NEGLIGENCE.-Smith's Treatise on the Law of Negligence, with a Supplement containing "The Employers' Liability Act, 1880," with an Introduction and Notes. By HORACE SMITH, B.A., Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Recorder of Lincoln, Editor of "Roscoe's Criminal Evidence," &c. Demy 8vo. 1880. 10s. 6d. "The author occasionally attempts to criticize, as well as to catalogue, decisions, thus really helping lawyers, who rarely consult law books, except when some question demanding a consideration of conflicting authorities has to be settled."-The Times, September 8, 1880. "The author has performed his task with judgment and skill. A good index is very valuable, and the book appears to us to be excellent in that respect."Solicitors' Journal, June 12, 18 0. NISI PRIUS.-Roscoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius.-Fourteenth Edition. By JOHN DAY, one of Her Majesty's Counsel, and MAURICE POWELL, Barrister-at-Law. Royal 12mo. 1879. 21. (Bound in one thick volume calf or circuit, 5s., or in two convenient vols. calf or circuit, 9s. net, extra.) "The task of adapting the old text to the new procedure was one requiring much patient labour, careful accuracy, and conciseness, as well as discretion in the omission of matter obsolete or unnecessary. An examination of the bulky volume before us affords good evidence of the possession of these qualities by the present editors, and we feel sure that the popularity of the work will continue unabated under their conscientious care."Law Magazine. Selwyn's Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius.-Thirteenth Edition. By DAVID KEANE, Q.C., Recorder of Bedford, and CHARLES T. SMITH, M.A., one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1869. (Published at 21. 16s.) Net, 11. NOTANDA.-Vide "Digests." NOTARY.-Brooke's Treatise on the Office and Prac. tice of a Notary of England.-With a full collection of Precedents. Fourth Edition. By LEONE LEVI, Esq., F.S.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1876. 17. 48. OATHS.-Braithwaite's Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature.-A Manual for the use of Commissioners to Administer Oaths in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in England and Ireland and of all other persons empowered to administer oaths in aid of proceedings in courts of law. Part I. containing practical information respecting their Appointment, Designation, Jurisdiction, and Powers; Part II. comprising a collection of officially recognised Forms of Jurats and Oaths, with Explanatory Observations. Fourth Edition. By T. W. BRAITHWAITE, of the Central Office. Fcap. 8vo. 1881. 48. 6d. "The work will, we doubt not, become the recognised guide of commissioners to administer oaths."-Solicitors' Journal. PARISH LAW.-Steer's Parish Law; being a Digest of the Law relating to the Civil and Ecclesiastical Government of Parishes and the Relief of the Poor. Fourth Edition. By WALTER HENRY MACNAMARA, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1881. 168. "An exceedingly useful compendium of Parish Law."-Law Times, February 5, 1881. PARTNERSHIP.-Pollock's Digest of the Law of Part nership.-Second Edition, with Appendix, containing an anno. tated reprint of the Partnership Bill, 1880, as amended in Committee. By FREDERICK POLLOCK, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister-atLaw. Author of "6 Principles of Contract at Law and in Equity." Demy 8vo. 1880. 8s. 6d. "Of the execution of the work, we can speak in terms of the highest praise. The language is simple, concise, and clear; and the general propositions may bear comparison with those of Sir James Stephen."-Law Magazine. "Mr. Pollock's work appears eminently satisfactory the book is praise worthy in design, scholarly and complete in execution."-Saturday Review, ** All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings PATENTS.-Hindmarch's Treatise on the Law rela- Thompson's Handbook of Patent Law of all PERSONAL PROPERTY.-Smith.-Vide "Real Property." POOR LAW.-Davis' Treatise on the Poor Laws.-Being 1. 118. 6d. on Powers.-A Concise Treatise on Powers. By GEORGE FARWELL, B.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1874. "We recommend Mr. Farwell's book as containing within a small compass what would 17. 18. otherwise have to be sought out in the pages of hundreds of confusing reports."-The Law. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT.-Petgrave's Principal and Agent.-A Manual of the Law of Principal and Agent. By E. C. PETGRAVE, Solicitor. 12mo. 1857. Petgrave's Code of the Law of Principal and 78. 6d. Agent, with a Preface. By E. C. PETGRAVE, Solicitor. Demy 12mo. 1876. PRIVY COUNCIL. Net, sewed, 28. Finlason's History, Constitution, and Character of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, considered as a Judicial Tribunal, especially in Ecclesiastical Cases, with special reference to the right and duty of its members to declare their opinions, By W. F. FINLASON, Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1878. Lattey's Handy Book on the Practice and Pro4s. 6d. cedure before the Privy Council.-By ROBERT THOMAS LATTEY, Attorney of the Court of Queen's Bench, and of the High Court of Bengal. 12mo. 1869. PROBATE.