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Subpart A-General

601.1 Purpose.

601.2 Organization of the Administration. 601.3 General responsibilities.

601.4 Responsibilities of the Administra


Subpart B-Delegations

601.10 Delegations of authority.

Subpart C-Public Availability of Information 601.20 Sources of information.

AUTHORITY: Sec. 9 of the Department of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1657, 1659), Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1968 (82 Stat. 1369), and Sec. 1.5 of title 49 CFR, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A-General

SOURCE: 41 FR 56808, Dec. 30, 1976, unless otherwise noted.

§ 601.1 Purpose.

This part describes the organization or the Urban Mass Transportation Administration ("UMTA") an operating administration within the Department of Transportation. This part also describes the general responsibilities and authority of the officials directing the various offices of which UMTA is composed. In addition, this part describes the sources and locations of available UMTA program information.

§ 601.2 Organization of the Administration.

(a) The headquarters organization of UMTA is composed of 10 principal offices which function under the overall direction of the Urban Mass Transportation Administrator ("the Adminis

trator") and Deputy Administrator. These offices are:

(1) Office of the Administrator.

(2) Office of the Associate Administrator for Administration.

(3) Office of Chief Counsel.

(4) Office of Civil Rights.
(5) Office of Public Affairs.

(6) Office of the Associate Administrator for Transit Assistance.

(7) Office of the Associate Administrator for Policy and Program Development.

(8) Office of the Associate Administrator for Transportation Planning.

(9) Office of the Associate Administrator for Transportation Management and Demonstrations.

(10) Office of the Associate Administrator for Technology Development and Deployment.

The Administrator receives staff support from the Executive Secretariat which corrdinates internal document dissemination and project assignments and ensures policy compliance.

(b) The Office of the Administrator and the Offices of Chief Counsel, Public Affairs, the Associate Administrator for Administration, the Associate Administrator for Transit Assistance, the Associate Administrator for Policy and Program Development, and the Associate Administrator for Transportation Planning are located in the Department of Transportation Building, 400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. The Offices of Civil Rights, the Associate Administrator for Technology Development and Deployment, and the Associate Administrator for Transportation Management and Demonstrations are located in the Transpoint Building, 2100 2nd Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.


I-Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, UMTA Representative, c/o Transportation




New Hampshire, Rhode Island,
and Vermont.

Systems Center, Kendall Square, Room
277, 55 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. 02142.

II-New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, UMTA Representative, 26 Federal Plaza,


and Virgin Islands.

Suite 507, New York, Ν.Υ. 10007.

III-Delaware, District of Columbia,
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
and West Virginia.

UMTA Representative, 434 Walnut St., Suite
1010, Philadelphia, Pa. 19106.


IV-Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ken

UMTA Representative, 1720 Peachtree Rd.


tucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, NW., Suite 400, Atlanta, Ga. 30309.
South Carolina, and Tennessee.

V-Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michi-
gan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

UMTA Representative, 300 South Wacker
Dr., Suite 1740, Chicago, Ill. 60606.


[blocks in formation]

X-Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washing- UMTA Representative, Federal Bldg., Suite


§ 601.3 General responsibilities.

3106, 915 2d Ave., Seattle, Wash. 98174.

The general responsibilities of each of the offices which comprise the headquarters organization of UMTA


(a) Office of the Associate Administrator for Administration. Directed by an Associate Administrator for Administration, this office provides general administrative support services for UMTA, including financial management, personnel administration, audit, procurement, logistical and management information systems.

(b) Office of Chief Counsel. Directed by a Chief Counsel, this office provides legal advice and services to the Administrator and other UMTA officials; coordinates with and provides support to the General Counsel of DOT on matters involving urban mass transportation; and, provides liaison between UMTA and the Department of Labor regarding the administration of section 13(c) of Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended ("the Act").

(c) Office of Public Affairs. Directed by a Director of Public Affairs, this office advises and assists the Administrator in the area of public relations and in the dissemination to the public and the news media of information about UMTA programs, projects and activities.

(d) Office of the Associate Administrator for Policy and Program Development. Directed by an Associate Administrator for Policy and Development, this office advises and assists the Administrator in the development and evaluation of policies and plans for implementing the functions and programs authorized by the Act; coordinates UMTA activities with those of other agencies; and manages and


administers the University Research Program under section 11 of the Act (49 U.S.C. 1607(c)). This office has three organizational components: the Office of Policy Development; the Office of Program Evaluation; and the Office of Policy Research.

