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(b) Gruidæ or cranes, including little brown, sandhill, and whooping cranes.

(c) Rallidæ or rails, including coots, gallinules, and sora and other rails.

(d) Limicolæ or shore birds, including avocets, curlew, dowitchers, godwits, knots, oyster catchers, phalaropes, plover, sandpipers, snipe, stilts, surf birds, turnstones, willet, woodcock, and yellowlegs.

(e) Columbidæ or pigeons, including doves and wild pigeons. For the purposes of these regulations the following shall be considered migratory insectivorous birds:

(f) Bobolinks, catbirds, chickadees, cuckoos, flickers, flycatchers, grosbeaks, humming birds, kinglets, martins, meadowlarks, nighthawks or bull bats, nuthatches, orioles, robins, shrikes, swallows, swifts, tanagers, titmice, thrushes, vireos, warblers, waxwings, whippoorwills, woodpeckers, and wrens, and all other perching birds which feed entirely or chiefly on insects.


A daily closed season on all migratory game and insectivorous birds shall extend from sunset to sunrise.


A closed season on migratory insectivorous birds shall continue to December 31, 1913, and each year thereafter shall begin January I and continue to December 31, both dates inclusive, provided that nothing in this or any other of these regulations shall be construed to prevent the issue of permits for collecting birds for scientific purposes in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the respective States and Territories and the District of Columbia; and provided further that the closed season on reedbirds or ricebirds in Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia and South Carolina shall begin November 1 and end August 31 next following, both dates inclusive.


A closed season shall continue until September 1, 1918, on the following migratory game birds: Band-tailed pigeons, little brown, sandhill, and whooping cranes, swans, curlew, and all shorebirds except the black-breasted and golden plover, Wilson or jack snipe, woodcock, and the greater and lesser yellowlegs.

A closed season shall also continue until September 1, 1918, on wood ducks in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota,

Iowa, Kansas, California, Oregon, and Washington; on rails in California and Vermont; and on woodcock in Illinois and Missouri.

REGULATION 5. CLOSED SEASON ON CERTAIN NAVIGABLE RIVERS. A closed season shall continue between January 1 and December 31, both dates inclusive, of each year, on all migratory birds passing over or at rest on any of the waters of the main streams of the following navigable rivers, to wit: The Mississippi River between Minneapolis, Minn., and Memphis, Tenn.; and the Missouri River between Bismarck, N. Dak., and Nebraska City, Nebr.; and on the killing or capture of any of such birds on or over the shores of any of said rivers, or at any point within the limits aforesaid, from any boat, raft, or other device, floating or otherwise, in or on any such waters.


The following zones for the protection of migratory game and insectivorous birds are hereby established:

Zone No. 1, the breeding zone, comprising States lying wholly or in part north of latitude 40° and the Ohio River and including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington-25 States.

Zone No. 2, the wintering zone, comprising States lying wholly or in part south of latitude 40° and the Ohio River and including Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah-23 States and the District of Columbia.


For the purposes of regulations 8 and 9, each period of time therein prescribed as a closed season shall be construed to include the first day and to exclude the last day thereof.


Closed seasons in Zone No. I shall be as follows:

Waterfowl.-The closed season on waterfowl shall be between December 16 and September 1 next following, except as follows:

Exceptions: In Massachusetts the closed season shall be between January 1 and September 15.

In New York, except Long Island, the closed season shall be between December 16 and September 16.

On Long Island and in Oregon and Washington the closed season shall be between January 16 and October 1.

In New Jersey the closed season shall be between February 1 and November 1; and

In Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin the closed season shall be between December I and September 7.


Rails. The closed season on rails, coots, and gallinules shall be between December 1 and September 1 next following, except as follows: Exceptions: In Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island the closed season shall be between December and August 15.

In Connecticut, Michigan, and New York, and on Long Island the closed season shall be between December 1 and September 16.

In Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin the closed season shall be between December 1 and September 7; and

In Oregon and Washington the closed season shall be between January 16 and October 1.

Woodcock.-The closed season on woodcock shall be between December I and October 1 next following, except as follows:

Exceptions: In Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey the closed season shall be between December I and October 10.

In Rhode Island the closed season shall be between December 1 and November 1; and

In Pennsylvania and on Long Island the closed season shall be between December I and October 15.

Shore birds. The closed season on black-breasted and golden plover, jack-snipe or Wilson snipe, and greater and lesser yellowlegs shall be between December 16 and September I next following, except as follows:

Exceptions: In Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and on Long Island the closed season shall be between December I and August 15.

In New York, except Long Island, the closed season shall be between December 1 and September 16.

In Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin the closed season shall be between December 1 and September 7; and In Oregon and Washington the closed season shall be between December 16 and October 1.


Closed seasons in Zone No. 2 shall be as follows:

Waterfowl. The closed season on waterfowl shall be between January 16 and October 1 next following, except as follows:

Exceptions: In Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas the closed season shall be between February I and November 1.

In the District of Columbia, Kansas, New Mexico, and West Virginia the closed season shall be between December 16 and September 1. In Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina the closed season shall be between February 16 and November 20.

In Missouri and Nevada the closed season shall be between January I and September 15; and

In Arizona and California the closed season shall be between February 1 and October 15.

Rails. The closed season on rails, coots, and gallinules shall be between December 1 and September 1 next following, except as follows: Exceptions: In Tennessee and Utah the closed season shall be between December 1 and October I.

In Missouri the closed season shall be between January 1 and September 15.

In Louisiana the closed season shall be between February 1 and November 1; and

In Arizona and California the closed season on coots shall be between February 1 and October 15.

Woodcock.-The closed season on woodcock shall be between January I and November 1, except as follows:

Exceptions: In Delaware and Louisiana the closed season shall be between January I and November 15.

In West Virginia the closed season shall be between December 1 and October 1; and

In Georgia the closed season shall be between January 1 and Deceinber I.

Shore birds.-The closed season on black-breasted and golden plover, jack-snipe or Wilson snipe, and greater and lesser yellowlegs shall be between December 16 and September 1 next following, except as follows:

Exceptions: In Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina the closed season shall be between February 1 and November 20.

In Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas the closed season shall be between February 1 and November I.

In Tennessee the closed season shall be between December 16 and October I.

In Arizona and California the closed season shall be between February 1 and October 15; and

In Utah the closed season on snipe shall be between December 16 and October 1, and on plover and yellowlegs shall be until September I, 1918.


Persons recommending changes in the regulations or desiring to submit evidence in person or by attorney as to the necessity for such changes should make application to the Secretary of Agriculture. Whenever possible hearings will be arranged at central points, and due

notice thereof given by publication or otherwise as may be deemed appropriate. Persons recommending changes should be prepared to show the necessity for such action and to submit evidence other than that based on reasons of personal convenience or a desire to kill game during a longer open season.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.


DONE at the city of Washington, this first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth.

By the President:

W. J. BRYAN, Secretary of State.




[Cabrillo National Monument.]

WHEREAS, by section 2 of an Act of Congress approved June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225), the President was authorized "in his discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and may reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected";

And WHEREAS, when Cabrillo sailed into San Diego Bay on the 28th day of September, 1542, Point Loma was the first land sighted; and The Order of Panama, an organization composed of representative citizens of Southern California, has applied for permission to construct a heroic statue of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, the discoverer of California, on Point Loma which lies within the military reservation of Fort Rosecrans, California, and has requested that a suitable site be set apart for such monument;

NOW THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United States of America, under authority of the said Act of Congress, do hereby reserve as a site for the said monument, the following described parcel of land situated on Point Loma within the limits of the military reservation of Fort Rosecrans, California, and do hereby declare and

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