-Browne's Probate Practice: a Treatise on the 68. Principles and Practice of the Court of Probate, in Contentious and Non-Contentious Business, with the Statutes, Rules, Fees, and Forms relating thereto. By GEORGE BROWNE, Esq., Barristerat-Law, late Recorder of Ludlow. 8vo. 1873. -Law Times. "A cursory glance through Mr. Browne's work shows that it has been compiled with 1l. 18. more than ordinary care and intelligence. We should consult it with every confidence." PUBLIC HEALTH.-Chambers' Digest of the Law relating to Public Health and Local Government.-With Notes of 1073 leading Cases. Various official documents; precedents of By-laws and Regulations. The Statutes in full. A Table of Offences and Punishments, and a Copious Index. Seventh Edition, enlarged and revised, with SUPPLEMENT containing new Local Government Board By-Laws in full. Imperial 8vo. 1875-7. 11. 8s. *The SUPPLEMENT may be had separately, price 98. All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. PUBLIC HEALTH.-Continued. FitzGerald's Public Health and Rivers Pollution Prevention Acts.-With Explanatory Introduction, Notes, Cases, and Index. By G. A. R. FITZGERALD, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8vo. 1876. 17. 18. PUBLIC MEETINGS.-Chambers' Handbook for Public Meetings, including Hints as to the Summoning and Manage. ment of them; and as to the Duties of Chairmen, Clerks, Secretaries, and other Officials; Rules of Debate, &c., to which is added a Digest of Reported Cases. By GEORGE F. CHAMBERS, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. 1878. Net, 2s. 6d. QUARTER SESSIONS.-Leeming & Cross's General and Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Their Jurisdiction and Practice in other than Criminal matters. Second Edition. By HORATIO LLOYD, Esq., Recorder of Chester, Judge of County Courts, and Deputy-Chairman of Quarter Sessions, and H. F. THURLOW, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1876. 17. 18. "The present editors appear to have taken the utmost pains to make the volume complete, and, from our examination of it, we can thoroughly recommend it to all interested in the practice of quarter sessions."-Law Times. Pritchard's Quarter Sessions.-The Jurisdiction, Practice and Procedure of the Quarter Sessions in Criminal, Civil, and Appellate Matters. By THOS. SIRRELL PRITCHARD, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Recorder of Wenlock. 8vo. 1875. 21. 2s. "We can confidently say that it is written throughout with clearness and intelligence, and that both in legislation and in case law it is carefully brought down to the most recent date."-Solicitors' Journal. RAILWAYS.-Browne and Theobald's Law of Rail way Companies.-Being a Collection of the Acts and Orders relating to Railway Companies, with Notes of all the Cases decided thereon, and Appendix of Bye-Laws and Standing Orders of the House of Commons. By J. H. BALFOUR BROWNE, of the Middle Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Registrar to the Railway Commissioners, and H. S. THEOBALD, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, and Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. Demy 8vo. 1881. 17. 12s. "As far as we have examined the volume the learned authors seem to have presented the profession and the public with the most ample information to be found, whether they want to know how to start a railway, how to frame its bye-laws, how to work it, how to attack it for injury to person or property, or how to wind it up.' --Law Times. "There can be no doubt that the book under review offers to the practitioner an almost indispensable aid in all cases of railway law and its kindred topics. No less than seventy-five Acts, from the Carriers Act (1 William IV, c. 68), down to the Employers' Liability Act, passed on the 7th September, 1880, are set forth in chronological order. Between the sections are intercalated notes-often lengthy, though concisely worded-setting forth the effect of all the decided cases to November, 1880. The index, for which Mr. Montague Lush is responsible, is full and well executed; and facility of reference is aided by a complete marginal analysis." -Law Magazine, May, 1881. Lely's Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1873.And other Railway and Canal Statutes; with the General Orders, Forms, and Table of Fees. By J. M. LELY, Esq. Post 8vo. 1873. 8s. RATES AND RATING.-Castle's Practical Treatise on the Law of Rating. By EDWARD JAMES CASTLE, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1879. 17. 18. "Mr. Castle's book is a correct, exhaustive, clear and concise view of the law."Law Times. "The book is a useful assistant in a perplexed branch of Law."—Law Journal. All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings RATES AND RATING.-Continued. Chambers' Law relating to Rates and Rating; with especial reference to the Powers and Duties of Rate-levying Local Authorities, and their Officers. Being the Statutes in full and brief Notes of 550 Cases. By G. F. CHAMBERS, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Imp. 8vo. 1878. 128. REAL ESTATE.-Foster's Law of Joint Ownership and Partition of Real Estate. By EDWARD JOHN FOSTER, M.A., late of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1878. 10s. 6d. "Mr. Foster may be congratulated on having produced a very satisfactory vade mecum on the Law of Joint Ownership and Partition. He has taken considerable pains to make his treatise practically useful, and has combined within the fifteen chapters into which the book is divided, brevity of statement with completeness of treatment."