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moved their fears by saying, God sent me here before you to preserve life. He' embraced them with cordial affection,

and after an interview of indescribable interest, he said unto his brethren, "Haste you, and go up to my father, and say unto him, Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt; come down unto me, tarry not." He gave presents to all his brethren, again embraced them, and as they departed, said,

not out by the way."

See that ye fall

D.-Now, Madam, I think you will allow that your young lady has acquitted herself not only tolerably, but extremely well.

Mrs. N.-I tried her recollection,


lest you should have supposed from her not immediately discovering the allusion of your scene, that attention had not been paid to her instruction in the knowledge of Scripture history; then, although you might probably have withheld the reproving hint, yet you would have thought that Mamma was rather to blame.

D.- Possibly, Madam, I might; but your daughter's knowledge of that important branch absolutely forbids any such idea.

Mrs. N.-I would not interrupt my daughter as she was relating to you the finding Joseph's cup in Benjamin's sack, but could you inform me, Sir, what is meant by the steward being

directed to say,

"It is that whereby

my lord divineth?" Is it thought that Joseph professed to foretell future events by the assistance of his cup? D.—O no, Madam, it is supposed

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that it was a cup used at table, in the cheerful hours of drinking, after the meal was ended; nobody else dare have such an one, as it appertained to his office, and by which Joseph was eminently distinguished. You will excuse any further remarks upon it, Madam, for the young ladies are attentively observing the scene, and the Automata need my assistance.

I find, Sir, said Amelia, that you have not only given the bearers of good tidings a prosperous, but an ex

peditious journey to Canaan.


seems to have dismissed his fears. How pleased the good old Patriarch looks! while his sons are cheerfully preparing for their return to Egypt. Harriot.-Joseph directed them not to mind their stuff;' but if I may judge from the appearance of the waggons they are determined to have as much of it as possible, for they are very full.


D. Your remark, Miss, is pretty correct, and may be very generally applied, for all men are too much inclined to cleave to the "stuff" of this world, though absolutely engaged on a much longer, and more important journey than that for which the

Patriarch and his family are repre

sented as now preparing.

The good women seem

Amelia. highly delighted. Oh! one of the children had nearly fallen out of the waggon; how the mother presses it to her bosom,-it is not hurt, it plays again; now, sister, observe the waggons setting off. All is in motion, Jacob in the first waggon with an awning over his head, then the women and their children, then the men, and what a drove of cattle!

D.-As they thus pass in review before you, young ladies, how many men, women, and children, do you suppose there are?

Amelia. They are so nearly out of

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