Obrázky stránek
[blocks in formation]

Italy (see also Axis powers; Tripartite

Albania, invasion of, 64, 455.
Anti-Comintern Pact, adherence to,

Ethiopian conquest (1935-36)—
Addis Ababa, fall of, 33.

Hull and Rosso, conversations, 29,
32, 275, 293.

League action, instructions to U.S.
representatives at Geneva, 31,
283, 284.

Outbreak of war, 31.
Preparations for, 29, 30, 234, 247,
272, 278.

Roosevelt message to Mussolini
(Aug. 18, 1935), 29, 266.

U.S. attitude, 30, 31, 274, 283, 284.
European war-

Entrance into, 75, 76, 544; con-

demnation by President Roose-
velt (June 10, 1940), 76, 545.
President Roosevelt's appeals (Apr.
and Aug. 1939, Apr. and May,
1940), 64, 67, 72, 74, 75, 455,
475, 519, 520, 522, 526, 536,
537, 538, 544.

France, war with (1940), 76, 548.

Anti-Comintern Pact, Italy's ad-
herence to (1937), 84.

Tripartite Pact (1940), 84, 85, 96,
573, 574.

Great Britain, war with (1940),


Greece, invasion of, 102, 595.

International relations, fundamental

principles of (reply to Secretary
Hull's statement of July 16,

1937), 46.



Anti-Comintern Pact, Italy's ad-
herence to (1937), 84.

Tripartite Pact (1940), 84, 85, 96,
573, 574.

Japanese conquest of Manchuria,
proposal by France, Great Brit-
ain, Italy, and U.S. regarding,
5, 160.

League of Nations recommendation
for sanctions against, 31, 283, 284.
Monroe Doctrine, statement by
U.S., 78, 79, 555, 560.
Sino-Japanese situation, position tak-
en at Brussels Conference (1937),
52, 399.

U.S. export of war materials to (state-
ment of Secretary Hull, Nov. 15,
1935), 32, 292.

War, state of, declaration by U.S.
(Dec. 11, 1941), 150, 848, 850.
War on France, declaration of (June
10, 1940), 76, 548.

War on Great Britain, declaration of
(June 10, 1940), 76.

War on U.S., declaration of (Dec. 11,
1941), 150, 850.
Yugoslavia, invasion of, 103.

Japan (see also Axis powers; Hull;
Roosevelt; Sino-Japanese war; Tri-
partite Pact):

Amau, statement regarding foreign
assistance to China, 18, 19, 214.
Anti-Comintern Pact, 40, 84, 92, 340,


Policy in, 39, 40, 139, 302, 319, 801.
Proposal to U.S. regarding (Nov.
20, 1941), 139, 801.

Assets, U.S. freezing of, 126, 704.
"Autonomy movement" in North

China, attempted promotion of,
38; Hull statement regarding
(Dec. 5, 1935), 38, 301.
Burma Road, closing at instance of,
94, 562.


Foreign assistance to (statement by
Eiji Amau, Apr. 1934), 18, 19,

[blocks in formation]

Troops in, 776.

China, attack on (1937)—

Brussels Conference, Japanese re-
fusal to participate in, 51, 390,
393, 398.

Hull and Horinouchi conversations
(1939), 91, 92, 465, 480.
Italy, attitude at Brussels Confer-
ence, 52, 399.

Marco Polo Bridge incident, 45,

Panay incident, 52, 395, 396.
"Quarantine" address by President
Roosevelt, 49, 383.

U.S. attitude toward, 48, 377.

U.S. proffer of good offices, 46, 47,

Chinese civilians, bombing of, 89,
421, 422.

Expansion of, 38, 91, 95, 118, 301,

302, 465, 569, 612.

Fascist bloc, denial of participation
in, 41, 340.

France, military agreements with
(1940-41), 96, 123, 572, 693.

Anti-Comintern Pact (1936), 40,
84, 92, 340, 481.
Entente, report of, 16, 222.
Tripartite Pact (1940), 84, 85, 96,
573, 574.

