Obrázky stránek

Kay (kā).

mail (māl), armor.

keepsake (kep' sāk), something kept as make amends (a měndz'), make up for

a remembrance.

kine (kin), cattle.

knave (nāv), an old word for boy.

laded (lad' ed), loaded.

Lamorack (lăm′ o rack).
Lancelot (läns' e lot).

lancewood, a tough and elastic wood.
lapping, the sound of a tongue licking up

lashing (lash' ing), striking as if with a whip.

latent (la' tent), secret, inactive.

leads (lědz), roofs made of lead, p. 234. leisure (lē' zhur), unoccupied time. linchpin (linch' pin), the pin that keeps a wheel from sliding off the axletree. lineage (lin' e āj), descent, family.

[blocks in formation]

mementoes (mē men' tōz), memorials

menace (měn' as), threat.
meres (mērz), lakes.
messes, portions of food.

meteor (mēt ē or), falling star; bearded
meteor, a meteor with its light.

lists (lists), tournaments, mock fights in mettle (mět' 'l), spirit. which many knights take part.

living waters, fresh, flowing water, p. 240. Livy (lĭv' i).

loath or loth (lōth), unwilling.

Locke, John, a great English philosopher.
Logi (lō' gi).

Michaelmas Day (mik' el mas), the feast
of St. Michael, September 29.
middle, the waist, p. 195.
Midgard (mid' gärd).

militia (mil ĭsh' ä), troops of a state, or
a locality; not a regular army.

logical (loj' i kal), according to logic, Minerva (mi nễr' vä), p. 47. carefully reasoned out.

minster (min' ster), cathedral, church.

loom (loom), a machine for weaving Miölner (mi ŏl' nēr).


lore (lōr), learning.

lorn (lôrn), lost, abandoned.

mischance (mis chăns'), misfortune, accident.

misgiving (mis giv' ing), fear, doubt.

lottery (lot' er i), choosing, drawing lots, missile (mis' sel), a weapon to be thrown. chance.

Moab (mō' ǎb), a land of Syria, p. 118.

lowering (lou' er ing), scowling, looking Modred (mō' dred).

[blocks in formation]

made at each other, charged each other, Moor (moor), an Arab from North p. 204.


magicians (ma jĭ' shunz), men who morasses (mō răs' ez), swamps.

worked magic.

mortified (môr' ti fid), ashamed.

magistrate (măj' ĭs trāt), judge, officer.

Most Great Name, that of God, p. 304.

Mount Olympus (o lim' pus), a mountain | passively (păs' siv li), submissively, with

of Greece once thought of as the home of the gods.

mournful numbers, sad poetry, p. 308. muffled (muf' eld), covered so as to lessen the noise.

mused (mūzd), thought in silence. myrrh (mer), gum used in incense.

Nebo (ne' bō), p. 118.

king of Babylon.
neighborly charity, charity to or from
one's neighbors, p. 379, 1. 26.
neighing (nā' ing), the sound made by

out doing anything.

pastime (păs' tim), amusement, anything that makes the time pass pleasantly.

pavilions (pā vil' yonz), tents or movable

pay you your wages, defeat you, treat
you as you deserve, p. 197.
Peggotty (pěg' ō ti).


(neb ū kad něz' är), penetrate (pěn' e trat), to enter into.
penetration (pěn ē tra' shun),
judgment, depth of thought.
Pentecost (pěn' te kost), a festival of
the Church, often called Whitsuntide,
the seventh Sunday after Easter.
peradventure (per åd věn' tūre), perhaps.
perchance (per chäns'), perhaps.
Persaunt (per sänt').

Neptune (něp' tūn), p. 46.

Newton, Sir Isaac, a great mathematician, discoverer of the law of gravi


Nineveh (nin' ē vä), a city in Assyria.

obeisance (ō bē' sans), bowing in sign of
reverence or worship.
obstacles (ob' stā k'lz), impediments,

obviously (ŏb' vì us lĭ), clearly.
Odysseus (ō dĭs' sūs).

one jot or tittle, one smallest particle,
p. 265; see Matthew v, 18.
oracles (ôr' a k'lz), prophecies, p. 73.
ordained (ôr dānd'), commanded,

Orkney (ôrk' ni).

oversprinkle, are sprinkled over.

pad, a horse with an easy pace. Padre (pä' dre), priest.

pæan (pē' an), song of rejoicing triumph.


Pharaoh (fa' ro), the title given to the kings of Egypt.

phenomenon (fẽ nòm'ě non), a fact, an extraordinary fact, a wonder.

philosopher (fil os' o fer),

lover of wisdom.

wise man,

philosophically (fil ō sof' i kal li), quietly, thoughtfully like a philosopher. Phoebus (fe' bus), p. 47.

phosphorus (fŏs' fo rus), a metal once used to tip matches.

