XLth Congress as far as chosen.. The States of the Union: Area, Population, Capitals, Gov- Astronomical, &c. Calendar Jewish .... GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Habeas Corpus.. 3 Homestead Law Mahomedan....... 3 Howard Institute. Calendars (January to Decomber); Changes of the Moon; Pianets on the Meridian'; Sun on the Noonmark, Sidereal Noon, Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon throughout the United States 5-16 Conjunctions, Lunar and Eclipses for the Year 1867.... Seasons Star Table. Tide Table of 110 Places Political. THE GOVERNMENT. PAGE AY67 NST8 1867 PAGE 28 Tennessee 29 Vermont.. 30 West Virginia. .30 PROCLAMATIONS. .35 35 34 Hydrographic Office. 32 Blockade of Mexican Ports..35 Kansas-Lands to..........31,32 Canada.... Kidnapping. Liberia-Gunboat to... Lincoln-Mrs... 2 Lumber-Maine. 1 Metric System. 28 at an end. .35 27 THE CIVIL RIGHTS BILL. 27 The Bill. The President's Veto. The Vote by which ..30 the Bill was carried over 36-42 34 Michigan-Lands to the Veto.. 2 Missouri-Reimbursement of.28 THE FREEDMEN'S BUREAU BILL. Cabinet-the President's.....19 Pacific Railroad Congress-Members of the Passports... XXXIXth.... 20-22 Patent Office Fees Congress-XLth, as far as chosen..... Pensions... 23 Pennsylvania Executive Officers-General. 19 Pilot Regulations Foreign Ministers 19 Portland-hire in. Judiciary-Supreme Court ..19 Port of Entry Congress 20-22 Port of Delivery. Territories-Delegates from. 22 STATES OF THE UNION. Area; White Population in 1850; White, Colored, Indian, and Total Population in 1860; Increase and Percentage of Increase of Population from 1850 to 1860; Capitals; Governors, their Salaries and Term of Office; Time of Meeting of Legislatures; Time of State Elections; State Censuses of 1864 and 1865 ACTS OF CONGEESS. Promotions in the Navy. .....45-46 Election Returns. .27, 31 Arizona 33 Arkansas .27 California 32 Colorado Registry of Vessels.... .27 Connecticut. 31 Delaware.. .32 Dakota.. Taxes-Refunding of.. 33 Illinois Academy-Military...... 71 67 58 70 49 57 70 71 65 Indiana. .60 .31 Iowa.. 61-62 .30 Kansas .61 .30 Kentucky .57 32 Maine 49 .34-35 Michigan.. 63 .64 Assistant Assessors of Inter- Constitutional Amendment..34 Minnesota. 27 Emperor of Russia. 28 Farragut 27 Foreign Convicts 27 Income Tax... Laws of United States. 27-Lincoln-Statue of. Madison's Writings... .35 New York... 34, 35 North Carolina. .34 Ohio .35 Oregon.. 34 Pennsylvania.. 33 Medals......34,35 Rhode Island 27 Metric System Collectors of Customs,.....33 Missing Soldiers.. Hand Children of.. Correction-House of tation for.... Ditches and Canals Duty on Live Animals. 28 Military Academy. 32 Orphans' Home. 32 Pay of Army Officers Portland. 35 Texas 35 Vermont 34 West Virginia. 34 Wisconsin .34 Prisoners of War-Rations of.35 1856 28 Soldiers' College 28 Soldiers' Graves .31 State Papers-American ..31 Telegraph 34 71 FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 35 The States of America and .34 Europe; Names and Titles ..35 of Rulers and their Acces34 sion. Form of Government.72 Eclipses for the Year 1867. There will be two eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon. L. An annular eclipse of the Sun March 6. Invisible in America, but visible in Europe, Africa, and Asia. II. A partial eclipse of the Moon early in the morning of Wednesday, March 20. Visible throughout America. In California and Oregon it will begin in the evening of the 19th. Size, 9.756 digits on the southern limb. For the times of its phases, see annexed table. III. A total eclipse of the Sun August 29. Invisible in the United States, but visible in South America. IV. A partial eclipse of the Moon, Friday evening, Sept. 13. Visible in America generally. This eclipse will begin before the Moon rises at places west of Boston, and it will therefore rise more or less eclipsed. In the Pacific States this eclipse is wholly invisible. Size, 8.448 digits on the northern limb. For the times of the several phases, see the annexed table. Augusta, Me.... Detroit, Mich... Columbus, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio..... Y.. Boston, Mass.. S. C... Chagres, N. G... 2 21 5 28 2 19 5 26 2 17 5 24 2 15 5 22 2 12 5 19 29 5 16 26 5 13 25 5 12 2 4 5 11 2057 2 31 5 38 6 13 9 12 Lansing, Mich... Lexington, Ky... Tallahassee, Fla..... Frankfort, Ky.... Fort Wayne. Ina. 