Obrázky stránek

Dr. Louis Barth of Grand Rapids is planning a trip around the world and contemplates leaving the latter part of February.

Dr. W. Riley has become associated with Drs. R. J. Hutchinson and Beel of Grand Rapids.

Doctor and Mrs. Justin E. Emerson of Detroit are spending the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Dr. D. Emmett Welsh spent the holidays with relatives in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.


It is the Editor's desire to have this department of the Journal contain the report of every meeting that is held by a Local Society. Secretaries are urged to send in these reports promptly


The Genesee County Medical Society met on Wed. Dec 1st. 1920. Pres. Orr presiding. A clinical section of the Society was formed. This section will meet twice a month. The programs will be given by local men and will include clinics and reports of cases. As our regular meetings are addressed by out-of-town men, it is hoped that this plan will stimulate our members to scientific activity.

Dr. Louis J. Hirschman of Detroit, gave an excellent address on "Some Pitfals in Proctology." Methods of examination of the Colon, Sigmoid and Rectum were described and a brief resume of interpretation of findings was given.

W. H. Marshall, Sec'y.

GRATIOT-ISABELLA-CLARE COUNTY. The November meeting of the Gratiot-IsabellaClare County Medical Society was held in the Methodist Church in Alma, Thursday, Nov. 18. For out-of-town guests we had Pres. Angus McLean and Dr. W. R. Clinton of Detroit.

The applications of Doctors A. T. Getchell, M. G. Becker, F. C. Sanford, B. J. Sanford, W. F. Clute, R. S. McClinton and M. J. Budge for membership, were received, and upon recommendation of the Board were duly elected to memberships.

Dr. Angus McLean then gave a very interesting talk on "Progress in Medicine for the Last Three Decades."

Dr. W. R. Clinton read a carefully prepared paper on Radium, explaining how it was used, and the therapeutic effects in benign and malignant growths.

E. M. Highfield, Sec'y.

GRATIOT-ISABELLA-CLARE COUNTY The annual meeting and banquet of the G. I. C. was held in Alma Thursday, Dec. 16. The business meeting was called to order by President Lamb at 4:30. The application of Dr. G. E. Lamb of Farwell was received and by motion he was elected to membership. The annual report of the Secretary was read and approved.

The following were elected officers for 1921:
President-L. J. Burch, Mt. Pleasant.
Vice-President-R. E. Smith, Alma.

Secretary-E. M. Highfield, Riverdale.

The annual banquet was served in the Baptist Church. Thirty-one enjoyed the turkey and other goodies, after which Doctor and Mrs. Foust and S. E. Gardiner responded to toasts. The program was shortened through the illness of Doctors C. F. DuBois and W. E. Barston.

E. M. Highfield, Secretary.


The Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Ingham County Medical Society held at the Hotel Downey, Nov. 18th was very well attended. The membership at present exceeds any year in the history of the Society. The retiring President Dr. F. M. Huntley presided and Mr. Edmund C. Shields spoke on the Medical Profession from the standpoint of a member of the legal profession. He urged physicians to take more active part in public affairs. Dr. H. S. Bartholomew gave a short talk on Medical men in public life. Excellent music was furnished by an orchestra composed of members of the Society, under the direction of Dr. F. M. Harris.

The following officers were elected for 1921: President-Dr. Fred J. Drolett. Vice-President-Dr. M. L. Holm. Sec'y and Treas.-Dr. Milton Shaw. Delegates-Dr. B. M. Davey, Dr. S. Osborn. Alternates-Dr. E. J. Carr, Dr. Karl B. Bruker. Medico-Legal Representative-Dr. B. D. Niles. A committee was appointed to investigate the State Industrial School buildings and property to determine the feasibility of the City of Lansing acquiring the property for hospital purpose. Milton Shaw, Sec'y.