-Law Magazine. REAL PROPERTY.- Greenwood's Recent Real Property Statutes. Comprising those passed during the years 1874-1877 inclusive. Consolidated with the Earlier Statutes thereby Amended. With Copious Notes, and a Supplement containing the Orders under the Settled Estates Act, 1878. By HARRY GREENWOOD, M.A., Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1878. 108. "To students particularly this collection, with the careful notes and references to previous legislation, will be of considerable value."-Law Times. "The author has added notes which, especially on the Vendor and Purchaser Act, and the Settled Estates Act, are likely to be useful to the practitioner so far as we have tested them, the statements appear to be generally accurate and careful, and the work will be found exceedingly handy for reference.'-Solicitors' Journal. "Mr. Greenwood's book gives such of the provisions of the amended statutes as are still in force, as well as the provisions of the new statutes, in order to show more clearly the effect of the recent legislation."—Law Journal. Leake's Elementary Digest of the Law of Property in Land.-Containing: Introduction. Part I. The Sources of the Law.-Part II. Estates in Land. By STEPHEN MARTIN LEAKE, Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1874. 11. 28. *The above forms a complete Introduction to the Study of the Law of Real Property. Shearwood's Real Property.-A Concise Abridgment of the Law of Real Property and an Introduction to Conveyancing. Designed to facilitate the subject for Students preparing for Examination. By JOSEPH A. SHEARWOOD, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1878. 68. 6d. "The present law is expounded paragraphically, so that it could be actually learned without understanding the origin from which it has sprung, or the principles on which it is based."-Law Journal. Shelford's Real Property Statutes.-Eighth Edition. "He has given to the student a book which he may read over and over again with profit and pleasure."-Law Times. "The work before us will, we think, be found of very great service to the practitioner. Solicitors' Journal. REGISTRATION.-Browne's(G.Lathom)Parliamentary and Municipal Registration Act, 1878 (41 & 42 Vict. cap. 26); with an Introduction, Notes, and Additional Forms. By G. LATHOM BROWNE, of the Middle Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. 1878. 58. 6d. Rogers--Vide " Elections." All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings REGISTRATION CASES.-Hopwood and Coltman's RIVERS POLLUTION PREVENTION.-FitzGerald's Rivers Greene's Outlines of Roman Law.-Consisting chiefly of an Analysis and Summary of the Institutes. For the use of Students. By T. WHITCOMBE GREENE, B.C.L., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Third Edition. Foolscap 8vo. 1875. 7s. 6d. Mears' Student's Ortolan.-An Analysis of M. Ortolan's Institutes of Justinian, including the History and Generalization of ROMAN LAW. By T. LAMBERT MEARS, M.A., LL.D. Lond., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Published by permission of the late M. Ortolan. Post 8vo. 1876. 12s. 6d. Ruegg.-Vide "Justinian." SAUNDERS' REPORTS.-Williams' (Sir E. V.) Notes to Saunders' Reports.-By the late Serjeant WILLIAMS. Continued to the present time by the Right Hon. Sir EDWARD VAUGHAN WILLIAMS. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1871. 21. 10s. SETTLED ESTATES.-Middleton's Settled Estates Act, 1877, and the Settled Estates Act Orders, 1878, with Introduction, Notes and Forms, and Summary of Practice. Second Edition. By JAMES W. MIDDLETON, B.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. 1879. 48. 6d. "Will be found exceedingly useful to legal practitioners."-Law Journal. SHERIFF LAW.-Churchill's Law of the Office and Duties of the Sheriff, with the Writs and Forms relating to the Office. By CAMERON CHURCHILL, B.A., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, assisted by A. CARMICHAEL BRUCE, B.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1879. 188. "This is a work upon a subject of large practical importance, and seems to have been compiled with exceptional care."-Law Times. "Under-Sheriffs, and lawyers generally, will find this a useful book to have by them, both for perusal and reference."-Law Magazine. SHIPPING, and vide " Admiralty." Boyd's Merchant Shipping Laws; being a Consolidation of all the Merchant Shipping and Passenger Acts from 1854 to 1876, inclusive; with Notes of all the leading English and American Cases on the subjects affected by Legislation, and an Appendix containing the New Rules issued in October, 1876; forming a complete Treatise on Maritime Law. By A. C. BOYD, LLB., Esq., Barrister-at-Law, and Midland Circuit. 8vo. 1876. 11. 58. "We can recommend the work as a very useful compendium of shipping law."—Law Times. Foard's Treatise on the Law of Merchant SIGNING JUDGMENTS.-Walker.-Vide "Judgments." 14s. "Mr. Cordery writes tersley and clearly, and displays in general great industry and care in the collection of cases.-Solicitor's Journal. "The chapters on liability of solicitors and on lien may be selected as two of the best in the book."-Law Journal. All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. |