Grew, reports, 6, 19, 20, 41, 47, 52, 95,
118, 131, 134, 136, 137, 173, 214,
236, 340, 374, 396, 569, 618, 733,
772, 788.


Invasion of, 96, 123, 572, 693.
Naval and air bases in, 123, 218;
statement of Sumner Welles
(July 24, 1941), 124, 698.
Neutralization of, U.S. proposal,

125, 699; Japanese counter-
proposal, 127, 128, 705, 707,


Troop movements in, 145, 146, 776,
821, 823, 826.

International relations, fundamental
principles of (reply to Secretary
Hull's statement of July 16,
1937), 46.


Anti-Comintern Pact, adherence to,
(1937), 84.

Tripartite Pact (1940), 84, 85, 96,
573, 574.

League of Nations-

Assembly report (Oct. 6, 1937) on
violation of treaty obligations,
50, 387.

Background on action regarding
Sino-Japanese war, 49, 380.
London Naval Conference (1935-36),
withdrawal from, 39, 317.
Manchuria, conquest of (1931-32),

Memorandum of Dec. 7, 1941, U.S.
condemnation of, 148, 831.
"Moral embargoes" against, 89, 97,
421, 422.

North China, attempt to promote
"autonomy" movement in, 38;
Hull statement regarding (Dec.
5, 1935), 39, 301.

Netherlands Indies, maintenance of
status quo, 92, 515; policy regard-
ing, 93, 532.

Oil, U.S. export to, 126, 703.
Peace in the Pacific-

Message of President Roosevelt to

Emperor Hirohito (Dec. 6,
1941), 147, 829; reply (Dec. 7,
1941), 148, 838.

Statement of Japanese Foreign
Minister to Ambassador Grew
(Dec. 7, 1941), 149, 838.

Pearl Harbor-

Rumors of attack on (Jan. 1941),

118, 618.

Attack (Dec. 7, 1941), 147, 839,


Puppet regime at Nanking, treaty

with (1940), 132.


Roosevelt, President, four principles
of international accord (message
to Prime Minister Konoye, Sept.
3, 1941), 131, 728.
Roosevelt and Konoye, proposed
meeting, 130, 134-135, 720, 724,
745, 750, 754, 756.
Roosevelt warning against further
aggression (Aug. 17, 1941), 129,

Russia, attack on, reported plan for,
123, 685, 691.

Tripartite Pact (1940), 84, 85, 96, 573,

U.S., war with (1941), 149, 839, 841,

U.S. commercial treaty with (1911),
termination of, 90, 475.

U.S. discussions with (1941)—
Aggression, warning against (Aug.

17), 129, 712.

Basis for agreement (Nov. 26),
142, 807, 810, 812.

Neutralization of, 125, 127, 128,

699, 705, 707, 709.
Occupation by Japan, 96, 123, 572,
Roosevelt and Konoye, proposed
meeting, 130, 134-135, 720,
745, 750, 754, 756.

Kearny, torpedoing by German sub-
marine, 117, 767.

Kellogg-Briand Pact, 4, 6, 30, 33, 47,
50, 51, 58, 155, 164, 171, 275, 296,
376, 386, 387, 389, 390, 425.
Knox, Frank (Secretary of the Navy),
address on national defense (Nov.
11, 1941), 136, 776.
Konoye, Fumimaro (Prime Minister of

Roosevelt, President-

Four principles of international ac-
cord (message to Konoye of
Sept. 3, 1941), 131, 728.
Proposed meeting, 130, 134-135,
720, 724, 745, 750, 754, 756.
Kurusu, Saburo (Japanese Foreign
Office official and Special Envoy to


Dickover, E. R., 39, 302.

Hull, Secretary, 137, 138, 140, 142,
145, 146, 789, 792, 799, 801, 802,
807, 810, 812, 817, 823, 826.
Roosevelt, President, 137, 143, 789,


Japan the leader of eastern Asia

(Dec. 23, 1935), 39, 302.

Trip to Washington (Nov. 1941), 137.

Troop movements, 145, 146, 821, Laval, Pierre (French Minister of For-
823, 826.

U.S. economic pressure on, 94, 559.
U.S. nationals in China, interference

with (protest by Secretary Hull,
Dec. 31, 1938), 90, 441.

