The Tribune Almanac and Political Register for ...Greeley & McElrath, 1884 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Výsledky 1-5 z 73
Strana 75
... ward 749 461 878 516 715 504 IId ward 615 418 776 463 513 331 IIId ward 303 414 474 436 376 354 IVth ward 699 605 881 636 665 600 Vth ward 490 543 660 527 629 519 Vith ward 292 436 396 432 316 376 76 CAMDEN - Continued . VIIth ward 444 ...
... ward 749 461 878 516 715 504 IId ward 615 418 776 463 513 331 IIId ward 303 414 474 436 376 354 IVth ward 699 605 881 636 665 600 Vth ward 490 543 660 527 629 519 Vith ward 292 436 396 432 316 376 76 CAMDEN - Continued . VIIth ward 444 ...
Strana 76
... ward .. 505 411 509 437 445 404 IId ward .. 253 229 250 300 225 234 IIId ward .. 279 242 296 217 279 187 146 57 225 96 Hopewell ... 156 145 188 176 183 Greenwich . 188 53 228 72 216 Stow Creek . 91 81 129 108 125 Deerfield .... 115 ...
... ward .. 505 411 509 437 445 404 IId ward .. 253 229 250 300 225 234 IIId ward .. 279 242 296 217 279 187 146 57 225 96 Hopewell ... 156 145 188 176 183 Greenwich . 188 53 228 72 216 Stow Creek . 91 81 129 108 125 Deerfield .... 115 ...
Strana 77
... Ward 575 356 652 414 563 356 II Ward 356 292 412 280 348 235 111 Ward 585 759 625 756 521 625 IV Ward 400 564 392 ( 53 366 568 V Ward 519 654 611 597 465 506 VI Ward 109 223 97 253 76 221 VII Ward 564 775 641 690 511 618 Ewing ... 166 ...
... Ward 575 356 652 414 563 356 II Ward 356 292 412 280 348 235 111 Ward 585 759 625 756 521 625 IV Ward 400 564 392 ( 53 366 568 V Ward 519 654 611 597 465 506 VI Ward 109 223 97 253 76 221 VII Ward 564 775 641 690 511 618 Ewing ... 166 ...
Strana 78
... ward 116 152 138 155 133 160 SOMERSET . II ward 155 170 180 188 165 227 Bedminster . 112 258 142 326 176 327 III ward 271 219 330 242 318 279 Bernards ... 163 333 205 389 189 410 IV ward 124 117 143 144 149 172 Branchburg 157 101 201 ...
... ward 116 152 138 155 133 160 SOMERSET . II ward 155 170 180 188 165 227 Bedminster . 112 258 142 326 176 327 III ward 271 219 330 242 318 279 Bernards ... 163 333 205 389 189 410 IV ward 124 117 143 144 149 172 Branchburg 157 101 201 ...
Strana 87
... Ward 1 .. Ward 2 . Ward 5 .. Ward 6 .... Ward 8 .. Ward 9 .. Ward 10 . Ward 12 .. Ward 22 Flatbush Gravesend New - Utrecht .. Total . Plurality Blank & scat .. 11633 10398 Blank & def ... Plun- * Kier- kett . nan . 1934 1520 Dist . 4 ...
... Ward 1 .. Ward 2 . Ward 5 .. Ward 6 .... Ward 8 .. Ward 9 .. Ward 10 . Ward 12 .. Ward 22 Flatbush Gravesend New - Utrecht .. Total . Plurality Blank & scat .. 11633 10398 Blank & def ... Plun- * Kier- kett . nan . 1934 1520 Dist . 4 ...
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Alabama Amendment Assembly Blaine CALENDAR FOR Boston CALENDAR FOR Charleston Carolina cent Charles clerk Cleve Columbia Congress Connecticut County Cutcheon Delaware Democratic deputy Dist District Edward election favor fees foreign Franklin Geor George George W Governor Henry Illinois Indiana Iowa Iowa and Oregon Jackson James January Joseph June 30 Kansas Kentucky labor land Legislature liquor Louisiana manufactures March MERID Michigan Missouri Moon H. W. rises MOON'S PHASES morn New-Jersey New-York Ohio party Pennsylvania pensions Phila Plurality ports President Republican revenue Rhode Island Samuel scat Senate Sept sets sippi and Louisiana South Carolina SUN AT NOON Sun Moon H. W. Sun Sun Moon tariff Tennessee Territories Thomas tion Total City Total vote United vania Virginia Ward Washington mean West William H Wisconsin York
Oblíbené pasáže
Strana 27 - ... white or black, to cast one free ballot in public elections, and to have that ballot duly counted. We hold the free and honest popular ballot, and the just and equal representation of all the people, to be the foundation of our republican government, and demand effective legislation to secure the integrity and purity of elections, which are the fountains of public authority.
Strana 25 - That the Commission hereby created shall have authority to inquire into the management of the business of all common carriers subject to the provisions of this act, and shall keep itself informed as to the manner and method in which the same is conducted...
Strana 25 - No vacancy in the commission shall impair the right of the remaining commissioners to exercise all the powers of the commission.
Strana 27 - Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings, and with prayer for his recovery, the name of one of our living heroes, whose memory will be treasured in the history both of Republicans and of the Republic — the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip H.
Strana 25 - President, but their successors shall be appointed for terms of seven years, except that any person chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the commissioner whom he shall succeed.
Strana 27 - We reaffirm the policy of appropriating the public lands of the United States to be homesteads for American citizens and settlers, not aliens, which the Republican party established in 1862, against the persistent opposition of the Democrats in Congress, and which has brought our great Western domain into such magnificent development.
Strana 27 - The Republican party would effect all needed reduction of the national revenue by repealing the taxes upon tobacco, which are an annoyance and burden to agriculture, and the tax upon spirits used in the arts, and for mechanical purposes, and by such revision of the tariff laws as will tend to check imports of such articles as are produced by our people...
Strana 27 - ... destruction as proposed by the President and his party. They serve the interests of Europe ; we will support the interests of America. We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to the people for their judgment. The protective system must be maintained. Its abandonment has always been followed by general disaster to all interests, except those of the usurer and the sheriff.
Strana 27 - We are uncompromisingly in favor of the American system of protection; we protest against its destruction as proposed by the president and his party. They serve the interests of Europe; we will support the interests of America.
Strana 27 - Legislatures, in their respective jurisdictions, such legislation as will prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress the people by undue charges on their supplies or by unjust rates for the transportation of their products to market.