The annual meeting of the Kent County Medical Society was held at Grand Rapids on the evening of Dec. 8th, 1920. After the usual yearly reports, the following officers were elected for 1921:

President-Dr. James S. Brotherhood. Vice-President-Dr. Henry M. Blackburn. Secretary-Treasurer-Dr. Frank C. Kinsey. Defense League Representative, Dr. G. L. McBride.

Delegates to State Society-Dr. Frank C. Kin

sey, Dr. J. D. Brook of Grandville, Dr. A. V. Wenger and Dr. F. J. Lee.

Alternates-Dr. W. E. Wilson, Dr. V. M. Moore, Dr. T. C. Irwin and Dr. A. H. Edwards. Dr. Frances A. Rutherford, one of Michigan's pioneer women physicians, was made an honorary member of the society.

Frank C. Kinsey, Secretary.


With this the annual meeting of the Kalamazoo Academy of Medicine closes a very successful year of work when viewed as a whole.

We have had sixteen regular meetings during the year. For a time the attendance was not up to the usual mark and it was decided to try an evening meeting. However, the attendance did not increase and practically the same physicians attended as usual. For this reason your officers -with whom the decision for future evening meetings was left-held they were not justified in further experiment in that it inconvenienced some of the men outside of Kalamazoo. For the last of the meetings the attendance has increased considerably as has general interest in the work of the Academy.

Your Secretary wishes to commend the work of the various committees, and calls attention to those who have made written reports.

The Academy lost one member-Dr. Bruce E. Leighton-by death.

The Academy was host to the Michigan State Medical Society during the past year.

Your Secretary also wishes to call attention to the increase in dues by $1.50 over the usual amount.

Respectfully submitted,

B. A. Shepard, Secretary. Report of Treasurer.

Receipts, 1920

62 Active City Memberships --$527.00

56 Active County Memberships 336.00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

C. B. Fulkerson,

W. A. Stone,

8.50 31.18 1,033.09

A. S. Youngs.

Annual Report of the Anti-Tuberculosis Com


No other important matters coming before it, the work of your committee during the past year has been to co-operate with the Department of Health and Welfare in conducting the work of the Dispensary and also with the State Board in making its Tuberculosis Survey.

Respectfully submitted,

Ward E. Collins, Chairman.

Report of the Librarian.

The following journals on file in the Academy have been carefully selected to meet each phase of the medical interest and individual interest: American Journal of Medical Science. Archives of Internal Medicine.

[blocks in formation]

Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine.
Journal of Endochinology.

Journal of Infectious Diseases.

American Journal Disease of Children.

American Journal of Syphilis (donated by Dr.

J. T. Upjohn).

Annals of Medical History.

The shelves of the Library are pitifully inadequate for even the few books and journals.

A complete file from the early part of the nineteenth century to the time of Dr. Van Deusen, which he treasured, are retained and of interest, while several shelves of old monographs and treaties dating back even to 1739, in Medicine, Midwifery, Surgery and Mental Diseases are valuable and entertaining.

There is an opportunity of building up the historical side of the library from these old books and the Annals of Medical History which was begun just before the War-together with Kelly's New Biography of Medical Persons.

Journals and books are lost because members in taking them out do not make a record in the record book.

Blanche N. Epler, Librarian.

Report of Program Committee

The program committee has made an effort to present programs of real value throughout the year. This aim, we feel sure, has been realized and every program has been well worth attending. It has been the aim, as far as possible, to have at least one number on the program, given by a member of the local society. For the most part this has been done. We believe that the members of the Academy should realize their responsibility in this matter and that the plan of having at least one of the papers from the local society should be continued.

The program committee has been considerably embarrassed from time to time during the year by securing distinguished essayists from out of town and then being able to secure the presence of only a few of the members at the time the paper was presented. If the Academy wishes to maintain the standard of essays that we have enjoyed in the past, it would seem to be necessary that the meetings be more largely attended. Dr. John B. Jackson, Dr. Geo. F. Inch, Dr. Ralph E. Balch.


The annual meeting of the Muskegon County Medical Society was held at the Century Club, Dec. 10, 1920.

