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How long was his passage? Above three months.

What measure was proposed to prevent starvation? To feed upon the Haytian prisoners, or to drown them.

Who prevented the execution? Columbus.

How was he received and treated by Ferdinand and Isabella? With the utmost kindness.

How were his enemies affected? They were filled with confusion.


Columbus, after his second voyage.

What measure was adopted to procure colonists for Hispaniola? Malefactors were taken from pris


Meaning of malefactors?

What land did Columbus first discover on his third voyage? Trinidad.

Near the mouth of what vast river, is Trinidad?

In what latitude? Near what island, did Columbus discover the continent? Trinidad.

In what year ?
How long after his first voyage?
How long ago?

What led Columbus to conclude, that he had discovered a conti

nent? The greatness of the Oronoco,

Who excited an insurrection among the Spaniards while Co'umbus was absent? Roldan.

With what office, had Columbus invested Roldan? That of chief ustice.

Who sent to Spain, an account of Roldan's insurrection? Colum


Why was Ferdinand disposed to sten to the account of Roldan,

rather than of Columbus? F. had not been remunerated for money, advanced to Columbus.

Meaning of remunerate?

For what purpose, was Francis Bovadilla sent to Hispaniola? To inquire into the character of Columbus.

How was Columbus required to treat Bovadilla? To obey him.

What was the conduct of Columbus? He silently submitted to be tried by Bovadilla.

How did Bovadilla treat Columbus? Caused him to be seized, fettered, and hurried on board a ship.

How did Columbus bear this? With the greatest coolness and dignity.

What did Bovadilla then do with Columbus and his two brothers? Sent them in fetters, and in different vessels, to Spain.

Who offered to unbind Columbus? Vellejo, the Capt. of the vessel, in which he sailed.

Why did Columbus refuse? He said, his fetters had been put on by the king's order, and by his order only, should be taken off.

How was he treated by the king and queen, on his arrival in Spain? He was liberated, and kindly re


What was his conduct, when admitted into their presence? He threw himself at their feet, and remained speechless.

What did he do, when a little recovered? Vindicated himself in a long speech.

What punishment did they inflict upon Bovadilla? They de graded him from his office.

By whom, was Bovadilla superseded? Ovando.

How did Columbus feel, when he found, that he was not to be restored to his office of governor ? He was deeply wounded.

What did he carry with him, wherever he went? His fetters.

What did he say, should be done

with them, at last? That they should be buried with him in his grave.

What did Columbus demand of Ferdinand and Isabella? That he should be viceroy of the countries he had discovered.

Why did they decline the fulfilment of their promise? On account of the greatness and importance of the discoveries. How many voyages to America, did Columbus make? Four. Object of the fourth? To discover a strait or isthmus, leading to the western ocean.

Did he succeed in this? He did not.

What distressing intelligence did he receive, when he returned from his fourth voyage? That Isabella was dead.

What did Columbus demand of Ferdinand? The punishment of his oppressors, and the restitution of his privileges.

With what, did Ferdinand amuse him? With fair words and unmeaning promises.

What encouraged Ferdinand to persevere in this cruel plan? The declining health of Columbus.

Where did Columbus die? At Valladolid.

Where are now his remains? In what year, did Columbus die? How long after the discovery of San Salvador?

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Meaning of hieroglyphics? To what, was their education confined?

What is said of their language? What appear to have been their only compositions?

Can you mention some of their manufactures ?

Can you mention some of the articles, which they procured by cultivation ?

What remedies were most frequently applied, to cure diseases? To whom, did they apply, when under diseases, for which they knew no remedy?

How did he undertake a cure?
Employments of men? - of


Amusements of men?-of women?-Dress in winter? What were their feelings with regard to ornaments?

Object, aimed at, in painting themselves?

Sign of royalty? - Habitations? Can you mention some of their domestic utensils ?

What was their money?

By what other name, is wampum sometimes called? Wampumpeag or peag.

What was their favorite employment?

What were their offensive weapons ?

Defensive weapons of some of them?

Meaning of offensive? — of de fensive?

In what manner, did they rush to the attack in the open field? How did they generally treat their captives?

How did they ratify their treaties?

Meaning of ratify?

What was their civil government?

How did the sachem enable his council to remember the speeches, that they heard?

In how many principal gods, did they believe?

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Miscellaneous Questions.

No. I.

What science teaches the perfections of God?

Who was Ferdinand?

For what object, were malefactors taken from the prisons of Spain?

Who was Capt. Vellejo ?
Who was Verrazano!
Who was Ralph Lane?

How old was Columbus, when he discovered San Salvador?

What epithet is applied to that branch of history, which relates more particularly to the church? Who was Capt. Colon ? Who was Isabella ?

Who sent Columbus in chains to Spain?

Who was Ovando ?

How old was Columbus, when he discovered the continent?

Who was Humphrey Gilbert? To what country, did Columbus send his brother Bartholomew for patronage?

For what is Palos distinguished?

What is the proper name of Indian corn?

Who rendered themselves hideous by painting?

Who made Roldan chief justice of Hispaniola?

What kindness did Capt. Vellejo offer Columbus ?

How many colonies were plant ed at Roancke?

Which period of our history is distinguished for discoveries? Who was St. Angel?

Who was considered as Christ's vicegerent on earth?

What part of the continent did Columbus discover?

Who was Roldan ?

Who was Walter Raleigh? Who were particularly engaged to discover a passage to India, before the discovery of America?

On what occasion, did the sail

ors of Columbus weep, and smite their breasts?

On what occasion did Columbus refuse to have his chains taken off?

Who was Amerigo Vespucci ? Who regarded their females as slaves?

What distinguished character was born at Genoa ?

Who was Perestrello?

What did Columbus conceal from his men, on his first voyage? Island, near the mouth of the Oronoco?

Who was sent to Hispaniola, to try Columbus ?

What did Columbus say, should be buried with him in his grave? Who was John Cabot ? Where did Gilbert attempt to plant a colony?

What became of Raleigh's colonies?

CHAPTER XI. - p. 27.

Patent from James I. to the two companies.

Which period is next in length, to the first?

In what year did it commence ? In what year did it terminate? Length of the second period? Which are longest, the two first periods taken together, or all the rest? How much?

For what, is the second period distinguished?

To what two companies, were letters patent granted in 1606? By whom?

Meaning of letters patent? What lands were these companies authorized to possess?

What was the southern part of these lands called? - To whom granted?

Which was largest? They were nearly equal.

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