Transactions, Svazek 56Medical Association of Georgia, 1905 Each issue includes the association's roster of members. |
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Výsledky 1-5 z 8
Strana 41
... creosote and codliver - oil are rele- gated to the ash - heap so far as this disease is concerned . What about whiskey ? Except in very small quantity it is agreed that it is a poison to the consumptive . There never was a more ...
... creosote and codliver - oil are rele- gated to the ash - heap so far as this disease is concerned . What about whiskey ? Except in very small quantity it is agreed that it is a poison to the consumptive . There never was a more ...
Strana 106
... creosote , salol and borolyptol . On this treatment he improved rapidly , stools soon had form and were reduced to one or two daily , while he gained two pounds per week and strength in proportion . Unfortunately he was called to ...
... creosote , salol and borolyptol . On this treatment he improved rapidly , stools soon had form and were reduced to one or two daily , while he gained two pounds per week and strength in proportion . Unfortunately he was called to ...
Strana 254
... creosote group and the iodin group . The creosote group is applicable when destructive changes belonging to the bacillary phenomena have begun , and also when the pyemia and increased destruction of the tertiary proc- essess are ...
... creosote group and the iodin group . The creosote group is applicable when destructive changes belonging to the bacillary phenomena have begun , and also when the pyemia and increased destruction of the tertiary proc- essess are ...
Strana 256
... creosote group - carbolic acid , creosote , guaiacol , and combinations of creosote and guaiacol — is extensively used by the profession . Carbolic acid is but little used now . It is best admin- istered in the form of a pill , or it ...
... creosote group - carbolic acid , creosote , guaiacol , and combinations of creosote and guaiacol — is extensively used by the profession . Carbolic acid is but little used now . It is best admin- istered in the form of a pill , or it ...
Strana 257
... creosote contains irritate the stomach and the kidneys . The urine , therefore , must be carefully watched when creosote is used , as well as when carbolic acid is used . Creosote is given in gradually in- creasing doses . To begin with ...
... creosote contains irritate the stomach and the kidneys . The urine , therefore , must be carefully watched when creosote is used , as well as when carbolic acid is used . Creosote is given in gradually in- creasing doses . To begin with ...
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72 hours abdominal abscess acid albumin albuminuria antitoxine Association Atlanta Atlanta Fulton Augusta bacilli Bibb blood bowels calomel catgut cause cavity cent cervix child chronic clinical committee condition consumption cough creosote croup cure diagnosis died digestion diphtheria disease doses drugs eclampsia examination expectoration feces frequently gauze Georgia give given glands guaiacol improved infection Inoculations intestinal July 17 kidney labor lacerations lachrymal lesions lung Macon Medical membrane method milk months mucous mucus nervous night sweats normal operation pain patient perineum phthisis Physical signs physician pneumonia pregnancy present pulse quinine rales read a paper renal respiration Savannah Savannah Chatham seen serum serum albumin sinus solution sputa sputum surgeon sutures symptoms temperature tion tissue tongue toxemia treated treatment tube tubercle bacilli tuberculosis typhoid fever upper lobe urine usually weeks Weight wound X-rays
Oblíbené pasáže
Strana 454 - Association, for publications, and for such other purposes as will promote the welfare of the profession. All resolutions appropriating funds must be referred to the Finance Committee before action is taken thereon. ARTICLE XII. — REFERENDUM. Section 1. A general meeting of the Association may, by a twothirds vote of the members present, order a general referendum on any question pending before the...
Strana 464 - No address or paper before the Association, except those of the president and orators, shall occupy more than twenty minutes in its delivery ; and no member shall speak longer than five minutes, nor more than once on any subject.
Strana 463 - A physician living on or near a county line may hold his membership in that county most convenient for him to attend, on permission of the society in whose jurisdiction he resides. Sec.
Strana 459 - ... annual session of the House of Delegates. The necessary traveling expenses incurred by such councilor in the line of the duties herein imposed may be allowed by the House of Delegates...
Strana 463 - Sec. 9. A physician living on or near a county line may hold his membership in that county most convenient for him to attend, on permission of the society in whose jurisdiction he resides.
Strana 462 - ByLaws, shall, on application, receive a charter from and become a component part of this Association. SEC. 2. As rapidly as can be done after the adoption of this Constitution and By-Laws, a medical society shall be organized in every county in the State in which no component society exists, and charters shall be issued thereto. SEC. 3. Charters shall be issued only upon approval of the Council or House of Delegates and shall be signed by the President and Secretary of this Association.
Strana 451 - ... to enlighten and direct public opinion in regard to the great problems of State medicine, so that the profession shall become more capable and honorable within itself, and more useful to the public, in the prevention and cure of disease, and in prolonging and adding comfort to life.
Strana 459 - Session, and daily during the Session, and at such other times as necessity may require, subject to the call of the chairman, or on petition of three Councilors. It shall meet on the last day of the Annual Session of the Association to organize and outline work for the ensuing year.
Strana 464 - In keeping such roster the secretary shall note any changes in the personnel of the profession by death, or by removal to or from the county, and in making his annual report he shall be certain to account for every physician who has lived in the county during the year.
Strana 455 - Each member in attendance at the annual session shall enter his name on the registration book, indicating...