Proceedings of the British Academy, Svazek 38British Academy |
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Výsledky 1-3 z 24
Strana 12
... Bab al - Futūḥ ( right ) to the Bāb an - Nasr , after the clearance made in 1940-50 9. The Bab al - Futūḥ 10a . The Bab al - Futūḥ : detail of ornament b . The Bab al - Futuḥ : decorated brackets 11. The Bab al - Futuḥ : Section II ...
... Bab al - Futūḥ ( right ) to the Bāb an - Nasr , after the clearance made in 1940-50 9. The Bab al - Futūḥ 10a . The Bab al - Futūḥ : detail of ornament b . The Bab al - Futuḥ : decorated brackets 11. The Bab al - Futuḥ : Section II ...
Strana 113
... Bāb an - Naṣr , Bāb al - Futūḥ , and Bāb Zuwayla - all well preserved , together with about 400 m . of the north wall with five towers , and about 70 m . of the south wall . These fortifications3 are of great importance as they are an ...
... Bāb an - Naṣr , Bāb al - Futūḥ , and Bāb Zuwayla - all well preserved , together with about 400 m . of the north wall with five towers , and about 70 m . of the south wall . These fortifications3 are of great importance as they are an ...
Strana 121
... Bāb al - Wazir and the Darb al - Mahrūq is the second Bab al - Mahruq , which has not yet been opened up , but which has every appearance of being a bent entrance also . In the Citadel we meet with no less than three bent entrances ...
... Bāb al - Wazir and the Darb al - Mahrūq is the second Bab al - Mahruq , which has not yet been opened up , but which has every appearance of being a bent entrance also . In the Citadel we meet with no less than three bent entrances ...
PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS By Sir Charles Webster | 2 |
HERO AND LEANDER Warton Lecture on English Poetry By C S Lewis | 23 |
THE PHILOSOPHY OF ANALYSIS Philosophical Lecture By Brand | 39 |
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appointed Arbuthnot archaeological Arinbjorn Athelstan attended Bāb battle of Brunanburh British Academy Brougham Cabinet dinner Cabinet meetings Cabinet Minister Cairo Canning's century Classical colleagues Council Diaries and Corresp drápa Duke Dura-Europus edition Egill Egill's Egils Saga Eirík Eldon Ellenborough Ellenborough's Pol English entrance fact Foreign friends gate gateway George George III George IV Government Greek Grenville Grey Hamilton Thompson Harrowby Henry Hobhouse Hero and Leander Howick MSS Ibid interest judgement Kenyon King King's later Latin lectures letter Liverpool Lord Chancellor Lord Liverpool manuscripts means Melbourne ment Ministry Museum never opinion Oxford Palmerston Papers papyri Parl Parliament Peel Perceval philosophers Pitt Pitt's Portland President Prime Minister Privy Seal Professor resign Roman Rostovtzeff scholars scholarship Secretary sestiads Shakespeare Sidmouth Souter statement Thignica thought tion told tower University volume wall Wellington Whig William William IV Windsor Archives wrote