The following Letter is of a quite contrary Nature; No. 324. but I add it here that the Reader may observe at the Wednes day, same View, how amiable Ignorance may be when it March 12, is shewn in its Simplicities, and how detestable in 1712. Barbarities. It is written by an honest Countryman to his Mistress, and came to the Hands of a Lady of good Sense wrapped about a Thread-Paper, who has long kept it by her as an Image of artless Love, 'To her I very much Respect, Mrs. Margaret Clark. Lovely, and oh that I could write loving Mrs. Margaret Clark, I pray you let Affection excuse Presumption. Having been so happy as to enjoy the Sight of your sweet Countenance and comely Body, sometimes when I had Occasion to buy Treacle or Liquorish Powder at the Apothecary's Shop, I am so enamour'd with you, that I can no more keep close my flaming Desire to become your Servant, And I am the more bold now to write to your sweet self, because I am now my own Man, and may match where I please; for my Father is taken away, and now I am come to my Living, which is Ten Yard Land, and a House; and there is never a Yard of Land in our Field but it is as well worth ten Pound a Year as a Thief is worth a Halter; and all my Brothers and Sisters are provided for: Besides I have good Householdstuff, though I say it, both Brass and Pewter, Linnen and Woollens; and though my House be thatched, yet, if you and I match, it shall go hard but I will have one Half of it slated. If you think well of this Motion, I will wait upon you as soon as my new Cloaths is made and Hay-Harvest is in. I could, though I say it, have good--' The rest is torn off; and Posterity must be contented to know that Mrs. Margaret Clark was very pretty, but are left in the Dark as to the Name of her Lover, T Thursday 1712. Thursday, March 13, Quid frustra simulacra fugacía captas? Quod petís, est nusquam: quod amas, avertere, perdes. WILL Fellow's first Discovering ILL HONEYCOMB diverted us last Night with an his Passion to his Mistress. The young Lady was one, WILL fancying that his Story took, immediately fell into a Dissertation on the Usefulness of Looking-Glasses, and applying himself to me, asked, If there were any Looking Glasses in the Times of the Greeks and Romans; for that he had often observed in the Trans lations 1712, lations of Poems out of those Languages, that People No. 325, generally talked of seeing themselves in Wells, Foun- Thursday, tains, Lakes, and Rivers: Nay, says he, I remember March 13, Mr. Dryden in his Ovid tells us of a swinging Fellow, called Polypheme, that made use of the Sea for his Looking Glass, and could never dress himself to Advantage but in a Calm, My Friend WILL, to shew us the whole Compass of his Learning upon this Subject, further informed us, that there were still several Nations in the World so very barbarous as not to have any Looking-Glasses among them, and that he had lately read a Voyage to the South-Sea, in which it is said, that the Ladies of Chili always dress their Heads over a Bason of Water, I am the more particular in my Account of WILL'S last Night's Lecture on these natural Mirrors, as it seems to bear some Relation to the following Letter, which I received the Day before, Sir, I have read your last Saturday's Observation on the Fourth Book of Milton with great Satisfaction, and am particularly pleased with the hidden Moral, which you have taken Notice of in several Parts of the Poem, The Design of this Letter is to desire your Thoughts, whether there may not also be some Moral couched under that Place in the same Book where the Poet lets us know, that the first Woman immediately after her Creation, ran to a Looking Glass, and became so enamoured of her own Face, that she had never removed, to view any of the other Works of Nature, had not she been led off to a Man, If you think fit to set down the whole Passage from Milton, your Readers will be able to judge for themselves, and the Quotation will not a little contribute to the filling up of your Paper. Your Humble Servant, R. T. The last Consideration urged by my Querist is so strong, that I cannot forbear closing with it. The Passage No. 325. Passage he alludes to is part of Eve's Speech to Adam, Thursday, and one of the most beautiful Passages in the whole March 13, Poem. 1712. That Day I oft remember, when from sleep I first awak'd, and found my self repos'd Under a shade of flowers, much wondring where Mine Eyes till now, and pin'd with vain desire, Than that smooth watry image; back I return'd; Whom fly'st thou; whom thou fly'st, of him thou art, X YOU -Hor. OUR Correspondent's Letter relating to FortuneHunters, and your subsequent Discourse upon it, have given me Encouragement to send you a State of my Case; by which you will see, that the Matter com plained of is a common Grievance both to City and Country, I am a Country Gentleman of between five and six thousand a Year, It is my Misfortune to have a very fine Park and an only Daughter; upon which Account I have been so plagu'd with Deer-Stealers and Fops, that for these Four Years past I have scarce enjoy'd a Moment's Rest, I look upon my self to be in a State of War; and am forc'd to keep as constant Watch in my Seat, as a Governour would do that commanded a Town on the Frontier of an Enemy's Country, I have indeed pretty well secur'd my Park, having for this Purpose provided my self of four Keepers, who are Left-handed, and handle a Quarter-staff beyond any other Fellows in the Country, And for the Guard of my House, besides a Band of Pensioner-Matrons and an old Maiden Relation, whom I keep on constant Duty, I have Blunderbusses always charged, and Fox gins planted in private Places about my Garden, of which I have given frequent Notice in the Neighbour hood; yet so it is, that in spite of all my Care, I shall every now and then have a sawcy Rascal ride by re connoitring (as I think you call it) under my Windows, as sprucely drest as if he were going to a Ball. I am aware of this Way of Attacking a Mistress on Horseback, having heard that it is a common Practice in Spain; and have therefore taken Care to remove my Daughter from the Road-side of the House, and to lodge her |