Obrázky stránek

preparations to sell. Dr. Davis closed the discussion.

Dr. J. W. Carlisle reported an interesting case and efficient treatment of "perineal abscess" following some twenty days after a normal labor, and after the patient had apparently made a good recovery. The report of the case brought out an interesting discussion and some valuable points in connection with such cases.

Dr. G. H. Henry mentioned an interesting case of enlarged glands in a child two years old which simulated a diphtheritic condition minus the characteristic throat symptoms which usually accompany diphtheria.

On motion the Society adjourned to again convene in January.

LEROY NEWLIN, Secretary.


The sixteenth annual meeting of the Fulton County Medical Society met in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. building in Canton, Oct. 7, 1913, and was called to order at 10 a. m. by President Snively. Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. Drs. Hayes and Parks were appointed as auditing committee. Dr. Chapin being the only member of the membership committee present, the president appointed Drs. Adams and Stoops as members of that committee to act at this meeting.

Applications for membership from Drs. M. H. Whitlock and J. R. Smith, both of Canton, and for reinstatement from Drs. T. R. Plumer and William Plumer of Farmington were read and referred to the membership committee.

Chapin and Reagan moved that the rules be suspended and that the membership committee report on all applications at this meeting and that a vote be taken on such applications. Carried.

Auditing committee reported that they had examined the books of the secretary-treasurer and found them correct. Report adopted.

The membership committee reported favorably on the applications of Drs. Smith and Whitlock; also reinstatement of Drs. Plumer. Report adopted.

Drs. Chapin and Nelson moved that the secretary cast the vote of those present in favor of the applicants. Carried.

Secretary cast ten votes and the president declared Drs. Smith, Whitlock and Plumer elected to membership.

The following officers were then elected: President, Dr. I. L. Beatty, Fairview; first vice-president, Dr. C. E. Howard, Lewistown; second vice-president, Dr. L. R. Chapin, Canton; secretary-treasurer, Dr. D. S. Ray, Cuba; necrologist, Dr. P. H. Stoops, Ipava; membership committee, Dr. R. W. Reagan, Canton; censor, Dr. Jennie Parks, Cuba; delegate, Dr. P. H. Stoops, Ipava; public health and education, Dr. C. D. Snively, Ipava; legislative committee. Dr. L. R. Chapin, Canton.

Adjourned until 1:30 p. m.

Called to order by President Snively at 1:30 p. m. Dr. D. D. Kirby of Peoria read a paper on "Facts and Fallacies in the Treatment of Gonorrhea in the Male."

Dr. W. B. Wakefield of Peoria read a paper on "Occupational Skin Diseases."

These papers were discussed and the meeting adjourned to the Variety Theater, where Dr. Carl E. Black of Jacksonville gave a paper with lantern demonstrations on "Displacement of the Colon." At the conclusion of Dr. Black's paper adjournment was taken and the members with their lady friends at 5 o'clock met at the Congregational Church and busied themselves with a bountiful feast prepared and served by the ladies of that church. With the tables cleared and Dr. Coleman as toastmaster, the hour was enjoyed by talks from almost all present.

Collections at this meeting totaled $97.50.

Those present were: Dr. Carl E. Black of Jacksonville; Drs. D. D. Kirby and W. B. Wakefield of Peoria; Drs. Essix, E. E. Davis, Boynton, Welch, C. D. Snively, P. H. Stoops, L. H. Chapin, C. E. Howard, E. W. Reagan, T. C. Hayes, Jennie Parks, J. M. Adams, W. D. Nelson, C. H. Hamilton, C. N. Allison, E. M. Price, J. C. Simmons, T. H. Reagan, M. H. Whitlock, R. P. Grimm, William Plumer, J. R. Harrod, W. E. Shallenberger, P. S. Scholes, Veda C. Murphy, Dr. Turner and D. S. Ray. Total, 32.

Bills for the year audited and approved by the auditing committee and paid by the treasurer, $218.74.


A meeting of the Henderson County Medical Society was held at Stronghurst, November 4, 1913. Members present: Drs. I. F. Harter, H. L. Marshall, A. E. Louver, Edwin E. Bond, H. V. Prescott, J. L. Norris, B. L. Ditto and J. P. Riggs. Visitors: Drs. J. F. Percy, C. A. Finley, A. L. Stotts, W. Rose of Galesburg; Smith of Seaton; William Prescott of Dallas City; Evans of Springfield; J. W. Medley of Disco; J. Hoyt Huckins of Terre Haute; Ralph Graham and C. Sherrick of Monmouth; De Witt Loomis of Lomax.