U.S. Neutrality Act of 1937, appli-
cability, 49, 380.

U.S. trade with-

Restrictions on, 97, 576.
Cessation of, 127, 704.
War, state of, declaration by U.S.

(Dec. 8, 1941), 149, 839, 841.
War on U.S., notification of (Dec. 8,
1941), 149, 841.

Washington Naval Treaty of 1922,

denunciation, 12, 244.

Jews, persecution by Germany, 60, 439.
Johnson, Nelson T. (Minister to China),
Japanese attack on Manchuria, re-
port (Sept. 22, 1931), 4, 155.

eign Affairs), pro-German plans,
108, 592.
League of Nations:

Lytton Commission report on Man-
churia, adoption of, 7, 176.
Report (Oct. 6, 1937), on Japanese
violation of treaty obligations,
50, 387.

Resolution (Mar. 11, 1932) appli-
cable to Manchuria situation, 6.
Italian-Ethiopian situation, delibera-
tion on, 31, 283, 284.

Japan, withdrawal of (Mar. 27,
1933), 7.

Manchuria situation, deliberation on,
4, 157.

Sino-Japanese war, background on
action regarding, 49, 380.

Messersmith, George S. (U.S. Consul
General at Berlin, 1930-34; Minis-
ter to Austria 1934-37), reports on
Germany (1933, 1935), 13, 14, 22,
191, 194, 246, 255.

Leahy, Admiral (Ambassador to France),
U.S. relations with France, basic
principles governing (letter from
President Roosevelt, Dec. 20, 1940),
Lend-lease Act, U.S. (Mar. 11, 1941), Military program, U.S. See National

100, 612, 627.

defense, U.S.

Lend-lease aid, U.S., 100, 109, 116, 631, Miller, Douglas (U.S. Acting Com-

639, 764.

Lima Conference (1938), 61, 439, 440,

Limitation of armaments. See Dis-


Lindsay, Sir Ronald (British Ambas-

sador to U.S.), conversation with
Secretary Hull (Jan. 22, 1936), 36,

Locarno Pact, violation by Germany
(1936), 36.

London Naval Conference (1935-36),
39, 317.

Long, Breckinridge (U.S. Ambassador to
Italy), reports, Italian preparations
for war, 29, 30, 234, 247, 272, 278.
Lothian, Marquess of (British Ambas-
sador to U.S.), conversations with
Secretary Hull:

Alliance of Germany, Italy, and
Japan, 85, 574.

Japanese aggression, 94, 559.
Low Countries. See Belgium; Luxem-
bourg; and Netherlands.
Luther, Hans (German Ambassador to

U.S.), conversations with Secretary
Hull (1933, 1935), 13, 22, 193, 256.
Luxembourg, German invasion of, 75,

Lytton Commission, 7, 176, 184.

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas (Chief of

Staff), annual report (1933), 27.
Manchuria, Japanese conquest of (1931-

Marco Polo Bridge incident, 45, 368.
Marler, Sir Herbert (Canadian Minister
to U.S.), conversation with Secre-
tary Hull (1938), 48, 56, 424.

Merchant ships, U.S.:

Arming of, 115, 761.

Prohibition against arming of, 70,500.

mercial Attaché at Berlin), report
on Nazis (Apr. 21, 1934), 15, 211.
Monetary and Economic Conference,
International (London, 1933), 179.
Monroe Doctrine, 78, 79, 93, 104, 518,
555, 560, 641.

Montana, sinking by German submarine,

Montevideo Conference (1933), 25, 61,
195, 199.

"Moral embargoes", 89, 97, 421, 422.
Munich agreement (Four-power pact of
Sept. 29, 1938), 59; U.S. attitude
toward, 60, 430.

Mussolini, Benito (see also Italy):
Ethiopian war, message from Presi-
dent Roosevelt regarding (Aug.
18, 1935), 29, 266.
European crisis, President Roosevelt's
appeal (Sept. 27, 1938), 59, 427.
European war, President Roosevelt's
appeals (Apr. 1939, Apr. and
May, 1940), 64, 72, 74, 75, 455,
519, 520, 526, 537, 538; replies
(May and June, 1940), 73, 74, 75,
520, 522, 536, 544.