181 4 41 Louisville, Ky.. 1 33 4 40 2 29 5 86 9 10 Indianapolis, Ind...... 1 31 4 88 Grand Haven, Mich. 2 25 5 32 96 Nashville, Tenn... 1 29 4 86 Chicago, Ill.. 2 23 5 30 94 Evausville, Ind... 1 25 4 82 1 24 4 81 Milwaukee, Wis..... 92 Mobile, Ala. 1 22 4 20 91 Cairo, Ill Hickman, Ky. 1 17 4 34 Madison, Wis.. 90 Springfield, Ill... New Orleans, La. 1 15 4 22 Jackson, Miss... 8 58 St. Louis, Mo.. 1 14 4 21 8 56 Galena, 111...... Dubuque, Iowa 1 12 4 19 8 53 La Crosse, Wis.. Natchez, Miss 1 10 4 17 Baton Rouge, La.... 850 Keokuk, lowa... Quincy, Ill 18 4 15 849 Iowa City, Iowa.. Jefferson City, Mo... Little Rock, Ark.... 8 48 Superior City, Wis.. Des Moines, Iowa. St. Paul, Minn.... 8 47 St. Joseph, Mo.... Lawrence, Kansas 053 40 784 846 Omaha City, Neb.... 8 45 Vera Cruz, Mex.... 8 41 Matamoros, Mex... Austin, Texas. Mexico. 158 55 8 39 Santa Fe, N. M. 6 52 Salt Lake City, Utah.. 11 46 Oregon City, Oregon.. 11 11 2 18 Sacramento City, Cal. 11 8 2 15 Monterey Cal... 11 7 2 14 San Francisco, Cal.. 834 Portland, Oregon 11 5 Savannah, Ga.. 1 51 4 58 8 32 Salem, Oregon 11 229 Columbia, S. C..... St. Augustine, Fla... 1 49 4 56 Astoria, Oregon...... 11 027 8 30 Nee-ah, Wash. Ter... 10 5623 M 4613 CHARACTERS EXPLAINED.- Mercury, Venus, & Mars, 24 Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun, 8 Opposition or half a circle apart, Quadrature or quarter of a circle apart, Conjunction or together, having the same right ascension; the word near, used above, means the same, and indicates that the two bodies are then on a line running from the North Pole through both; gr. elon., greatest elongation or farthest distance from the Sun; stationary, when the planet is without apparent motion, and is about to move in a direction contrary to that it last had. The above table enables us to find the planets throughout the year. OCCULTATIONS.-The Moon will occult, or eclipse the beautiful star Aldebaran (a Tauri), Feb. 12th, visible. The star instantly disappears behind the eastern limb of the Moon, at Washington, at 10h. 43m. evening, and reappears at 11h. 46m. Mercury will be eclipsed by the Moon, May 2d, at 4h. 2m. at Washington, being just before the Moon rises. The planet will instantly appear on the western side at 5h. 2m. On the 5th of May it will eclipse the star Aldebaran again, visible. At Washington the immersion occurs at 6h. 59m. evening, and the emersion at 7h. 53m. The same star will be visibly eclipsed again Nov. 13th, at 3h. 5m. morning, at Washington, and reappear at 4h. 13m. The Seasons. Spring begins March 20, 1867, 8h. 30m.evening. Autumn begins Sept. 23, 1867, Th. 27m. morning. NOTABLE DAYS AND PERIODS.-Dominical Letter, F; Epact, 25; Golden Number, 6; Solar JUPITER will be Evening Star until February 3, being then in conjunction with the Sun, and lost in its light. Thence Morning Star until May 27, when it reaches its western quadrature. During the rest of the year it will be Evening Star, and rather interesting. August 26, it will be largest and at the opposition, rising about sunset, and will appear three times as large as Mars did on January 10. On December 9 it will be 100 due south of the brightest star in the Urn. MERCURY will be brightest, and at the most favorable stations for visibility, March 6, July 3, and October 28, being then in the west, and Evening Star soon after sunset; also April 25, August 24, and December 12, being then in the east as Morning Star just before sunrise. New and Valuable Tide Table of 110 Places. To find the time of high-water at any of the places named in the following table, add the time indicated in the first column of figures to the time of "Moon South," found in the calendar pages. EXAMPLE: Required the time of high-water at New Haven for May 4th and 7th. For the 4th, Moon South, at 0h. 24m. in the afternoon, which added to 11h. 16m. gives 11h. 40m. of the same evening for high-water. On the 6th, Moon South at 2h. 24m. evening, which added as before, gives 13h. 40m., or 1 o'clock 40m. in the morning of the 7th, for high-water. There are two tides during the passage of the moon from the meridian, around to the meridian again, and they are about 12h. 26m. apart. The year 5627, of 13 months, began Sept. 10th, 1866, and ends Sept. 30th, 1867. The year 1283 began May 16th, 1866, and ends May 4th, 1867. The year 1284 begins May 5th. |