After a sumptuous luncheon was served we proceeded to reading papers. Dr. F. B. Dorsey of Keokuk, Iowa, read a paper on "Indications for Cæsarean Operations; Dr. Smith of Seaton read a paper on "Pyelitis;" Dr. A. F. Stotts of Galesburg read a paper on "Intravenous Medication;" Dr. J. F. Percy of Galesburg read a paper on “A Point of View of Nephritis and Its Treatment."

The papers were very interesting and were ably discussed by all present. After the papers and discussion Dr. De Witt Loomis presented his application for membership and was received as a member of this society.

Adjourned to meet at a time to be agreed upon by the president and secretary.

HUGH L. MARSHALL, President.
J. P. RIGGS, Secretary.

MACOUPIN COUNTY The Macoupin County Medical Society met in regular session in the Masonic Hall at Palmyra, Oct. 28, 1913. Called to order by acting president, J. S. Collins of Carlinville at 1 p. m. Dr. Ben Hudson was appointed secretary pro tempore. Minutes of last session were read and approved. Drs. I. H. Neece, E. W. Crum and W. B. Dalton were appointed censors. Applications of Drs. L. E. Ambrose, Mt. Olive, and J. W. Berryman, Scotville, were received and referred to censors for report at next meeting. Carlinville was selected as next meeting place. Drs. J. S. Collins and R. A. Hankins, both of Carlinville, were selected as essayists for next meeting and the secretary was instructed to secure one more from outside county.

Dr. Orville H. Brown of St. Louis read a paper on "Some Advances in Our Knowledge of Metabolism” (relating especially to nephritis and certain fevers). As title suggests we received some advanced ideas from this paper. Paper was well delivered and thoroughly discussed. Dr. M. McMahon, Palmyra, then read an essay on "The Heart, Its Diseases and Their. Treatment." The paper was conceded by all to be a very interesting and valuable contribution. Those present were Drs. O. H. Brown, St. Louis; J. S. Collins, Carlinville; W. B. Dalton, T. D. Doan and J. W. Berryman, Scottville; M. McMahon, Ben Hudson, Wm. L. Powell, E. W. Crum and I. H. Neece, Palmyra.

CHAS. D. KING, Secretary.


The first medical meeting in the history of New Douglas was held there on the afternoon of Oct. 3, and it was a rouser. It was the largest meeting in point of attendance and one of the very best in point of interest and enthusiasm that was ever held by our society. Doctors from all over the county came by automobiles and street cars, some driving 25 to 40 miles to be present. The day was an ideal autumn day which contributed much to the success of the meeting. The society was handsomely entertained by the two doctors in New Douglas, a good dinner being served to those who came by way of Staunton, and a tasty lunch to all after the close of the meeting. Dr. Elsworth Smith, of St. Louis, was at his best when he delivered his address on "Pneumonia," and held the undivided attention of his hearers for more than an hour, detailing the treatment of this disease down to the present day. He dwelt at length upon the serum and vaccine therapy but his conclusions were that they furnished a valuable aid but were by no means specific. The reading of the paper was followed by an earnest and animated discussion in which a large number of the members joined, making this one of the most valuable meetings this society has held for a long time. A vote of thanks was tendered the speaker and we know he will have a hearty welcome whenever he will consent to address us again. Upon favorable report

by the board of censors, Dr. Uen Harrison, of Collinsville was elected to membership. Dr. George L. Sharp acted as temporary chairman until the arrival of Dr. E. A. Cook, our vice-president.

Those present were: Drs. Burroughs, Oliver, Tulley, J. W. Scott, Harrison, McKinney, Tibbets, Sharp, Schmidt, Fish, Kaeser, Wahl, Ferguson, Collins, Barnsback, Joesting, W. H. C. Smith, Hastings, Taphorn, H. E. Wharff, Robinson, Cook, H. W. Davis, Frank Worden, Schaff, Everett, and E. W. Fiegenbaum. Visitors: Dr. Elsworth Smith of St. Louis, Dr. Uen Harrison of Collinsville, Dr. I. O. Wilcox of Panama, Dr. W. L. Sharp of Slater, Mo., Dr. Robert Allen of Donnelson, Dr. E. A. Everett of Sorento and Dr. Van Meter of Staunton.

-From the Madison County Doctor, November.



