1-1 HOURS OF SERVICE OF RAILROAD EMPLOYEES HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON SURFACE TRANSPORTATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1938 A BILL TO AMEND THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO CONTENTS Page Chesser, Al H., national legislative director, United Transportation Union, McCulloch, E. L., assistant grand engineer and national legislative repre- sentative, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, B. of L.E. Building, Cleveland, Ohio; accompanied by W. E. Skutt, assistant grand chief engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Oakdale, Long Island, N.Y., and Richard H. Kraushaar, assistant general counsel, Cleveland, Burton, Sam B., manager of personnel, Southern Pacific Co., accompanied by William R. Denton, general attorney__ Croft, P. H., president, American Short Line Railroad Association____ Goodfellow, Thomas M., president, Association of American Railroads, Manion, R. R., vice president, Operations and Maintenance Department, Hastings, D. C., vice president, Transportation and maintenance, Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Co., accompanied by Edward A. Charron, assistant general attorney, and B. C. High, transportation assistant to vice presi- Hiltz, J. P., Jr., chairman, National Railway Labor Conference__. Schofield, Albert M., assistant vice president, operations planning, Penn Central, accompanied by J. C. Sperry, director, operating coordination, and Hermon M. Wells, assistant general counsel__. Steinbock, Edward, locomotive engineer, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad-‒‒‒‒ Whitman, Hon. Reginald, Administrator, Federal Railroad Administra- 14 100 113 187 ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS AND LETTERS The subcommittee met at 10:30 a.m. in room 5110, New Senate Office Building, Hon. Vance Hartke (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Senators Hartke and Cannon. OPENING STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN Senator HARTKE. Good morning. Today we are commencing hearings on S. 1938, a bill to amend the act entitled "An Act to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroad by limiting the hours of service of employees thereon.” At the hearings this morning the subcommittee will hear testimony from proponents of this legislation. In addition to the testimony to be heard today a number of local officials of the United Transportation Union have indicated to this committee their support for this legislation. In accordance with standard committee procedures all interested persons not appearing personally may submit a statement which upon appropriate request, will be made a part of the official hearing record. Additional hearings have been scheduled for October 13 and 14 at which time the subcommittee will hear testimony from the Department of Transportation and the opponents of this bill. There will be incorporated in the record at this point a copy of S. 1938 and the agency comments. (The bill and agency comments follow :) [S. 1938, 91st Cong., 1st sess.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled “An Act to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by limiting the hours of service of employees thereon", approved March 4, 1907 (45 U.S.C. 61, 62, 63, 64), is hereby amended to read as follows: "That (a) this Act shall apply to any common carrier or carriers, their officers, agents, and employees, engaged in the transportation of passengers or property by railroad in the District of Columbia or any territory of the United States, or from one State or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia to any other State or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, or from any place in the United States to an adjacent foreign country, or from any place in the United States through a foreign country to any other place in the United States. "(b) For the purpose of this Act Staff member assigned to this hearing. A. Daniel O'Neal. (1) |