McGuffey's First Eclectic ReaderAmerican Book Company, 1920 - Počet stran: 96 May be used in teaching reading by any method but especially adapted to the phonic method, the word method, or a combination of the two. Words of only two or three letters are used in the first lessons. Longer and more difficult words are gradually introduced. |
Vyhledávání v knize
Výsledky 1-5 z 7
Strana 23
... dear likes bē. SLATE WORK . The pen and the ink are on the stand . Is this a good pen ? The moss is on the rock . This duck can swim . Ben upset the tub . LESSON XVIII . nut did shut shåll lost fox měn mět step in to hunt mud SLATE WORK ...
... dear likes bē. SLATE WORK . The pen and the ink are on the stand . Is this a good pen ? The moss is on the rock . This duck can swim . Ben upset the tub . LESSON XVIII . nut did shut shåll lost fox měn mět step in to hunt mud SLATE WORK ...
Strana 24
... ! Will she not come out to get some grass ? No , John , she likes to be in the pond . See how still she stands ! The dear old cow gives us sweet milk to drink . LESSON XX . mam mä ' lärge ǎs pa pä. 24 ECLECTIC SERIES .
... ! Will she not come out to get some grass ? No , John , she likes to be in the pond . See how still she stands ! The dear old cow gives us sweet milk to drink . LESSON XX . mam mä ' lärge ǎs pa pä. 24 ECLECTIC SERIES .
Strana 51
... dear , old grandma in her easy - chair ! How gray her hair is ! She wears glasses when she reads . She is always kind , and takes such good care of me that I like to do what she tells me . live holds hãy driv'ing tight early . know ...
... dear , old grandma in her easy - chair ! How gray her hair is ! She wears glasses when she reads . She is always kind , and takes such good care of me that I like to do what she tells me . live holds hãy driv'ing tight early . know ...
Strana 52
... dear , good grandma , who is so kind ? And would you not do all you could to please her ? LESSON XL . does won'der moth'er oth'er bee hön'ey lis'ten flow'er " Come here , Lucy , and listen ! What is in this flower ? " 66 " O mother ! it ...
... dear , good grandma , who is so kind ? And would you not do all you could to please her ? LESSON XL . does won'der moth'er oth'er bee hön'ey lis'ten flow'er " Come here , Lucy , and listen ! What is in this flower ? " 66 " O mother ! it ...
Strana 56
... dear❜ly girl birds be sides ' A little girl went in search of flowers for her mother . It was early in the day , and the grass was wet . Sweet little birds were singing all around her . And what do you think she found besides flowers ...
... dear❜ly girl birds be sides ' A little girl went in search of flowers for her mother . It was early in the day , and the grass was wet . Sweet little birds were singing all around her . And what do you think she found besides flowers ...
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66 O mother ball bank beach Bess black hat black hen black spot bread brook căn catch Rab Chippy chirp CINCINNATI CRACKEN dear doll to sleep doll's bed eggs ĕv'er Fanny fast fat duck fat hen Fido flapped flowers Frank Frank's basket grandma grass hand HBAKER horse James John jump Kate kite kitty Kitty's doll låst left the nest LESSON little chick little girl look mamma Mary and Lucy Mary to play MCGUFFEY'S Nero nice pet old bird old hen took old Ponto papa peep Polly pond Poor Poll Prince puss rabbits ride rock Rose says shade shut skate SLATE soft spade sport stōne thêre tree trot ūse whistle Willie Willie's father wings woods وو