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Entered, According to Act of Congress, in the Year 1896


In the Office of Librarian of Congress, at Washington.

ост 6 1931


This volume is a reprint of the cases decided by the state courts of Ohio, found in the ten volumes of Western Law Journal, published at Cincinnati, 1843 to 1853. The number of volumes are reduced from ten to one, as all editorial, correspondence, cases decided in other states, and out-of-date matter have been omitted.

As the original volumes have been out of print for a long time, and copies are scarcely obtainable at any price, it has been thought that a republication of these cases was called for. Without it, the libraries of Ohio lawyers, must continue to be incomplete, in not having all the Ohio case law.

As citations to these authorities are found in the different editions of the Bates' Ohio Digest, and come constantly under the eye of every judge and attorney who is looking up Ohio judicial precedents, it is beieved the bar will consider our adventure a desirable one, and patronize it accordingly.

The cases are a faithful transcript of the originals, nothing having been added, except the bold face title lines over the beginning of the cases, and in many instances these are found over the original cases. Where none existed we have supplied them. No case of an Ohio state court has been omitted, or abridged in the least, and no comment of im portance has been left out. The work has been carefully proof read and the decisions may be relied upon as being as authentic as the originals.

The volumes are placed following each other in the same manner, and the cases appear in the same order as printed in the Western Law Journals, except in two or three instances, a short decision relating to a former one, and being merely explanatory, is made to follow the decision to which it relates.

The original paging is maintained, the volume number being at the head of the page, and the page number inserted in the margin in bold type. By observing these bold face figures any desired citation can be as readily located as in the original volume.

A table of parallel paging is also given, by reference to which the page of this book can also be placed, from any citation to the original volume and page.

A table of cases is also given to facilitate reference.


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