SEC. 3. And be it enacted, that this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage. Approved April 6, 1894. FRANK BROWN, Governor. President of the Senate. JAMES H. PREston, Speaker of the House of Delegates We hereby certify that the aforegoing is a correct copy of an act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed January Session, 1894. J. ROGER MCSHERRY, Secretary of the Senate. B. L. SMITH, Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates. Maryland is the fifth State to enact such a law, New York was the first, followed in order by Rhode Island and Maine. Ohio and Maryland fell in line this year. It is the opinion of the committee that the law should be used as a means of teaching midwives that they must get these cases into a physician's hands early. Through the Health Office the midwives of Baltimore can be notified of the existence of the law and instructed concerning it. Its enforcement throughout the State can be obtained through the co-operation of the medical profession. The committee earnestly asks the aid of the city and county members of the Faculty in tracing neglected cases to the responsible party. In conclusion we suggest: First. That the committee be changed into a Board for the enforcement of the law, with power to add to its number as may be deemed proper. Secondly. That the Faculty instruct the retiring committee to thank in the name of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland the gentlemen mentioned in this report, through whose efforts the bill was passed by the recent Legislature. Respectfully submitted, HIRAM WOODS, JR., Chairman, Committee. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PERMANENT LOCATION. The Committee on Permanent Location appointed at the last meeting of the Faculty has the honor to report through its Chairman: The committee has met several times during the year to take into consideration the matter referred to it by the Faculty. The subject was thoroughly discussed from all points and the following facts are accepted: 1st. That it would be a benefit to the Faculty to locate elsewhere than in its present home, where access would be more easy to the library, directory for nurses, etc. 2d. That it would be inexpedient for the Faculty to purchase real estate in the present condition of its finances. The difficulty of obtaining a suitable house as a permanent home for, in consequence of the limited finances of, the Faculty, is an objection which up to this time has not been overcome. The rooms occupied at present are not suitable. They have been cold during the winter season of the past year and unable to be occupied by members of the Faculty on that account, the temperature has frequently been as low as 58 degrees F. The books stored in cases against the north wall of the main Faculty room are damp and suffer damage. Our watercloset arrangements in the present hall are inefficient and unfit for use. It was deemed advisable by the committee that a home should be obtained for the Library-rooms in which the books and periodicals could be placed and which would be sufficiently large to serve as reading rooms and also as meeting rooms for the local societies. A hall sufficiently large for the annual meeting would be expensive, entailing more expense than the Faculty can afford, and so the committee is of the opinion that a large hall for the annual meeting can be obtained without difficulty and without expense, several of the medical colleges in town having offered halls for such use; the Faculty could meet in the buildings of different medical schools in annual session until such time as the Faculty is able to own its own building. This latter suggestion, that the Faculty own its own building, is not so irrational as might appear at first sight. The following resolution was passed unanimously: Resolved, That it is expedient for the Faculty to obtain quarters elsewhere than at present located, for the library and directory for nurses and for the use of the local societies, and to serve as reading room; that the annual meeting of the Faculty be held in the hall of one of the medical colleges, which have been offered free of charge; the rental to be paid for the library rooms not greatly, if at all, to exceed the present rental paid by the Faculty. The location of such rooms will be the duty of the Committee on Permanent Location which shall serve during the coming year, and it is the opinion of this committee that the matter should not lie idle, but should be pushed, and that it can be brought to a proper conclusion. Of course the committee must report to the Faculty when a matured plan is ready for presentation. L. McL. TIFFANY, Chairman, B. BERNARD BROWNE, PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. THE EXTINCTION OF TUBERCULOSIS. By GEORGE H. ROHÉ, M. D. President of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Professor of Therapeutics, Hygiene and Mental Diseases in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Baltimore. Superintendent of the Maryland Hospital for the Insane, Catonsville, Md. This Ninety-sixth Annual Convention of this Faculty should be to us an occasion of congratulation. During the past year our losses in membership have been few, and our gains not inconsiderable. The Semi-annual Meeting held in Annapolis last November was very successful, in point of attendance as well as in the character of the work accomplished. In an address at the opening of that meeting, I said: “A legitimate object of organization is to use it as a power to secure legislation. Not legislation for our benefit as physicians, but legislation for the public good. The medical profession wants nothing for itself from the Legislature. The legislation in which the profession is interested is such as will be for the benefit of the whole people. Public health laws, medical registration laws, lunacy laws were all intended for the good of the public, although always originated and their enactment promoted by the efforts of physicians." It gives me especial gratification to call your attention to some recent results of such organization in this State. During the last session of the General Assembly three measures were considered in which the medical profession was interested, and which had their origin in committees appointed by this Faculty, These measures were; the Amendment of the Medical Practice Act, the bill for an Additional Hospital for the Insane, and the Act for the Prevention of Blindness in Infants. Each of them passed in essentially the shape in which it was recommended by the Faculty through its appropriate committees. Having watched the progress of these measures through the legislature, I believe I may say that not one of them would have passed in satisfactory form if the members of the Legislature had not been impressed by the fact that the organized profession of the State, as represented in this Faculty, endorsed and supported them. In this connection I may be permitted to mention a circumstance which, I think, justifies this statement. When the bill for the prevention of blindness was put upon its passage in the House of Delegates there was a good deal of opposition to some of its provisions. The bill was eloquently and intelligently defended by the Baltimore City delegation and the Committee on Hygiene, but the opposition was so determined that for a time its success was problematical. It was not uninteresting to note that the only effective opposition came from those counties which are still unrepresented in this Faculty. There is additional reason for congratulation in the fact that all the labor of getting a law passed through the legislation was not rendered nugatory by unfavorable executive. action as has happened to the profession of this State heretofore. Having at present in the Executive Chair a Governor "noted for his common sense" as was happily said by Dr. Preston in the discussion on the Care of the Insane at Annapolis, all our bills have been approved and are now laws. These successes should only render more forcible the appeal of the Committee on Membership for a larger representation of the profession of the State in the Faculty. There is room in this organization for every honorable regular practitioner in Maryland. I will now invite your attention to some considerations showing the possibility of |