32A, VII National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, 45, XX National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Shipping Authority Patent and Trademark Office Secretary of Commerce, Office of United States Travel Service Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Committee for Purchase from Blind and Other Severely Commodity Credit Corporation Commodity Futures Trading Commission Community Development Corporation Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Services Administration Comptroller of the Currency Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission Contract Appeals, Board of Copyright Office, Library of Congress Air Force Department Defense Civil Preparedness Agency Navy Department Secretary of Defense, Office of 32, I Agency Employee Benefits Security, Office of Energy Research and Development Administration Engineers, Corps of Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Export Marketing Service Export-Import Bank of the United States 29, XXV 22, VIII 20, IV 5, V 20, V 20, VI Chapter 10, III; 41, 9, 109 33, II; 36, III Federal Labor Relations Council and Federal Service Impasses 5, XIV Great Lakes Pilotage Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation 45, XVIII Health Care Financing Administration, Department of Health, 42, IV Education, and Welfare Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of Aging, Administration on Child Support Enforcement, Office of Children's Bureau, Social and Rehabilitation Service Education, Office of Federal Procurement Regulations System Food and Drug Administration Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Health Care Financing Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Human Development Office National Institute of Education Public Health Service St. Elizabeth Hospital Social and Rehabilitation Service Social Security Administration Highway Safety Program Standards Housing and Urban Development, Department of Community Development Corporation Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary for Federal Insurance Administration Federal Procurement Regulations System Government National Mortgage Association Housing Management, Office of Assistant Secretary for Secretary for Housing Management, Office of Assistant Secretary for 24, IX 24, VIII 24, XV 24, XX 24, Subtitle A Low-Emission Vehicle Certification Board Low-Income Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development Management and Budget, Office of Marine Mammal Commission Maritime Administration Maritime Administrator, Office of National Shipping Authority Materials Transportation Bureau Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration Monetary Offices Chapter 25, I; 41, 14H 25, II 43, II 30, III 30, VI 30, I 36, I 43, I 41, 14R 43, Subtitle A 50, I 18, IV 26, I 22, XI 22, II; 41, 7 22, IV 5, V 50, III 19, II 49, X 32A, VIII 24, IX 20, VIII 28, I; 41, 128 8, II 21, II 4, II 28, III 41,28 8, I 20, VII 20, IV 20, V 20, VI 41,60 41, 29, 50 29, II 29, XVII 29, XXV 41,50 29, Subtitle A 29, V 20, I 29, IV 43, II 45, XVI 36, VII 37, II 40, IV 24, VIII 5, III; 34, I 50, V 46, II 32A, XIX 32A, XVIII 49, I 30, III 30, VI 30, I 1, IV 90-1750-78-73 31, I |