Dr. H. M. Richter of Northwestern University Medical School gave a very interesting talk on the Differential Diagnosis and Surgery of Gall Bladder Disease.

After the scientific program the Society proceeded to the election of officers with the following result: .

President J. T. Cramer, Muskegon.

[blocks in formation]

It has been one year since the Medical Society of St. Joseph County was reorganized, and every one realizes immediately what great benefits we derived from this Society and a little co-operation.

You know there is no professional class on God's green earth that could get what they want as quickly as the doctors. And, on the other hand, there isn't a bunch on God's green earth that's ready to dig "the other fellow," just a little, like the doctors. We have, thanks to our co-operation, enjoyed a nice, lucrative year. But after our strenuous day's work, we have let our Society go to the devil; we do not attend meetings, or even make an effort to. Some of the old heads told us it wouldn't last a year, and they are about right.

Now, let's get together and make one more mighty effort and keep the Society on top.

We have lots of things confronting us, and our Society can be of inestimable value to us. There is a period of reconstruction upon us. A drop in fees is urged by laity; compulsory health insurance; life insurance examination fees, and seven more doctors to be brought into the fold. County hospital project; T. B. and venereal clinics and other conditions are bound to come up. Every one of us is now delinquent. Our State Society wants and needs us, which in turn builds up the A. M. A.

In view of all these things, the officers of this Society hereby call a meeting at Hotel Elliot, Sturgis, at eight o'clock P. M., December 17, 1920, for transaction of such business as may properly come before it.

Now, Doctor, listen-do not throw this aside. Make a mental reservation of the date and time, and come. No one will be asked to "spiel." This is purely a social and business meeting. Dinner will be $1.50 the plate. Just tack a little on that guy's bill to get you by, you know. It's come or ruin, going or quits, win or lose. And now, honest, Doctor, have you done your duty to keep it going? We couldn't run it alone, you know. We need your presence-that's the big thing. Doctor, if you are sore at the other fellow, down in the mouth about something, sore on the Society or disgruntled, forget it, for God's sake and your sake and come out. Or, to quote one of the officers, we'll "let 'er go to hell."

Remember, your presence is the big thing.

Read these next few lines closely. We will
order dinner for the whole gang, and, providing
the secretary's doesn't hear from you in the next
few days that you cannot possibly attend, you
will be assessed the price of the dinner along
with the other expenses of the year, per capita,
which will require a personal trip to each doctor
by the treasurer, because, if we don't turn out
this time, it's the last call. Now, that's straight;
you won't be bothered again with notices. Just
to repeat-Last call, Elliot House, Sturgis, 8
o'clock, social and business. Come, yourself;
don't depend on other fellow.

David M. Kane, President.

Fred A. Lampman, Secretary-Treas.


At meeting of St. Joseph County Medical So-
ciety, Dec. 17, at Sturgis, Mich., we had an aver-
age attendance. Considering roads we were well

Moved by Dr. Watkins, seconded by Dr. Miller
that the present officers, Dr. Kane, Sturgis, Pres.,
and Dr. Lampman, Secretary, White Pigeon,
continue office for another year. Motion carried.
Following report for the year by the treasurer
motion made by Dr. Burdens, seconded by Dr.
Robinson, the dues of county society be $7.00.
Motion carried.

The following doctors then enrolled for 1921:
Drs. Kane, Lampman, Miller, Kelley, Robinson,
Runyan, Burdens, Cameron, Watkins, Barney.

An interesting discussion on Compulsory
Health Insurance and Hospital projects followed.
Dr. Kane was appointed to see our representa-
tive relative to Compusory Health Legislation
if brought up at next session. Meeting adjourn-
ed subject to call of president.

Fred A. Lampman, Secretary.


"As beneficial as a short post-graduate course
at any good medical college," was the comment
one Cadillac physician made concerning the clin-
ic held here Thursday by doctors from the staff
of the Battle Creek sanitarium.

