 427 166.. 310 132 Union. 499 275.. 488 352.. Alamakee..1485 1435.. 1543 1.403.. 1216 1307 Van Buren..1681 1217.. 2026 1606.. 1881 1509 Counties. Adair. Adams Appanoose..1374 1084.. 1519 1236.. 1347 Benton......1791 804.. 2587 1172.. Blackhawk.. 1514 208.. 2580 31.. Butler.... 687 246.. 1118 Carroll Cass.... 1510 995.. 841.. 1410 1079 538.. 1000 926.. 1394 4.. 303 298 26 2 Woodbury.. 475 313.. 424.. 678 67.. 83 247 113.. 150 82.. 113 564 336.. Cedar ..1513 Cerro Gordo 496 Cherokee... 187 420 248.. 702.. 2470 1381.. 1838 108.. 22.. 415.. 441 345 73.. 430 323.. 147 I 525 237 253 259 41.. 180 36 62 306 Worth. 1032 51 14 996 520.. 758 333 942 333.. 1062 426.. 5.. 76 4.. In 1869, whole vote for Governor, 154013; Samuel Merrill over George Gillaspy, 39145. Whole vote for President in 1868, 194439; Grant's majority, 46359. In 1867, whole vote for Gov Samuel Merrill 741 32 6 Clay..... III Emmett... 142 9.. 121 10.. 102 Fayette.....1306 678.. 2124 1051.. 2121 4 ernor, 153193; over Charles Ma OTHER STATE OFFICERS ELECTED IN 1869. Lieut. Gov. M. M. Walden over Richardson. LEGISLATURE, 1870. Senate.House.Joint Bal. Republicans. 86... .7 Rep. maj.... 5.. 136 28.. 113 19 967 MINNESOTA. Floyd..... 018 267.. 1233 400.. 766 300 GOV'NOR, '69. PRES. '68. Franklin.... 626 83.. 516 78.. 397 55 Counties. Rep. Dem. Temp. Rep. Dem. Fremont.... 867 907.. 977 1082.. 800 860 Austin Otis Cobb Greene...... 473 218.. Anoka.......... 229 215 Grant Seym. Grundy 357 26.. 530 75.. 276 8 Benton... Guthrie.. 610 399.. 547 34.. 702.. 932 535.. 1076 419 732.. 694 603 649.. 2802 1044. 2332 866 Hardin... 1132 337.. 1586 Ida.. lowa 42 304. 674 380.. 613 339 111.. 271 80.. 249 71 I.. 23 5.. 15 .1255 954.. 1490 1164.. 1170 068 Chisago... Crow Wing..... Dakota... Dodge... I Jackson.....1569 1681.. 2040 2117.. 1724 1855 Jasper......2163 716.. 2709 1232.. 1816 678 .1563 1058.. 1895 1309.. 1785 1315 Fillmore... Jefferson. 30.. 217 13 Houston Kossuth 355 -.. 332 Linn Kanabac Louisa ......1281 687.. 1599 761.. 1343 693 Mills.. 680 440.. 842 551.. 629 516 Manomin Muscatine ..1566 496 2539 1576.. 2068 1461 Mille Lac. 721 332.. 936 474.. 673 399 Morrison... Cass. no election. no return. 594 1887 082 622 121 2.. 563 106 266 -.. 362 231 34 new.co. 82 53 18.. 118 41 6 3 Monongalia..... 170 76 68 139 469 486 1110 639 97.. 2369 1307 170 35 no return. GOV'R, '69. PRES.'68. GOV'R, '67, Rad. Con.* Stokes Senter D. Dem. Rep. De Rep. Dem. Sullivan.. Sumner.. Tipton...... Union...... Van Buren.. Warren...... 983 263.. 1264 3362 7304.. 5116 683 1954.. 617 60 1151.. 120 497 1751.. 585 528 2634 465 388 1114.. 262 581 381.. 626 30 240.. 377 1156.. 342 2871.. 4419 2735 215.. 993 278 830.. 252 631 20.. 776 22 378.. 891 224 1733.. 178 1273 43.. 648 208 -.. 15 Anderson.... 551 474 595 142. 643 355 Washington..1155 1200.. 1217 Bedford.......1346 2331. 1449 1064.. 1786 918 Wayne..... Benton... 526 440.. 556 21 Weakley. 555 2215.. 506 67 166.. 415 69.. 1296 11 158 102 344 Wilson.. 919 3287.. 850 66 58 159 112 796.. 175 31.. 261 Bledsoe Blount. ...1272 819.. 1361 112.. 1381 Bradley. 