American Law Reports Annotated, Svazek 54

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Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, 1928

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Strana 395 - It may be put forth in aid of what is sanctioned by usage, or held by the prevailing morality or strong and preponderant opinion to be greatly and immediately necessary to the public welfare.
Strana 436 - The navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways, and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of the said territory, as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other states that may be admitted into the confederacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor.
Strana 521 - A person to whom a negotiable document of title has been duly negotiated acquires thereby — (a) Such title to the goods as the person negotiating the document to him had or had ability to convey to a purchaser in good faith for value...
Strana 516 - Where there is an unconditional contract to sell specific goods, in a deliverable state, the property in the goods passes to the buyer when the contract is made, and it is immaterial whether the time of payment, or the time of delivery, or both, be postponed.
Strana 339 - If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within three days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Assembly by adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law.
Strana 312 - All laws now in force in the territory of Washington, which are not repugnant to this constitution, shall remain in force until they expire by their own limitation, or are altered or repealed by the legislature...
Strana 367 - ... a question of law is involved which ought to be reviewed by the court of appeals, or where, in case of the refusal so to certify, an appeal is allowed by the court of appeals.
Strana 627 - It was held to be a question for the jury whether the owner had reason to believe that the car would be used upon the public highway in the necessary performance of the work requested. i-
Strana 284 - The doctrine may be stated in its most general form, that every express executory agreement in writing, whereby the contracting party sufficiently indicates an intention to make some particular property, real or personal, or fund, therein described or identified, a security for a debt or other obligation, or whereby the party promises to convey or assign or transfer the property as security, creates an equitable lien upon the property so indicated...
Strana 270 - Every provision in a conditional sale reserving property in the seller shall be void as to any purchaser from or creditor of the buyer, who, without notice of such provision, purchases the goods or acquires by attachment or levy a lien upon them...

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