The Wisconsin State ConstitutionOxford University Press, 18. 9. 2019 - Počet stran: 296 The Wisconsin State Constitution provides an outstanding constitutional and historical account of the state's governing charter. In addition to an overview of Wisconsin's constitutional history, it provides an in-depth, section-by-section analysis of the entire constitution, detailing the many significant changes that have been made since its initial drafting. This treatment, along with a table of cases, index, and bibliography provides an unsurpassed reference guide for students, scholars, and practitioners of Wisconsin's constitution. The second edition adds commentary on significant Wisconsin Supreme Court cases and a few appellate court cases decided after 1995 through 2018. It also adds several resources to the bibliography and covers 23 years of history including several new constitutional amendments. Previously published by Greenwood, this title has been brought back in to circulation by Oxford University Press with new verve. Re-printed with standardization of content organization in order to facilitate research across the series, this title, as with all titles in the series, is set to join the dynamic revision cycle of The Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United States. The Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United States is an important series that reflects a renewed international interest in constitutional history and provides expert insight into each of the 50 state constitutions. Each volume in this innovative series contains a historical overview of the state's constitutional development, a section-by-section analysis of its current constitution, and a comprehensive guide to further research. Under the expert editorship of Professor Lawrence Friedman of New England Law School | Boson, this series provides essential reference tools for understanding state constitutional law. Books in the series can be purchased individually or as part of a complete set, giving readers unmatched access to these important political documents. |
Part Two The Wisconsin Constitution and Commentary | 57 |
Bibliographical Essay | 267 |
Table of Cases | 275 |
Index | 299 |
About the Authors | 309 |
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allowed apply appointed appropriation approved Article VII attorney Attorney General ex authority banking bill Board circuit court judges City of Milwaukee Comm common law constitutional provision constitutionality contract corporations court held court of appeals created crime criminal defendant delegates determine duties effect election electors enacted entity established ex rel example exemption federal fund Giessel grant internal improvement interpretation issue judicial jurisdiction jury justice La Follette land legislative legislature lottery Madison means Milwaukee County municipal party person police prohibition property tax protection public purpose doctrine Railroad revenue rule school district sentence shell corporations sheriff specified state’s statewide statute statutory taxation term tion town trial U.S. Constitution U.S. Supreme Court unconstitutional uniformity clause units of government veto village violate this section vote Wisconsin constitution Wisconsin courts Wisconsin Idea Wisconsin Law Review Wisconsin Supreme Court writ Zimmerman