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pieces of silver, silver money, p. 101.
pig's trotters, pig's feet, p. 362.
pilgrim (pil' grim), a person making a
journey to a holy place, often used of

Pisgah (piz' gä), p. 118.

plashy (plǎsh' i), with many puddles. plight (plit), promise.

ply (pli), to move skillfully.

or ply the loom (loom), to weave thread

into cloth, p. 44.

page (pāj), a boy beginning his educa- polluted (pŏ lūt' ed), stained, dishonored.

tion for knighthood.

pale (pal), a piece of land fenced in,

used in England, p. 235.

pommel (pum' el), a knob on the hilt of a sword.

pondering (pon' der ing), thinking hard.

palisade (păl ĭ sād'), a strong fence made ponderous (pon' der us), very heavy.

of posts set closely together.

paipitating (pal pi tat' ing), throbbing, beating fast.

parsties, Barkis's name for pastries. passing strange, very strange, p. 185.

posterity (pos tĕr' i ti), those who live
after we are dead.

Potiphar (pot' i fär), p. 102.
pottage (pot' aj), thick soup.
precipices (prěs' Ĭ pĭs ez), steep cliffs.

prematurely (prē mā tūr' li), too soon. presage (pre sag'), prophesy, foretell. presence (pres' ens), the bearing, or appearance of a person.

Presidio (pre sĭd' Ĭ ō), a military station. presume (prē sūm'), dare, undertake something beyond one.

Red Cross, a red cross sewn on the garments of a Crusader, or painted on his shield.

red-cross knight, a knight wearing a red cross sewn on his garments, p. 217. redeem (rē dēm'), rescue, as from forgetfullness, p. 262.

pretense (prē tens'), to make pretense is redoubled (rē dŭb 'ld), doubled two or to make believe.

primitive (prim' i tiv), very early, long ago; used of the Ancient Greeks, or the Old Celts.

privations (prī vā' shunz), hardships. prodigious (prō díj' us), marvelous, wonderful.

three times.

redress of grievances, finding a remedy for complaints, p. 266.

reeking tube, smoking gun, p. 280. reel (rel), stagger.

refrained (re frand'), stopped, controlled, kept from doing something.

prog, schoolboy phrase for food, p. Regin (rā' gin). 350.

rein (rān), rein in, hold back.

prop-iron, iron used to support parts of reluctant (rē lŭk' tant), unwilling, hesia carriage.


prospectively (prō spěk' tiv li), for the remonstrances (rē mon' strans ez), obfuture, in prospect.

protest (pro test'), vigorously affirm or deny.

provender (pro' ven der), food.

prove upon your body, show by striking down your body, by defeating you, p. 193.

Providence (prov' i dens), God. psalm (säm), a hymn or sacred song. put his spear in rest, support the blunt end of the spear upon a hook on the breastplate in order to steady it, p. 188.


remote (rē mōt'), far away.

repudiate (re pū' di āt), deny, disown. reputed (rē pūt' ed), supposed. requite (re kwit'), pay back. resolution (rez ō loo' shun), resolve. restoreth (re stōr' eth), makes well again, gives back.

resume (rē zūm'), start again. reversed (re versd'), turned about. Rhenish (rěn' ish), from the countries bordering on the Rhine.

riddance (rid' dans), getting rid of something.

quarter boat (kwôr' ter bōt), small boat righteousness (rī' chus nes), goodness,

[blocks in formation]

sans peur et sans reproche (sän per à| Sigmund (sēg' mund).
sän re prōsh'), a French phrase mean-
ing, without fear and without reproach.
Saracen (sâr a sen), a believer in Ma-

sills (silz), wood on which the body of
the carriage rests.

scant (skǎnt), restrict, lessen.

scope (skop), reach.

silver-studded (stŭd'ed), adorned with
many little silver knobs.
Simeon (sim' ē on), p. 107.
Sindri (sen' dri).

scroll (skrōl), a roll of paper or parch- single-handed, one man acting alone. ment.

scroll of fame, roll of famous men. scrupulously (skroo' pū lus li), very carefully and exactly.

seemly (sem' li), good-looking. seër (se' er), a prophet.

seneschal (sen' e shal), a man of rank who gives orders about food and drink in the household of a king or great noble.

Sennacherib (sen åk' ĕr îb), king of As-
syria, p. 127.

sepulcher (sep' ul ker), tomb.
shadows, reflections, p. 216.
Shahrazad (shä rä zäd'), the queen who
told the tales of the Arabian Nights,
p. 298.

shallop (shǎl' op), a light boat.
Shalott (sha lot').

shameful death, hanging instead of death by the sword.

shard (shärd), a piece of hard material; iron shard, bullet or shell, p. 280. shay (shā), an old-fashioned word for chaise.

sheaf (shef), bundle of grain.

sire (sir), father, often used in speaking to a king.

sixpence, an English coin worth about twelve cents.