About forty doctors from Northwestern Mich-
igan attended the clinics, lectures and demonstra-
tions given by the visiting team. Every hour of
the day was completely taken up with the work
and enough medical knowledge was imparted to
fill several ordinary days, it is stated.

The doctors from Battle Creek who directed
the various tests and gave the lectures were:
Dr. L. Eggleston, internist and team captain;
Dr. Joseph T. Case, surgeon; Dr. W. O. Upson,
roentgenologist; Dr. G. M. Dobbin, laboratory.
Miss Hayne, registered nurse and assistant to
Dr. Eggleston, also came to assist in the prep-
aration of cases for the clinics.

An excellent group of cases was provided for
the demonstrations. One particularly good gall
case provided an opportunity to enlighten the
visiting doctors on the non-surgical drainage of
the gall bladder. By this method, which is en-

tirely new, the contents of the gall bladder are
removed for diagnosis by means of a tube swal-
lowed into the stomach and gradually worked
into the gall duct. This obviates the necessity
for operating for diagnosis. The X-ray will
show gall stones, say the doctors, but other con-
ditions are not easily determined without open-
ing the gall bladder.

One abdominal surgical case was operated
upon and Dr. Joseph Case performed the opera-
tion while Dr. Eggleston lectured on each suc-
cessive step. The entire preparation of the case
was done before the visiting doctors who saw
the blood count, urinalysis and other preparatory
work performed.

A barium meal was given one patient for the
purpose of diagnosing internal trouble by means
of the flueroscope. By this method the stomach
is outlined by means of food impregnated with
salts of barium, which is metallic and opaque to
the X-ray. The fleuroscope is in effect a mov-
ing picture of the living organism and projects
the X-ray through the body and onto a screen
where the observers may watch the functioning
of the organs.

The program included laboratory and X-ray
clinics at Mercy Hospital in the morning; surgi-
cal clinic in the afternoon; medical clinic in the
American Legion club rooms later, followed by
a banquet at the Hotel McKinnon. Following the
banquet there was a business meeting of the
society and a lecture illustrated by stereopticon

Physicians from Cadillac to the Straits are in-
cluded in the membership of the Northwestern
Michigan Clinical Society.

Officers for next year were elected as follows:
President-Dr. G. W. Fralick, Maple City.
Vice President-Dr. F. S. Rowley, Traverse

Secretary-Treasurer-Dr. Frank Holdsworth,
Traverse City.

The retiring officers are: President, Dr. R. R.
Armstrong, Charlevoix; Vice President, Dr. G.
W. Fralick, Maple City; Secretary-Treasurer,
Dr. B. H. Van Leuven, Petoskey.

The Tri-County Medical Society including the
medical men of Wexford, Missaukee and Kalkas-
ka counties, were hosts to the district society.

After the election of officers an appeal was
made by Dr. O. L Ricker that the Society fol-
low the example of the American Medical Asso-
ciation and the State Medical Society and go on
record as opposing state medicine and the plan
of treating large groups by contract. A resolu-
tion to this effect presented by Dr. G. D. Miller
was unanimously adopted by the Society.

Book Reviews

NARY TUBERCULOSIS. Walker Averend, M.A.,
M.D., East Sussex Hospital, London, England.
Cloth, 119 pages, 99 radiograms. C. V. Mosby Co.,
St. Louis, Mo. Price $5.00.

The progress of recent years of Roentgen-ray
diagnosis of pulmonary disease has established
the value of this means of arriving at a more

accurate diagnosis. The correct interpretation of a given plate is the test of this adjunct and to correlate the ray and clinical findings. Το make accurate readings more possible and to interpretate the plate correctly the author has here presented a text that imparts a technic and correct reading of the findings. It is based on his many years of work and experience. He has summarized his data in a splendid manner. With splendid illustrations, clinical notes and findings the author drives home the essentials of correct interpretation.

The book should and will be welcomed by every Roentgenologist.

