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" Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings, and with prayer for his recovery, the name of one of our living heroes, whose memory will be treasured in the history both of Republicans and of the Republic —... "
The Tribune Almanac and Political Register for ... - Strana 27
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Republican Campaign Text Book

1888 - 262 str.
...councils — Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Logan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished ! We also recall with our greetings, and with prayer for...the history both of Republicans and of the Republic — the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip II. Sheridan. In the spirit...
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The Record Almanac for the Year ...

1885 - 538 str.
...councils —Grant, Garfleld, Arthur, LoRan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and with prayer for...recovery the name of one of our living heroes, whose name will be treasured in the history both of Republicans and of the Republic, the name of that noble...
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A Handbook for the Aggressive Temperance People of the United States

Walter W. Spooner - 1888 - 198 str.
...councils — Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Logan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings, and with prayer for...the history both of Republicans and of the republic — the name of that noble soldier and child of victory, Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit of those...
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Household Guest, Svazek 2

1888 - 548 str.
...councils — Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Logan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings, and with prayer for...the history both of Republicans and of the Republic — the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit...
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The Republican Campaign Text-book for 1888

Republican National Committee (U.S.) - 1888 - 408 str.
...councils — Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Logan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished ! We also recall with our greetings, and with prayer for...the history both of Republicans and of the Republic — the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit...
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The National Hand-book of American Progress: A Non-partisan Reference Manual ...

Erastus Otis Haven - 1888 - 602 str.
...councils — Grant, Qarfield, Arthur, Logan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and with prayer for...history both of Republicans and of the Republic— the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Phi lip H. Sheridan. In the spirit of...
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The American Manual and Patriot's Handbook

Bp. Samuel Fallows, Samuel Fallows - 1888 - 436 str.
...our councilsGrant, Garfield, Arthur,L,ogan,Cpnkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and with prayer for...the history both of Republicans and of the Republic — the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit...
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A History of Presidential Elections ...

Edward Stanwood - 1888 - 478 str.
...councils — 3i rant, Garfield, Arthur, Logan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and with prayer for...the history both of Republicans and of the Republic, the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory. Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit of...
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Contest of 1888: Lives of the Candidates, Election Statistics and Party ...

John Griffin Carlisle - 1888 - 144 str.
...councils — Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Logan, Conkling — may their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and with prayer for...the history both of Republicans and of the Republic — the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit...
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The Campaign Text Book of the Democratic Party of the United States, for the ...

Democratic National Committee (U.S.) - 1888 - 676 str.
...councils — Grant, Garfleld, Arthur, Logan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and with prayer for his recovery the name of one of our living heroes.whose memory will be treasured in the history both of Republicans and of the Republic — the...
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