(e) Office of the Associate Administrator for Transit Assistance. Directed by an Associate Administrator for Transit Assistance, this office reviews and processes all applications for urban mass transportation capital and operating assistance grants and loans under sections 3, 4, 5, 16 and 17 of the Act (49 U.S.C. 1602, 1603, 1604, 1612 and 1613); reviews and processes applications for Federal assistance to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) under the Transportation Act of 1972 and the National Capital Area Transit Act of 1972; directs the evaluation and analysis of proposed annual programs and individual programs and individual projects; and approves and recommends for approval annual programs and individual projects. This office has three operating components which direct and coordinate post-approval grant activities: the Office of Grant Assistance, the Office of Program Support, and the Office of Program Analysis.

(f) Office of the Associate Administrator for Transportation Planning. Directed by an Associate Administrator for Transportation Planning, this office assists the Administrator in directing, coordinating and controlling UMTA's transportation planning assistance and reviews planning activities both in relation to UMTA-supported State and local actions and planning policy interaction within the Department of Transportation and with other Federal agencies; and administers grants to States and local public bodies under section 9 of the Act (49 U.S.C. 1607a). This office has two organizational components: the Office of Planning Assistance and the Office of Planning methodology and Technical Support.

(g) Office of the Associate Administrator for Transportation Management and Demonstrations. Directed by an Associate Administrator for Transportation Management and Demonstrations, this office assists the Administrator in directing, conducting and controlling research and demonstration activities, including information dissemination, to foster the development of methods for improving transit management and operations from the perspectives of the operator and the user; administers grant and procurement contracts to demonstrate facilities, methods and techniques under section 6(a) of the Act (49 U.S.C. 1605), and managerial training fellowship grants under section 10 of the Act (49 U.S.C. 1607b). This office has two organizational components: the Office of Transit Management and the Office of Service and Methods Demonstrations.

(h) Office of the Associate Administrator for Technology Development and Deployment. Directed by an Associate Administrator for Technology Development and Deployment, this office is responsible for developing and administering a program of research, development, testing, evaluation, operational demonstration, product qualification, standardization, analysis, and information exchange concerning new products intended for use in transportation systems assisted by UMTA. The office is also responsible for UMTA's safety and system assurance function and for advising the Administrator on matters relating to technology. This office administers research, development and demonstration projects under section 6(a) of the Act (49 U.S.C. 1605).

(i) Office of Civil Rights. Directed by a Director of Civil Rights, this office advises and assists the Administrator and other UMTA officials in implementing compliance with applicable laws and directives pertaining to civil

rights and equal employment opportunity, both within UMTA and in the conduct of urban mass transportation projects and programs.

§ 601.4 Responsibilities of the Administrator.

The Administrator is responsible for the planning, direction and control of the activities of UMTA, and has authority to approve urban mass transportation grants, loans, and contracts. At the direction of the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator is authorized to act for and on behalf of the Administrator. In the event of the absence or disability of the Administrator, the following officials shall, in the order named, assume and perform the duties of the Administrator:

(a) Deputy Administrator.
(b) Associate Administrator

Transportation Demonstration.

for and

(c) Associate Administrator for Policy and Program Development. (d) Associate Administrator for Transit Assistance.

(e) Associate Administrator for Transportation Planning.

(f) Associate Administrator for Technology Development and Deployment.

(g) Chief Counsel. (h) Associate Administrator for Administration.

[42 FR 36264, July 14, 1977]

Subpart B-Delegations

§ 601.10 Delegations of authority.

(a) Pursuant to authority delegated to the Administrator by 49 CFR 1.45(b) and 1.51 of the regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, the following powers and duties of the Administrator are redelegated to the officials indicated

(1) The Associate Administrator for Transit Assistance is delegated authority to execute grant contracts, loan agreements, and amendments thereto with respect to approved capital and operating grants, loans and advanced land acquisition loan projects under sections 3, 4, 5, 16 and 17 of the Act (49 U.S.C. 1602, 1603, 1604, 1612 and 1613); under limited circumstances

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