The McHenry County Medical Society met at the city hall in Algonquin, Sept. 17, 1913, with Dr. H. D. Hull, president, in the chair. On account of bad weather and roads the attendance was not as good as usual. Members present were Drs. Nason, Phillinger, Hull, Pflueger, West, Smith and Francis.

Dr. H. V. Halbert of Chicago was present and read an interesting paper on "Treatment of Some Heart Diseases."

A committee appointed by the chair, consisting of Drs. Francis, West and Pillinger, drew up resolutions of sympathy on the death of Mrs. Windmueller, wife of Dr. E. Windmueller of Woodstock, one of our members.


The annual social meeting of the society was held at the Riverside Hotel in McHenry, Oct. 19, 1913. After a chicken dinner at which about twenty-five physicians and members of their families were seated, the meeting was called to order by the president, Dr. H. D. Hull. Present were Drs. Fegers, Hull, Guy, West, Seelye, Furlong, Foster, Stattler, Pflueger and Smith.

After the reading and approval of the minutes the secretary read two recent communications from the officers of the state society.

In regard to the matter of filing death certificates the secretary read the motion of the meeting of May 27, 1913, in which the undertakers were to be asked to fill out all of the blanks except the part relating to the cause of death (this to be filled out by the attending physician) and for the undertaker to forward the completed certificate to Springfield and collect the fee of 25 cents from the treasurer of McHenry county. The secretary announced that while the county clerk and treasurer of this county have endeavored to co-operate with us in this matter, they have finally decided that they are unable to do otherwise than to turn the fees over to the physician, as required by statute, and that we must amend our original motion accordingly. It was therefore

moved by the member who made the original motion, that we amend the same so that each doctor settle with the undertaker at the time he signs the certificate. Motion seconded and carried.

It was moved and carried that a copy of the proceedings of each meeting be sent to every physician in the county. To help meet the necessary expenses of the society an assessment of $1 per member was voted.

A lengthy discussion of fees was then held. It was the opinion of all present that we ought and must endeavor more than ever in the matter of country calls, to hold up to our regular understood mileage, at any and all distances; and that where in any community or neighborhood there seems to be a discrepancy between the charges made by doctors of different towns, this ought, for our mutual welfare, to be settled between these different men in the best manner possible. And also that proper mileage should be charged on obstetric cases in the country. Moved and carried to adjourn.

A. B. SMITH, Secretary.


The Morgan County Medical Society met Oct. 9, 1913, at Jacksonville. Before luncheon, at Passavant Hospital, Dr. Carl E. Black operated on a recurrent appendicitis case. Recurrent attacks of pain, accompanied by tenderness and soreness, were the principal symptoms, nausea and vomiting being absent.

The white blood corpuscle count was 10,000. The appendix was constricted in its distal portion and thickened; proximally, there was an abscess cavity, the valve of Gerlach being occluded. Recovery uneventful.

After luncheon at the Peacock Inn, Dr. A. J. Ogram, vice-president, introduced Dr. H. A. Haskell, of Lynnville, who presented "Ulcerative Colitis" in an excellent paper which preceded an unusually well worked up report of a case occurring in his practice. Drs. Thompson, Black, Stacy and Langston discussed Dr. Haskell's paper.

Drs. Adams (chairman), Norris, Stacy and Milligan were appointed a committee to cooperate with the Woman's Club in promoting a public health meeting Nov. 8, to introduce Dr. Frank Allport who will speak upon "Medical Inspection of Schools."

Dr. Black reported progress of one or two cases shown last month. A sarcoma of the thigh case is progressing toward a Caesarean section for a delivery. A second fracture of the thigh, splinted internally with steel ribbons, is progressing satisfactorily. Dr. Adams reported a case of tonsillectomy in the adult and in connection laid stress on tonsils, carious teeth, etc., as being foci of rheumatic infection. Also reported a case of aneurysmal tumor of the throat diagnosed by others as enlarged tonsil. The case was referred to the house surgeon for observation. An internal carotid aneurysm was no doubt the pathological lesion; the patient was sixty-seven and arteriosclerotic.

Physicians present were Drs. A. J. Ogram, H. A. Haskell, A. L. Adams, C. E. Black, H. C. Woltman, J. M. Elder, Franklin; P. C. Thompson, W. E. Langston, Bath; and

GEORGE STACY, M. D., Secretary.

ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. The Rock Island County Medical Society met in regular session at Manufacturers' Hotel, Moline, Tuesday, October 21, 1913, meeting having been postponed one week from prescribed date to avoid conflict with the annual meeting of Second Iowa District Medical Society. President Snively occupied the chair and there were present 23 members and 3 visitors: Love, Beam, Leopold, Eddy, Dart, Williams, Peterson, Donahoo, West, Snively, Rinehart, Sargent, Souders, Chapman, Seids, Long, Wiggins, Sala, Craig, G. G., Norman, Otis, Arp, Littig; visitors: Decker, Miller, Hauberg. Minutes of August meeting read and approved. Applications of Drs. D. B. Freeman and G. D. Hauberg of Moline and of Dr. R. B. Miller of Rock Island were read and committees appointed. Seids, Leipold and Beam on the Freeman application; Williams, Sala and Souders on that of Miller, and Peterson, West and Sargent on that of Hauberg. Bills allowed, Crescent Printing Co., $1.50 and $2.00. The paper of Dr. Eddy on "The Use of Thyroid Extract in Cases of Nephritis," and Dr. Otis' paper on "Gastric Ulcer and the Bismuth Paste" were read and freely discussed. Dr. Darts' call from the meeting necessitated the laying over of his paper. The president, by request of absent Dr. First, placed for the society's consideration and recommendation a proposal involving the establishment of a medical supervision for the public schools of Rock Island, and upon motion appointed a committee, Drs. First, Sargent and Williams, to investigate the plans in use in other cities and to report at next meeting. Adjournment upon motion was taken until December.

W. D. CHAPMAN, Secretary.


The following resolutions were passed by the Tazewell County Medical Society at the annual meeting, in Pekin, Oct. 14, 1913:

Resolved, That medical products shall be acceptable for advertisement in the ILLINOIS MEDICAL JOURNAL only when their composition is stated and no exaggerated claims or misstatements are made in the lit


Further, that the same rule should apply to external applications.

Further, that such biologic products as are produced under government license should be acceptable. WM. NIERGARTH, President. E. F. KELCHNER, Secretary.


The regular meeting of the Wabash County Medical Society was called to order by Vice-President

McIntosh at the Merchants Hotel, Mt. Carmel, Ill., Oct. 28, 1913. Minutes of last meeting accepted as read.

There were more than a score in attendance at the meeting and banquet, and in addition to the regular membership of the society, there were present as guests, Mayor C. A. Martin, Rev. Dr. S. M. Martin, the evangelist; Dr. B. E. Garrettson, of Wayne City; Dr. Andy Hall, Mount Vernon; Dr. Fred Brines, Lancaster, and Dr. Bert Smith, Allendale.

The banquet was served in the dining room of the Merchants Hotel.

The numbers on the program were interspersed with the courses of the banquet. Dr. John J. McIntosh, of Mt. Carmel, acted as toastmaster and introduced the speakers, as follows:

"Address of Welcome". .Mayor C. A. Martin "Early Practice of Medicine in Wabash County" Dr. McMurray Table Talk-"The Social Life of Physicians". ....Opened by Dr. S. W. Schneck Address "Some Common Errors in Diagnosis".. .Dr. Andy, Hall, Mount Vernon, Ill. Paper-"Suggestion in Medicine"... Dr. S. M. Martin


Dr. Martin, although of the ministry, is a graduate physician and has practiced not a little. His address was a very interesting one, and he cited numerous instances in which he had obtained precisely the same results as the Christian Scientists merely by using mental suggestion.

The election of officers for the ensuing year was the principal business transacted, the election resulting as follows: President, Dr. J. J. McIntosh; vice-president, Dr. Edwin Lescher; secretary, Dr. J. B. Maxwell; treasurer, Dr. W. B. Baird.

Drs. Edwin Lescher and S. W. Schneck were elected delegates to the next meeting of the State Medical Society which meets next spring.

The applications for membership of Drs. Brines of Lancaster, and Parmenter of Greensburg, were favorably acted upon and they were declared elected to membership in the society. The application of Dr. Bert Smith of Allendale, was received.

The meeting was one of the most successful the society has ever held and did much to arouse new interest in the work of the organization. EDWIN R. LESCHER, Secretary.

[blocks in formation]

"I have a bunch of measles

And eight of typhoid, too, With ten of grip and six of dip, I have a lot to do."

"I am so rushed I scarce have time To make another call."

But if you please the FACTS are these He has no case at all.