HYGIENE OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASE: A Handbook for Sanitarians, Medical Officers and General Practitioners. Francis M. Munson, M.D. of the Medical Corp. U. S. Navy. Cloth, 775 pp. Price $5.50. Paul B. Hoeber, New York.

Here is a concise and readable manual and text present in accessible form the latest information available concerning epidemiology and management of communicable diseases. It is a text that is complete in detail and void of unessential material. It imparts that information that is so essential in the handling of communicable diseases and enables one to quickly grasp the important details.

It is a text that wins and merits our hearty endorsement. It is bound to receive a cordial reception.

PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. Edward J. Kempff, M.D., Clinical Psychiatrist, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington. Cloth, 762 pp. C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, Mo. Price $9.50.

This book has been written for the professional student of human behavior who must have an unprejudiced insight into human nature in order to deal justly and intelligently with problems of abnormal behavior as they are brought to the physician, rectory, police courts, prisons and asylums, and the directors of schools and colleges and the commanders of military and naval organizations.

In order to avoid speculation and theorizing, most of the space is devoted to plain expositions of the actual difficulties of cases. They are presented to speak for themselves. Naturally an enormous amount of valuable data on delusions, halluicnations, symbols, symptoms, defensive and compensatory methods of thinking, different types of inferiorities and causes of inferiorities, etc., is scattered through these cases. The most important illustrations have been collected together in the index to be readily accessible to the reader. For this tedious, difficult work I am especially indebted to Mrs. Kempf. The index has greatly increased the usefulness of the book.



1. The complete clinical picture of lethargic encephalitis can be readily recognized. Many atypical forms, however, may occur. These on one hand may resemble such severe conditions as cerebral haemorrhage or uremia, or on the other hand they may appear so slight and trivial that the correct diagnosis is missed.

2. It is probable that the infection is wide spread during an epidemic, and that carriers may spread the disease.

3. It would appear that the incubation period is about two weeks.

4. Tremors and myoclonic contractions are of

common occurrence.

5. Late sequelae of the nature of muscular spasms are to be looked for. Optic atrophy and other after-effects have been noted.

6. A remarkable epidemic of hiccough appeared synchronously with the encephalitis epidemic. 7. The pathology may be summarized as interstitial inflammation of the central nervous system with secondary parenchymatous degeneration.

8. In a number of cases of cranial nerve disturbance the corresponding nerve fibres were pressed upon by greatly dilated vessels, the nuclei being comparatively normal.

9. In seven cases peculiar hyaline bodies, apparently the result of degeneration, were found in the central nervous system.

10. The disease presents somatic as well as cerebral manifestations. Wide-spread haemorrhages were present in the serous membranes in three cases, pointing to a general septicaemic condition.

11. Vascular and degenerative changes were present in the kidneys in many of the cases. (Annals of Medicine July 1920, William Boyd.)


1. It is a well established fact that acute inflammation of the aorta occurs fairly frequently during the course of or during the convalescent period of many acute infectious diseases.

2. Clinical signs and symptoms of complicat- . ing acute aortitis may be absent or so slight as to lead to this localization being overlooked. 3.

Retrosternal pain or distress, varying in degree from a mild sterno-cardia to a complete "angina pectoris," is an important symptom of acute aortic dysfunction.

4. Minor changes in the aorta, as shown by roentgen proof of its lengthening and elevation, may be the earliest demonstrable sign.

5. The prognosis is not grave in the young. It depends upon several associated factors: the type of infection, involvement of aortic valves, blocking of coronary arteries, and the degree of myocardial damage. (Annals of Medicine July 1920, George Brown.)


In conclusion, I wish to warn against esqphagoscopy in compression stenosis, to emphasize its value in diagnosis of cicatricial and spasmodic stenosis, and finally to urge esophagoscopy as a routine examination in all cases with symptoms referred to the region of the esophagus. By so doing, it will be possible in many cases to make an early diagnosis of the esophagus which, at present, are not diagnosed until the disease is far advanced. (Annuals of Medicine July 1920, Elmer Freeman.)

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