Nanking puppet regime, treaty with
Japan (1940), 132.
National defense, U.S.:

Agreement with Iceland (July 1,
1941), 111, 686.

Appropriations for, messages of Presi-
dent Roosevelt to Congress (Jan.
and May, 1940), 80, 527.
Battleships, construction of (an-
nouncement, Jan. 8, 1937), 44,


Chief of Staff, annual report (1933).


Destroyers, exchange for British

naval and air bases, 83, 564,

National defense, U.S.-Continued.
Enemy vessels warned not to enter
defense areas, 115, 737.
Greenland agreement (Apr. 9, 1941),
103, 640.

Habana Conference, 82, 562, 563.
Hull, Secretary, addresses (Sept. 15,
1936, June 20 and Oct. 26, 1940),
44, 81, 85, 333, 556, 581.
Hull, Secretary, letter to Congress
(Feb. 10, 1938), 55, 405.
Knox address on (Nov. 11, 1941),
136, 776.

Lend-lease Act (Mar. 11, 1941),
statement by Secretary Hull
(Jan. 15, 1941), 100, 612.
Naval and air bases, British, ex-
change of U. S. destroyers for,
83, 564, 568.
Neutrality Act of 1939, modification
of, 117, 787.

Planes, increased production, Presi-
dent Roosevelt's request for, 80,

Plans for (1933-34), 27-28.

National emergency, U.S.:

Limited, proclamation of President
Roosevelt (Sept. 1939), 69.
Unlimited, address by President
Roosevelt (May 27, 1941), 106,

National Guard, U.S., call to active
service, 80, 544.

Naval and air bases:

British, exchange for U.S. destroyers,
83, 564, 568.

Indochinese, use by Japan, 123, 698.
Naval armaments, treaty for limitation
(1936), 40, 317.

Naval Conference, London (1935-36),
39, 317.

Naval program, U.S. See National de-
fense, U.S.

Naval Treaty of 1922, Washington,
Japanese denunciation of (1934),
12, 244.

German invasion of, 75, 523.
Monroe Doctrine, statement by
U.S., 78, 79, 555, 560.

Reserve personnel, call into active Netherlands Indies:

service, 80, 544.

Roosevelt, President-

"Arsenal of democracy" address
(Dec. 29, 1940), 87, 599.
Budget message to Congress (Jan.
1941), 99.

Letter to Daughters of American
Revolution (Apr. 20, 1936),
43, 315.

Military program, recommenda-

tions (Jan. 28, 1938), 54, 403.
Naval program, recommendations
(Jan. 28, 1938), 54, 503.
Preparations for strengthening
(address, Oct. 27, 1941), 117,
Recommendations for strengthen-

ing (messages to Congress,
Jan. 28, 1938 and Jan. 4 and
12, 1939), 54, 62, 81, 403, 447,

Selective Service and
Act, enactment, 84.
Strategic materials, U.S.
tion of, 63, 431.

Japanese policy regarding, 93, 532.
Status quo, maintenance of, 92, 515.
Neutrality, action of American repub-

lics at Panamá Conference (1939),
70, 488.

Neutrality acts, U.S. See under United

Nine-power Treaty (Washington, 1922),
4, 6, 47, 50, 51, 140, 157, 164, 168,
215, 376, 386, 387, 390, 393, 801.
Nomura, Kichisaburo (Japanese Am-
bassador to U.S.), conversations:
Hull, Secretary, 118, 120, 128, 129,

130, 134-135, 137, 138, 140, 142,
145, 146, 620, 653, 709, 712, 720,
724, 745, 750, 754, 756, 789, 792,
799, 801, 802, 807, 810, 812, 817,


Roosevelt, President, 125, 127, 128,
129, 137, 143, 699, 705, 709, 712,
789, 814.

Welles, Sumner, 123, 693.

Training North China. See China.

Norway, German invasion of, 72, 515.


Oil, U.S. export to Japan, 126, 703.

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