Skrymir (skri' mēr).

skulking (skůlk' ing), shirking, sneaking


solitary (sŏl' i tā ri), alone, single.
solitude (sol' ĭ tūd), being alone.
soothsayers (sooth' sã ĕrs), wise men
who interpreted dreams
or made
Sophy (so' fi), the title of an Eastern

sore (sōr), hard, bitterly.
sore news, bad news, p. 38.
spear-shafts, the slender parts of spears.
spicery (spi' ser i), spices.

spoil him of his arms, take away his
arms, p. 49.

spokes (spōks), the rays of a wheel. squire (skwir), a youth learning to become a knight.

staff (stǎf), stick or rod.

stalking (stôk' ing), walking, as an animal in pursuit of its prey.

sheath (sheth), scabbard for a sword, p. stature (stăt' ūr), height of the body. 170.

stay (stā), stop, p. 48.

sheathed (shēthd), inclosed, clothed in, stitch, a pain in the side, p. 356. p. 239.

Shechem (shěk' em), p. 100.

sheen (shen), shining.

shipcraft (ship' kråft), knowledge about ships.

shuttle (shut' t'l), a tool that sends the thread back and forth; used in weaving cloth.

stock (stok), family, race.

stock-still (stok' stil), absolutely quiet. stoles (stōlz), long scarfs worn over the shoulders.

stoutly, bravely.

strand (strănd), the shore or beach of the


stripling (strip' ling), youth, youngster. Sidon (si' don), an ancient city of Asia stunned (stund), made senseless. Minor.

Sidonian (sī dō' ni an), from Sidon.

Siegfried (seg' frēd).

Sif (sif).

Siggeir (seg' gār).


(sub lim'), very noble and

subsided (sub sid' ed), gone down, grown


suffice (suf fis'), be enough.

sundry (sun' dri), several, a number. superadded (sū per ǎd' ed), added in addition.

surety (shoor' ti), bond, guarantee.

surf (sûrf), billows breaking into foam. surly (ser' li), gloomy, ill-natured. surveyor (sûr va' or), one who measures land.

sustenance (sus' te nans), nourishment. swarthy (swôr' thi), dark, black.

tainted (tant' ed), spoiled, dishonest. take no heed, pay no attention. Talisman (tǎl' iz man), the name of a novel by Sir Walter Scott. The word means a magical object.

trance (trăns), a dream-like state, something like sleep.

transept (trăn'sept), the short arms of a church shaped like a cross. transformation

(trans for ma' shun),

changes in form or appearance. transmission (trăns mĭsh 'un), delivery. trappings (trăp' ingz), ornaments placed on a horse.

treaty (trē' ti), agreement.

Tristram (trist' ram).

trophies (trō' fiz), prizes, emblems.
truce (troos), an agreement to stop fight-
ing for a time.

tunic (tū' nik), a garment worn under
the corselet.

tanner (tăn' êr), one who tans, or makes turbulency (ter' bū lens i), tumult. skins into leather. turbulent (tûr' bū lent), noisy, Cisturbed.

tarpaulin (tär pô' lin), a waterproof hat, turtle dove (tur' t'l), a dove with a soft p. 295. cooing voice associated with love and marriage.

tarry (tǎr' i), delay, wait. Tartar, tyrant, harsh master (schoolboy Tyre (tir), an ancient city of Asia Minor. phrase).

telescope (těl' ē skōp), an instrument for ultimately (ŭl' ti māt li), finally.

viewing distant objects.

temper steel, to make steel just right, either hard or soft, p. 69.

thereupon (thâr up on'), immediately, then.

therewith (thâr with'), at the same time. Thialfi (the al' fē).

thill (thil), the same as a shaft. Thor (thôr).

thoroughbrace (thur' ō bras), a leather band supporting the body of a carriage. thrill (thril), a shiver.

uncouthly (un kōōth' li), peculiar and

understood intent (in tent'), plan that
has been agreed upon, p. 56.
unerring, (un ĕr' ing), certain, without
making any mistake.

ungentle discourteous, p. 198.
unimpaired (un im pârd), unlessened.
unsceptered (un sep' terd), i.e. without
a king, p. 273.

unseemly (un sēm' li), unfitting, unsuitable.

tide me death, betide me life, whether uplands (up' lands), high land.

I die or live, p. 227.

tilt (tilt), the cloth or canvas cover of a cart.

tintinnabulation (tin ti nab u la' shun), the ringing of bells.

Utgard (ut' gärd).

vacant (va' kant), empty, stupid.

Valkyr (väl' kēr), war maiden, a goddess, p. 176.

tipped our anchor, raised our anchor, p. Valparaiso (văl pär ï' sō), a city in Chile. 296.

veneration (ven er a' shun), great respect
and admiration.

tire (tīr), a hoop around a wheel.
Tirra lirra (tir' ä lir' ä), a happy song, venom (věn' om), poison, anger.
p. 218.
verdant (vēr' dant), green.
tolerable (tŏl' er a b'l), endurable, bear- verdure (vērd' ūr), green

trailed (trāld), dragged along. train (trān), procession, p. 118.

grass and


verified (věr ĭ fid), proved true.
verily (věr' i li), truly, in truth.

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