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with a dish in his hand, how the contents of it smoke! he sets it downgoes to the venerable old man on the sofa, who strokes the face of the younger one-feels his hands-appears in doubt, and seems to be qestioning him, The younger one having with additional pillows raised up the elder, he hands to him the smoking dish.

OI think this is Isaac and Jacob! yes, it is; Jacob kisses his father, who lifting up his hands appears to pronounce his blessing on him. There is also an elderly woman standing by the door, whom I suppose to be Rebekah, but I do not remember reading, that she was present at the time, Jacob


took the venison to his father, am I mistaken, Sir, in regard to this scene? "No," replied the exhibitor, you are perfectly correct; that figure was added to the story by the mechanist. I really think, Sir, replied Harriot ; that it would have been better without it; however, from the scene I perceive now, that I was right, for here comes Esau, he is easily known, his arms and hands are so hairy. How Isaac trembles! Esau looks angrysupplicates his father, who now again raises his hands, as in the act of devotion; and Esau leaves him, with a countenance indicating revenge against his brother.

Mrs. N.-Harriot you have succeeded very well, I shall not fail to reward your attention.

D.-I think, Madam, that you are acquainted with a lady, who receives a present reward, in witnessing the proficiency which her pupils have made in the knowledge of Scripture History; but who can calculate the future advantages which they may derive, from this important branch of maternal instruction.

I will now offer to their attention, a series of representations referring to a history, which they have often read with pleasure, and which I expect they will at once recognise.

Amelia.-What a beautiful moon-

light! there is no difficulty in discovering the allusion of this scene. There lies Jacob, on what a pillow he

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rests his weary head! how tranquilly he sleeps! assuredly this is a representation of his dream. The ladder reaches so extremely high, that I cannot perceive the top of it, angelic forms are ascending and descending thereon. Jacob awakes. What solemnity in his countenance! he performs his morning devotions, and now erects a monumental pillar to perpetuate the recollection of the intercourse which he here enjoyed with heaven.

D.-Never forget the happy choice, nor the pious resolution of this



Here he chose the Lord to

be his God, and devoted to his service a certain portion of the bounties of Providence, which might hereafter be given to him; thus setting an example to all sojourners to glorify God, as they pass through this wilderness.

I shall not offer to you any further scenic representation of his journey, you know that he was cordially received by Laban, that he obtained his daughters in marriage, served him faithfully, although he unfairly changed his wages several times: however, what Laban unjustly withheld the God of Jacob providentially bestowed.

The exhibitor changes the scene; Harriot endeavours to discover its

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