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Pronouns: He did not say which he wanted.
What he meant I can't tell.

Adjectives: He did not say which book he wanted.
What meaning there is in it I can't tell.


225. Tell which are relative pronouns and which are relative adjectives in the following sentences:

1. The president was the only man that could explain it. 2. He means what he says.

3. That is the boy whose father was injured.

4. The reason why he was chosen is unknown

5. He could not tell which word to use.

6. Nature never did betray

The heart that loved her.

7. You may do whatever you wish.

8. There is no time in life when books do not influence a


9. It was the best that he could do.

10. She is the student whose work was so beautifully done. II. Do whichever you think is most worth while.

12. Whoever will may go.

13. Count that day lost whose low-descending sun
Views from thy hand no worthy action done.
14. He is blessed who has found his work.

15. Tell whomever you see that we shall be there.
16. That is the same as this.

226. Interrogative Pronouns.-An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun used to introduce a question. The pronouns of this class are who, whose, whom, which, and what. Their construction in the sentence corresponds closely to that of relative pronouns.


1. Who is going with me?

2. Whose is this handkerchief?

3. Whom (which or what) are you looking for? 4. Whatever do you think you are doing?


227. Insert in the blank spaces the proper form of the interrogative pronouns (who or whom):

I. — are you expecting to invite?

2. With




6. To


8. To





are you going?

did you take him for?

do you think it was?

do you expect to go with you?

are you sending it?

shall we believe.

was he writing?

do you suppose they met?

does she look like?

sent it?" he asked.

would you prefer to ask?

228. "Who" and "Whom" in Indirect Questions.Anindirect question is always in the form of a dependent clause. It presents a thought, not in the exact words of the original speaker, but as restated by another.


Direct Question: He asked, "What is that sound?".
Indirect Question: He asked what that sound was.


229. Distinguish between the relative pronouns and the interrogative pronouns in indirect questions in the following:

1. He inquired what she was going to do.

2. She was anxious to know whom we invited.

3. "Who are you?" he asked.

4. "To whom will you send it?" questioned her mother. 5. Wilbur asked what magazine we were taking.

6. "To which park shall we go?" asked one of our party. 7. He asked who wrote it?

8. "Whatever can we do for him?" sighed Margaret.

9. "To whom did the sword Excalibur belong?" asked the teacher.

10. To his question as to who would volunteer there was no reply.

II. No one knew what would happen next. 12. He could not decide what to do.

230. Demonstrative Pronouns.-The pronouns this, that, these, and those are called demonstrative because they point out something definitely. The use of these four words as pronouns should be distinguished from their use as adjectives.

Pronouns: This is the boy I mentioned.

Those are the best I could find.
Adjectives: This boy is the one I mentioned.
Those apples are the best I could find.


231. Tell which demonstratives in the following sentences are pronouns and which are adjectives:

1. This is my hat; that is yours.

2. That is the Spanish fleet.

3. That big square house was Emerson's home.

4. In that hour of deep contrition

He beheld with clearer vision.

5. Give this book to James.

6. We saw those robins yesterday.

7. That I cannot tell you.

8. It is better to do without these things.

9. Are you sure this is the right place?

10. What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.

II. These are much larger roses than those. 12. That which I saw was not the one.

232. Indefinite Pronouns.-There is a large class of pronouns the function of which is to designate objects in a very general way. They are somewhat like the demonstratives, therefore. Several of them, too, serve both as pronouns and as adjectives. The common ones are the following: Anybody, everybody, nobody, anyone, everyone, no one, each one, each other, one another, some, few, such, either, most, and none.


Pronouns: Everybody was pleased with the prospect.
Each went to his place without orders.

One was taken, and another left.

None were allowed to move.

Adjectives: Each man went to his place without orders.
Either boat will do for to-day.

Few men are their own masters.
Such things are uncommon.


233. Point out the indefinite pronouns and the indefinite adjectives in the following sentences:

I. I never saw such a tall man.

2. As soon as the sermon is finished, nobody presumes to stir till Sir Roger is gone out of church.

3. Several other of his peculiarities break out upon these


4. Sometimes he stands up when everybody else is upon his knees.

5. Among others, I observed a person of a tolerably good aspect.

6. He was suspicious of everything that was said.

7. One is moved by the fear of poverty,

And the other by the shame of it.

8. Every man has an active principle in him and will find something to employ himself with.

9. Some monuments were plundered, some were mutilated, all were more or less outraged and dishonored.

10. Other authors may write from the head but he writes from the heart.

II. Few men were present.

12. Either one will do.

13. He can weep his sorrows with another's eyes.

14. Nobody mentioned it.

15. Certain friends of ours were there.


234. Parse the pronouns in the following sentences:

1. To be or not to be, that is the question.

2. Many of those who came were from out of town.

3. Other hope had she none.

4. Neither would admit that he was wrong.

5. But he who gives but a slender mite,
And gives to that which is out of sight,
That thread of the all-sustaining Beauty
Which runs through all and doth all unite,
The hand cannot clasp the whole of his alms.
6. The little brook heard it and built a roof.
7. I could not say what he was doing.

8. He told us all about it.

9. Earth gets its price for what earth gives us.

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