Dr. A. Friedenwald read a paper on Remarks on the Differentiation of Paralysis of the Eye Muscles of Central or Peripheral Origin. On motion the memoranda as printed on the second page of the programme was adopted by the Faculty as the rules for the present convention. Dr. J. W. Humfichouse read a paper on Cases showing the Relation of Various Disabilities to Abnormal Refraction of the Eyes with Comments upon their Treatment. The two papers were discussed by Drs. Woods, Harlan and others. Dr. W. M. Nihiser read a Report of a Case of Chronic Inflammation of the Middle Ear terminating in Cerebral Abscess and Death. Dr. P. C. Williams and Dr. M. Rowe of the respective Examining Boards reported additional names of candidates to be voted on the following day. On motion the Faculty adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock tonight. G. LANE TANEYHILL, M. D., Recording Secretary. HALL OF THE FACULTY, Night Session, April 24th, 1894. The Faculty was called to order early Tuesday evening by the President. Minutes of day session were read by the Secretary and approved by the Faculty. Dr. C. W. Mitchell, referee, opened the special subject of the evening, The Treatment of Empyæmia, by reading an edifying paper on the medical aspects of this disease. He was followed by Dr. L. McLane Tiffany as co-referee, on The Surgical Aspects of Empyæmia. Dr. R. W. Johnson continued the general discussion; who was followed by Dr. Randolph Winslow. At this juncture Dr. F. C. Bressler introduced a child who had suffered with empyæmia, and related the successful treatment of the same by himself. Dr. J. W. Chambers occupied a short time discussing the subject, which was continued on the medical aspects by Drs. I. E. Atkinson, J. N. Mackenzie, J. M. T. Finney and S. K. Merrick. The Faculty adjourned to meet at 12 M., Wednesday, April 25th. G. LANE TANEYHILL, Recording Secretary. HALL OF THE FACULTY, Day Session, April 25th, 1894. The Faculty was called to order by the President; minutes of Tuesday night's session were read by the Secretary and approved by the Faculty. The President appointed Drs. J. F. McShane and S. J. Fort as tellers, and the following candidates were elected to membership: J. W. P. Bates, Chas. Henry Bennum, J. C. Bloodgood, Joseph Clement Clarke, L. E. Conradi, Milton R. Dalter, Peter J. Doran, Charles Getz, F. C. Jewett, Sylvan Likes, E. A. Munoz, Standish McCleary, Chas. W. McElfresh, Wm. J. Pillsbury, Flora Pollack, James Marshall Price, Melvin Rosenthal, J. M. H. Rowland, J. Hugh Stier, A. W. Thompson, Eugene McEvers Van Ness, Frank E. Wagner, Elijah Williams, Wm. P. E. Wyse. Dr. Samuel J. Fort read his paper on Some Clinical Aspects of Imbecility. The paper was discussed by Dr. Geo. J. Preston. Dr. Geo. J. Preston read his paper on Diagnosis and Treatment of Apoplexy. It was discussed by Dr. J. H. Branham. On motion as requested by the author, the paper of Dr. Wm. S. Thayer, was read by title. Dr. Jno. C. Hemmeter read his paper on The Natural Occurrence of Fatty Degeneration of the Heart Muscle in Animals. Also a paper on Over-Exertion of the Heart. Dr. Julius Friedenwald read his paper on Atony of the Intestines. It was discussed by Dr. P. C. Williams. Dr. P. C. Williams, Chairman of the Examining Board, reported the following named candidates for membership in the Faculty: Claribel Cone, Garland Hamner Davidson, Chas. Henry Dixon, Jr., Adolph C. Eisenberg, Sheldon G. Evans, Thos. C. Gilchrist, Jas. L. Ridgely, John Roth, Pierce Butler Wilson, Jos. C. Wunder. On motion of Dr. Brinton, who expressed doubt regarding the wisdom of electing any physician into membership of this Faculty who has not passed the Licensing Examining Board of the State of Maryland, especially those graduating since '92; action on the present report of the Examining Board of this Faculty, recommending the candidates just named, was postponed until after the report of the State Licensing Board to-night. Dr. R. F. Randolph read his paper on Albuminuric Retinitis in Pregnancy: its Significance and Pathological Histology. The paper was discussed by Drs. Geo. B. Reynolds, P. C. Williams, E. J. Bernstein and others. On motion the Faculty adjourned to meet to-night at 8 o'clock. G. LANE TANEYHILL, Recording Secretary. HALL OF THE FACULTY, Wednesday Night, April 25th, 1894. The Faculty was called to order by the President. The minutes were read by the Secretary and approved by the Faculty. Dr. James M. Craighill, Corresponding Secretary, made a verbal report. Dr. G. Lane Taneyhill, the Recording Secretary, read his report, in which he referred to the distribution of diplomas as ordered by the Faculty, and that he would turn into the treasury $120.00 secured from Pharmaceutical exhibitors. It was referred for publication. Dr. W. F. A. Kemp, Treasurer, read his report in which he gave the receipts of the past year as $1,902.27; disbursements, $2,036.57; deficit, $134.30. The report was referred to the Executive Committee to be audited. Dr. L. McLane Tiffany, Chairman, read the report of the Executive Committee, which was referred to the Publication Committee. Dr. B. B. Browne, Chairman, read the report of the Library Committee. It was accepted and referred for publi cation. Dr. G. Lane Taneyhill, Chairman, read the report of the Publication Committee in which he reported that the Transactions of 1892 and also of 1893 had been issued during the past year. No report was received from the Memoir Committee, nor from the Committee on Ethics. Dr. W. T. Howard, Jr., Curator, read his report, which was ordered to be published. Dr. Wm. F. Lockwood, the Secretary of the State Licensing Board, read the report which being amended by striking out the word "seldom," was adopted and ordered published. Dr. T. A. Ashby, Chairman of Membership Committee, made a verbal report. Dr. Hiram Woods, Chairman of the Committee on Preventable Blindness, read the report which was accepted and referred for publication. Dr. S. T. Earle, Chairman of the Committee on Disinfection by Heat, made a verbal report, which was accepted and the Committee continued. In the absence of the Chairman, the Advisory Committee on Public Health made no report. Dr. P. C. Williams, Chairman of the Committee on Moral Reform, now termed the Union for Public Good, made an encouraging report which was accepted. Dr. Geo. H. Rohe, of the Committee, made a verbal report from the Committee on the Pan-American Congress. Dr. Geo. H. Rohe, Chairman of Committee State Care of the Insane, made a verbal encouraging report. The Committee on the Revision of the Medical Law, on account of the absence of the Chairman, made no report. Dr. L. McLane Tiffany, Chairman of Committee on Permanent Location, read the report. The suggestions contained therein were endorsed by the Faculty on motion of Dr. James Carey Thomas, and the Committee was continued. with instructions to prosecute the objects in view and report to a special meeting of the Faculty. Dr. Geo. H. Rohe, Chairman of the Committee on National Bureau of Public Health reported progress. Dr. T. A. Ashby, Delegate to the 75th anniversary of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia made a verbal report. Under Unfinished Business the following amendment offered at a previons meeting by Dr. M. B. Billingslea was adopted; viz. : |