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DISCLAIMER. The Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, while formally accepting and publishing the reports of the various Sections and Volunteer Papers read at its sessions, does not hold itself responsible for the opinions, theories or criticisms therein contained.

TO AUTHORS. Contributors to any volume of the TRANSACTIONS are requested to observe the following: Ist, Write on one side of the paper only. 2d, Write without breaks, i. e., do not begin a new sentence on a new line; when you want to begin a new paragraph, begin in the middle of the line. 3rd, Draw a line along the margin of such paragraphs as should be printed in smaller type-for instance, all that is clinical history in reports of cases, or that which is quoted, &c. 4th, Words to be printed in italics should be underscored once; in SMALL CAPITALS twice; in LARGE CAPITALS three times. 5th, Proofs sent for revision should be returned without delay; authors who contemplate a temporary absence from their regular residence any time during the summer, should notify the Recording Secretary, thus avoiding vexatious delays in the delivery of proof. 6th, Authors whose papers have been "accepted" by the Faculty and referred to the Publication Committee-such papers thus becoming the property of the Faculty-are expected to place the original or a verbatim printable copy on desk of the Recording Secretary immediately after the reading of the same. 7th, The Publication Committee is instructed by the Faculty to publish no paper that has been read before a local medical society prior to the publication of the TRANSACTIONS of the Faculty. 8th, Alterations in manuscript should be limited to what is of essential importance, they are equivalent to resetting, and cause additional expense, such changes, if they exceed half a page of printed matter, as also all wood cuts, photographs and electrotypes, are invariably to be paid for by authors.

MEMBERSHIP. Applications for membership in the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty should be addressed to the Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, or Chairman of the Examining Board, and should state name in full, post office address, where graduated in medicine, date of graduation, and by whom recommended. They must be accompanied by the initiation fee of five dollars: no membership dues are required for the first current year: a copy of the annual TRANSACTIONS is mailed gratuitously to each member. Blank applications for membership will be mailed to any address on application to the Recording Secretary or Treasurer.


Semi-Annual Meeting.


November 21st, 1893, First Day.

The Semi-Annual Meeting of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland was held at Annapolis, Maryland, November 21st and 22d, 1893, there being fifty-five members of the medical profession present.

The meeting was called to order at 10 A. M. by the President, Dr. George H. Rohe, Dr. William B. Canfield being Secretary pro tem. After prayer by the Rev. Mr. McDowell, of Annapolis, the Address of Welcome was delivered by Dr. Abram Claude, of Annapolis, in which he referred to his fifty-five years of professional life in Annapolis. The President then thanked Dr. Claude in a most fitting manner on behalf of the Faculty for his cordial Address of Welcome, and in a few words sketched out the growth of the society in the past few years and made some very important suggestions which were later acted on by the Faculty. On motion it was ordered that all doctors present who were not members of the Faculty be invited to take part in the deliberations of the Faculty. Dr. Charles P. Noble, of Philadelphia, and Dr. B. D. Evans, of Morris Plains, N. J., were present; also, His Excellency, Governor Frank Brown, was present and took part in the discussions.

Dr. W. B. Platt read a paper on "A Case of Laminectomy: Operation eleven months after injury to the Spine." This was discussed by Drs. R. Winslow, G. J. Preston and Platt.

Dr. J. H. Branham read a paper on Tumors of the Superior Maxilla. No discussion.

Dr. R. Winslow read a paper on Amputations. This was discussed by Dr. J. M. T. Finney.

Dr. W. T. Cathell read a paper entitled A Study of the Effects of Tobacco on the Throat and Nose. This was discussed by Drs. C. Birnie, of Taneytown, W. H. Welch, A. Claude, of Annapolis, and Cathell.

2.30 P. M. Dr. G. J. Preston read a paper on Some Facts and Suggestions Concerning the Care of the Insane in Maryland, and Dr. Wm. Lee read a paper on Advancements in the Care and Treatment of the Insane in Maryland during the past Eight Years, and Insanity in the Colored Race. These papers were discussed by Drs. John Morris, H. M. Hurd, Wm. Lee, E. N. Brush, R. F. Gundry, S. J. Fort, G. H. Rohe, C. Birnie, Welch, Evans and Preston.

Dr. Brayshaw's paper was read. No discussion. Fort's paper, discussed by Drs. Hurd, Brush and Fort.


On motion the Faculty adjourned, to meet to-morrow, November 22nd, at 10 A. M.


Secretary pro tem.

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