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16. ALPHABETIC EQUIVALENTS are letters, or combinations of letters, that represent the same elements, or sounds; thus, is an equivalent of e, in pique.


1. In sounding the tonics, the organs should be fully opened, and the stream of sound from the throat should be thrown, as much as possible, directly upward against the roof of the mouth. These elements should open with an abrupt and explosive force, and then diminish gradually and equably to the end.

2. In producing the subtonic and atonic elements, it is important to press the organs upon each other with great firmness and tension; to throw the breath upon them with force; and to prolong the sound sufficiently to give it a full impression on the ear.

3. In addition to the observance of the above directions, pu pils should be required to assume an erect posture, either standing or seated, and to keep a full supply of air in the lungs, while uttering the elemental sounds, as arranged in the following

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First require the pupils to utter an element by itself, then to pronounce distinctly the words that follow, uttering the element after each word thus age, à; åte, à: åt, å; lånd, &, &c. Exercise the class upon the above table, till each pupil can utter consecutively all the Oral elements. The attention of the class should be called to the fact that the first element, or sound, represented by each of the vowels, is usually indicated by a horizontal line placed over the letter, and the second sound by a curved line. After each pupil can utter correctly all the ele ments as arranged in the table, numerous class exercises may be formed by prefixing or affixing Subtonics or Atonics to the Tonics, in the following order: Bả, bả, bả, bá, bá, bả ; bè, bẻ, bỏ; bỉ, bỉ; bỏ, bỏ, bỏ ; bủ, bú. bů; bou: åb, åb, åb, ab, &c. These exercises will be found of great value, to improve the organs of speech and the voice, as well as to familiarize the pupil with different combinations of sounds.

The fifth element, or sound, represented by a, is its first or Alphabet Bound, modified or softened by r.

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First require the pupil to pronounce distinctly the word containing the Atonic element, then the Subtonic Cognate, uttering the element after each word-thus: lip, p; orb, b, &c. The attention of the pupil should be called to the fact that Cognates are produced by the same organs, in a similar manner, and only differ in one being an undertone, and the other a whisper.

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'The sixth element represented by a, is a sound intermediate between a, as heard in at, ash, and a, as in arm, art.

"The third element represented by e, is e as heard in end, modified or softened by r. It is also represented by i, o, u, and y; as in bird, word, burn, myrrh.

R may be trilled before a vowel. is made rapidly to vibrate.

In that case, the tip of the tongue

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For à, aa, ai, au, ay, e, ee, ea, ei, ey; as in Aaron, gain, gauge, stray, melee', great, vein, they.

For å, ai, ua; as in plaid, guaranty.

For å, au, e, ea, ua; as in haunt, sergeant, heart, guard.

For å, au, aw, eo, o, oa, ou; as in fault, hawk, George, cork, broad, bought.

For å, ai, e, ea, ei; as in chair, there, swear, heir. For è, ea, ee, ei, eo, ey, i, ie; as in read, deep, ceil, people, key, valise, field.

For è, a, ai, ay, ea, ei, eo, ie, u, ue; as in any, said, says, head, heifer, leopard, friend, bury, guess.

For ẻ, ea, i, o, ou, u, ue, y; as in earth, girl, word, scourge, burn, guerdon, myrrh.

For i, ai, ei, eye, ie, oi, ui, uy, y, ye; as in aisle, sleight, eye, die, choir, guide, buy, my, rye.

For i, ai, e, ee, ie, o, oi, u, ui, y; as in captain, pretty, been, sieve, women, tortoise, busy, build, hymn.

For ò, au, eau, eo, ew, oa, oe, oo, ou, ow; as in hautboy, beau, yeoman, sew, coal, foe, door, soul, blow. For 8, a, ou, ow; as in what, hough, knowledge. For 8, ew, oe, oo, ou, u, ui; as in grew, shoe, spoon, soup, rude, fruit.

For ù, eau, eu, ew, ieu, iew, ue, ui; as in beauty, feud, new, adieu, view, hue, juice.

For ǹ, o, oe, oo, ou; as in love, does, blood, young.

For ů, o, oo, ou; wolf, book, could.
For ou, ow; as in now.

For oi (al), oy; as in boy.


For f, gh, ph; as in cough, nymph.

For j, g; as in gem, gin.

For k, c, ch, gh, q; as in cole, conch, lough, etiquette For s, c; as in cell.

For t, d, th, phth; as in danced, Thames, phthisic. For v, f, ph; as in of, Stephen.

For y, i; as in pinion.

For z, c, s, x; as in suffice, rose, xebec.

For z, g, 8; as in rouge, osier.

For ng, n; as in anger, bank.

For ch, t; as in fustian.

For sh, c, ch, s, ss, t; as in ocean, chaise, sure, assure, martial.


The following words are arranged for an exercise in Spelling, by sounds. The names of the letters are not to be given; but the elements are to be produced separately, and then pronounced in connection, thus: v å st, pronounced vast; år m-arm; host-host; må v-move, &c. The attention of the pupil should be especially directed to silent letters, or those that are not sounded in words where they occur. In the following exercise they appear in italics. We would impress it especially upon the teacher, that the best way to secure a distinct and forcible articulation is to give the pupil a daily exercise of this kind.

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1. From the omission of one or more elements in a

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