955 836.. 1084 265.. 1094 288 Campbell. 678 263.. 550 40.. 639 188 Cannon 306 1260.. 311 Carroll. 177 430 157 .1154 1577.. 1193 55.. 1592 69 Carter..... 932 218.. 761 30.. 921 Cheatham 82 548.. 73 80.. 207 Claiborne 672 653.. 591 48.. 795 2.. 938 Cocke...... 585 511.. 783 Coffee. 98 1334.. 110 Cumberland.. 153 183.. 242 Davidson.....4095 6494. 4517 In 1869, for Governor, whole vote 175369; De Witt C. Senter over William B. Stokes, 59 65297. In 1868, whole vote for President, 82757. Maj. for Grant, 30490. In 1867, William G. Brownlow over Emerson Etheridge for Governor, 51044. 4 Franklin...... 262 1800.. 82 118.. 702 313 Gibson 397 3452..no return.. Giles.... ..1042 3116.. 561 611.. 1879 277 153 Grainger. 656 991.. 921 Greene. .1402 1762.. 1616 Grundy 656.. 1530 802 -.. 38 9.. 45 Hamilton... 895 1562.. 1273 Hancock.. 588 269.. 492 393.. 1480 59 302 579 20 Hardeman 270 1902.. 506 810.. 446 603 Hardir.. 670 1050.. 698 236.. 875 117 Hawkins. 958 1417.. 950 84.. 107 186 Haywood... 2069 2026. 1382 Henderson 811.. 1655 442 724 1151.. 644 105.. 785 112 Henry.... 253 2523.. 168 Hickman ... 150 1254.. 97 148.. 19 104.. 262 117 Humphreys... 41 IIII.. 102 * Both candidates claimed to be Republicans and supporters of the National Administration, but Gen. Stokes received the larger portion of the Republican votes, while Governor Senter received generally the support of the Democrats and ex-Confederates. Districts I. Coahoma De Soto... MISSISSIPPI. Jefferson.....1927 413.. 1926 417.. 1672 GOV' NOR, '69. CONG. '69. CONS.'68. Alcorn Dent Harris Wafford Cons. Cons. 2044 1398.. 2023 1991 1322.. 1982 41.. 864 114 Perry Alcorn Dent Perce Brown For Agst. 55 1372.. 413 2167 Pike.... 1164.. 1587 2279 Wilkinson.... 2363 336..no return.. 2186 Marshall. Newton..... Rankin Scott. Smith.. Warren 570 726.. 568 987 1006.. 987 Washington..2537 140.. 2538 Yazoo ...2642 815.. 2631 752.. 1793 1207 607.. 453 1003 527. 291 911 996. 4851 1316 Total... ..25321 9812..25082 9811..20513 15585 tion, 4928. Maj. for James L. Alcorn over Louis Dent in OTHER STATE OFFICERS ELECTED. Lieut. Gov.R. C. Powers over E. Jeffords. 66 Sec. State.. James Lynch T. Sinclair. Jos. McCloy. A. W. Wills. T. S. Gathright. LEGISLATURE, 1870. Senate.House. Joint Bal. ..7 25...........32 57.. ..76 The vote on the new Constitution was almost The proposition (submitted separately) to The general election was held September 6, There are 13 counties in the Territory, those giving majorities for the Republican The counties giving majorities for the Demo- 404 Democrats............... Republicans.............10 433 383 Republican maj........ 7 17.............27 8............15 Total. Per cent.. 3013188 2703600 309588 2216127 1808725 407342 1866452 1375157 847953 590631 (*Democratic majorities.) In 1868, whole vote 5716788; Grant's maj. 309588. In 1864, whole vote 4024852; Lincoln's maj. 407402. In 1860, whole vote 4680193. Lincoln over Douglas, 491275; over Breckinridge, 1018500; over Bell, 1275821; all others over Lincoln, 947269. 52.71 47.29 5.42 55.10 44.90 0.20 39.87 18.11 12.65 |