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This commis

sion to make a full and final

the exchange of the ratifications


The high contracting parties Las altas partes contratantes agree to consider the result of the convienen en considerar el resulsettlement of all proceedings of this commission as tado de los procedimientos de esta claims prior to a full, perfect, and final settlement comision, como arreglo completo, of every claim upon either govern- perfecto y final, de toda reclamament arising out of any transaction cion contra cualquiera gobierno, of a date prior to the exchange of que proceda de acontecimientos de the ratifications of the present con- fecha anterior al canje de las rativention; and further engage that ficaciones de la presente convencion; every such claim, whether or not y se comprometen ademas á que the same may have been presented toda reclamacion, ya sea que se to the notice of, made, preferred, or haya presentado ó no á la referida laid before the said commission, comision, sera considerada y trashall, from and after the conclusion tada, concluidos los procedimientos of the proceedings of the said com- de dicha comision, como finalmente mission, be considered and treated arreglada, desechada y para siemas finally settled, barred, and thence- pre inadmisible. forth inadmissible.

Accurate records to be kept of the proceedings of the commissions.


Pay of commissioners;

of umpire;


The commissioners and the umpire shall keep an accurate record and correct minutes of their proceedings, with the dates. For that purpose they shall appoint two secretaries versed in the language of both countries to assist them in the transaction of the business of the commission. Each government shall pay to its commissioner an amount of salary not exceeding forty-five hundred dollars a year in the currency of the United States, which amount shall be the same for both governments. The amount of compensation to be paid to the umpire shall be determined by mutual consent at the close of the commission, but necessary and reasonable advances may be made by each government upon the joint recommendation of the commission. The of the secre- salary of the secretaries shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars a year in the currency of the United States. The whole expenses of the commission, including contingent expenses, shall be defrayed by a ratable deduction on the amount of the sums awarded by the commission, provided always, that such deduction shall not exceed five per cent. on the sums so awarded. The deficiency, if any, shall be defrayed in moieties by the two governments.


Whole expenses to be deducted from sums awarded, but not to exceed five per cent. thereof.


Los comisionados y el árbitro lleveran una relacion fiel y actas esactas de sus procedimientos con especificacion de las fechas; con este objeto nombrarán dos secretarios versados en las lenguas de ambos paises, para que les ayuden en el arreglo de los asuntos de la comision.

Cada gobierno pagará a su comisionado un sueldo que no exceda de cuatro mil quinientos pesos al año, en moneda corriente de los Estados Unidos, cuya cantidad será la misma para ambos gobier nos. La compensacion que haya de pagarse al árbitro se determinará por consentimiento mútuo, al terminarse la comision; pero podran hacerse por cada gobierno adelantos necesarios y razonables en virtud de la recomendacion de los dos comisionados.

El sueldo de los secretarios no excederá de la suma de dos mil quinientos pesos al año, en moneda corriente de los Estados Unidos. Los gastos todos de la comision, incluyendo los contingentes, se pagarán con una reduccion proporcional de la cantidad total fallada por los comisionados, siempre que tal deduccion no exceda del cinco por ciento de las cantidades falladas.

Si hubiere algun deficiente, lo cubrirán ambos gobiernos por mitad.


The present convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the President of the Mexican republic, with the approbation of the Congress of that republic, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington within nine months from the date hereof, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at Washington, the fourth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.




La presente convencion será rati- Ratifications ficada por el Presidente de la re- when to be exchanged. pública Mexicana, con aprobacion del Congreso de la misma, y por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, con el consejo y aprobacion del Senado de los mismos, y las ratificaciones se cangearán en Washington dentro de nueve meses contados desde la fecha de la convencion, ó antes, si fuere posible. En fé de lo cual, los respectivos plenipotenciarios la hemos firmado y sellado con nuestros sellos respectivos. Hecho en Washington el dia cuatro de Julio, del año del Señor mil ochoci- Signature. entos sesenta y ocho.



And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same have this day been exchanged:

Now, therefore, be it known that I, ANDREW JOHNSON, President of Proclamation. the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington this first day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the independence of the United States of America the ninety-third.


By the President:


WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.

Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico, for regulating the Citizenship of Emigrants; Concluded July 10, 1868; Proclaimed February 1, 1869.



