OCTOBER TERM, 1937 FROM APRIL 12, 1938, TO AND INCLUDING MAY 31, 1938 ERNEST KNAEBEL REPORTER UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1938 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, CHIEF JUSTICE. PIERCE BUTLER, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. HARLAN FISKE STONE, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. RETIRED WILLIS VAN DEVANTER, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. HOMER S. CUMMINGS, ATTORNEY GENERAL. THOMAS ENNALLS WAGGAMAN, MARSHAL.3 1For allotment of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices among the several circuits, see next page. 'MR. JUSTICE CARDOZO was absent from the bench, on account of illness, during the period covered by this volume. 'MR. FRANK KEY GREEN, Marshal of the Court, died April 26, 1938 (see announcement by the Chief Justice, post, p. v). On May 2, 1938, Mr. Thomas Ennalls Waggaman was appointed Marshal of the Court. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. ALLOTMENT OF JUSTICES It is ordered that the following allotment be made of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of this Court among the circuits, agreeably to the acts of Congress in such case made and provided, and that such allotment be entered of record, viz: For the First Circuit, LOUIS D. BRANDEIS, Associate Justice. For the Second Circuit, HARLAN F. STONE, Associate Justice. For the Third Circuit, OWEN J. ROBERTS, Associate Justice. For the Fourth Circuit, CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, Chief Justice. For the Fifth Circuit, HUGO L. BLACK, Associate Justice. For the Sixth Circuit, JAMES C. MCREYNOLDS, Associate Justice. For the Seventh Circuit, BENJAMIN N. CARDOzo, Associate Justice. For the Eighth Circuit, PIERCE BUTLER, Associate Justice. For the Ninth Circuit, STANLEY REED, Associate Justice. For the Tenth Circuit, PIERCE BUTLER, Associate Justice. February 7, 1938. IV |