When Mrs. Down called young Doc. Brown,
He came with all his graces;

She said she'd heard he was a bird
On handling O. B. cases.

"Experience vast has been mine in the past,
For this sort of work I've a thirst";
He held his ground and breathed not a sound
That really this case was his first.
Examining then turning, so that of his learning
They would have a profound realization;
He said with firm voice-"well may we rejoice
For this is a head presentation."

"I say it meekly, with the head lying obliquely
And the occiput pointing to front,
Things will come normal, the procedure formal
This will be quite an easy stunt."

After waiting in vain, he examined again,

Good gracious! what caused pandemonium? His frame fairly shook, as on taking a look He saw his hand full of meconium.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Dr. and Mrs. William H. Mercer, Raymond, have sailed for Europe.

Drs. H. G. Schmidt, Elgin, and Frank Davenport, Rock Island, have returned from Mexico.

Dr. Otto L. Schmidt has been reappointed a trustee of the Illinois State Historical Library.

Dr. Clarence H. Wall, police ambulance surgeon, who was operated on for hernia, October 21, is convalescent.

Dr. George F. Tyson, Evanston, and Drs. Meyer Nuta and Robert Sonnenschein, Chicago, have returned from Europe.

Drs. Carl E. Black, Elmer L. Crouch and George H. Stacy have moved their offices to the Ayers Bank building, Jacksonville.

Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Pratt, of Aurora, have returned from a four months' trip abroad. The time was mostly spent in Vienna.

Dr. Solomon Eisenstaedt, Chicago, has been elected president of the Wendell Phillips Parents' and Teachers' Club for the year 1913-14.

Dr. Liston H. Montgomery has been appointed surgeon of the Eastern Division of the Chicago Great Western Railroad, to date from October 10.

Dr. J. Allen Patton, Newark, N. J., Rush Class of 1890, has been made Associate Medical Director of the Prudential Insurance Company.

Dr. Charles J. Whalen, Chicago, and Dr. Eugen Cohn, assistant superintendent of the Peoria State Hospital, were recently appointed First Lieutenants in the Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army.

Drs. L. B. Jolley, North Chicago, and V. J. Cokenour, Joliet, have learned not to advance the spark so far when cranking their autos. At least that is the usual verdict after fractures of the arm from that accident.

Dr. Frederick F. Brown, Rush Class of 1890, and for years associate professor of ophthalmology and otology, Rush Medical College, has discontinued practice and is taking a course in operatic music in Paris, where he expects to remain for at least three years.

Mr. Ernest P. Bicknell, director of the American Red Cross, announced that the work of the national body has become so heavy that it has been decided to divide the work into four divisions, of one of which Chicago is to be the headquarters.

News Notes

-The Chicago Roentgen Society was organized October 24. Dr. Hollis E. Potter was elected president and Dr. James T. Case, secretary.

-The advertising quacks are closing up their joints and leaving Chicago by every train if the stories in certain papers are to be taken seriously.

-Osteopaths cannot practice in Wisconsin without first obtaining a license, according to a ruling of the Supreme court in the case of one Herbert Schmidt, of Milwaukee.

-The new addition to the Prince Sanitarium, Springfield, will be occupied by Drs. Frank P. Norbury and Charles L. Patton. The first floor will be used for offices and the second floor and basement for sanitarium purposes.

-The JOURNAL invites signed correspondence from the members on matters that pertain to the material welfare of the profession or the JOURNAL. This gives the members a chance to express their views on any subject of interest to the medical profession.

-The Southern Illinois Medical Association held its thirty-eighth annual session at Duquoin November 6-7. President, Dr. Charles W. Lillie, East St. Louis; secretary, Dr. Alonzo B. Capel, Shawneetown. Mount Vernon was selected as the next place of meeting.

-Health Commissioner Young has asked an appropriation of $1,190,278 for the Department of Health for the coming year. The actual increase over the last appropriation is $450,000, of which $335,000 is for reorganization of the department and increase in the staff.

-The Chicago Department of Health recently prosecuted Dr. L. D. Rogers for running the National Emergency Hospital without a hospital license. The court imposed a fine of $100. Two of the fake medical museums have also closed their doors as the result of prosecution by the department.

-At the first meeting of the new Illinois State Board of Health held in Chicago, November 3, it was announced that the policies of the late board as regards prosecution of violators of the medical practice acts of Illinois and the enforcement of the laws of sanitation, will be continued by the new board. Dr. George W. Webster, Chicago, was continued as president of the board.

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