WHEREAS a convention between the United States of America and the Preamble. republic of Mexico, for the purpose of regulating the citizenship of persons who may emigrate from the one country to the other, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Washington, on the tenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, which convention as amended, and being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows:

The President of the United Deseando el Presidente de la reStates of America and the Presi- pública Mexicana y el Presidente dent of the republic of Mexico, be- de los Estados Unidos de América ing desirous of regulating the citi- determinar la ciudadania de las per.zenship of persons who emigrate sonas que emigran de Mexico á los from Mexico to the United States Estados Unidos de América y de of America, and from the United los Estados Unidos de América a States of America to the republic of la república Mexicana, han decidiMexico, have decided to treat on do hacer un tratado sobre este this subject, and with this object asunto, y con este objeto han nomhave named as plenipotentiaries, brado sus plenipotenciarios: the President of the United States, El Presidente de la república William H. Seward, Secretary of Mexicana á Matias Romero, acrediState; and the President of Mexi- tado como enviado extraordinario co, Matias Romero, accredited as y ministro plenipotenciario de la reenvoy extraordinary and minister pública Mexicana ante el gobierno plenipotentiary of the republic of de los Estados Unidos, y el PresiMexico near the government of the United States; who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:


dente de los Estados Unidos á Wil-
liam H. Seward, Secretario de Es-
tado, quienes, despues de haberse
mostrado sus respectivos poderes
y encontradolos en buena y debida
forma, han convenido en los articu-
los siguientes:


Contracting parties.

Citizens of the one country

as citizens of

Those citizens of the United Los ciudadanos de los Estados States who have been made citizens Unidos que se hayan hecho ciuda- naturalized in of the Mexican republic by natural- danos de la república Mexicana por the other, to be ization, and have resided without naturalizacion y hayan residido sin held and treated interruption in Mexican territory interupcion en territorio Mexicano such other five years, shall be held by the por cinco años, seran considerado country. United States as citizens of the por los Estados Unidos como ciudaMexican republic and shall be treated as such. Reciprocally, citizens of the Mexican republic who have become citizens of the United States, and who have resided uninterruptedly in the territory of the

danos de la república Mexicana y
seran tratado como tales.

Reciprocamente los ciudadanos
de la república Mexicana, que se
hayan hecho ciudadanos de los Es-
tados Unidos y hayan residido sin


United States for five years, shall be interupcion en territorio de los Esheld by the republic of Mexico as tados Unidos por cinco años, seran citizens of the United States, and considerados por la república MexiDeclaration of shall be treated as such. The decla- cana como ciudadanos de los Estaintention to be- ration of an intention to become a dos Unidos y seran tratados como come a citizen not to have the citizen of the one or the other tales. La declaracion que se haga effect of natural- country has not for either party the de la intencion de hacerse ciudadaeffect of naturalization. This article no de uno ú otro pais, no produce shall apply as well to those already para ninguna de las dos partes connaturalized in either of the countries tratantes los efectos de la naturalicontracting as to those hereafter zacion. Este articulo se aplicará naturalized. tanto á los ciudadanos que se hayan naturalizado en cualquiera de los dos paises contratantes, como á los que se naturalizaren en lo futuro.

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Naturalization how may be renounced.


If a citizen of the United States naturalized in Mexico renews his residence in the United States without the intent to return to Mexico, he shall be held to have renounced his naturalization in Mexico. Reciprocally, if a Mexican naturalized in the United States renews his residence in Mexico without the intent to return to the United States, he shall be held to have renounced his naturalization in the United States. The intent not to return may be tent not to return held to exist when the person naturalized in the one country resides

When the in

may be held to



Los ciudadanos naturalizados de una de las partes contratantes quedan sujetos, al volver al territorio de la otra parte á enjuiciamiento y castigo por una accion criminal conforme á las leyes de su pais original, cometida antes de su emigracion, esceptuando siempre las limitaciones establecidas por las leyes de su pais original.


La convencion para la entrega mútua en ciertos casos, de criminales fugitivos de la justicia, concluida entre la república Mexicana por una parte, y los Estados Unidos por la otra, el dia once de Diciembre del año de mil ochocientos y sesenta uno, permanece en vigor sin alteracion ninguna.


Si un Norte Americano naturalizado en Mexico renueva su residencia en los Estados Unidos, sin tener intencion de volver á Mexico, se considerará que ha renunciado a su naturalizacion en Mexico. Reciprocamente, si un Mexicano naturalizado en los Estados Unidos renueva su residencia en Mexico, sin intencion de volver á los Estados Unidos, se considerará que ha renunciado á su naturalizacion en los Estados Unidos. La intencion de no volver se considerá que existe cuando la persona naturalizada en

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