American Law Reports Annotated, Svazek 164Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, 1946 |
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accident action alleged ant's App Div appeared that plaintiff appellant approaching automobile Cal App Cal App2d collided commerce clause contract contributory negligence danger defendant defendant's car defendant's truck divorce driver duty entered the crossing entered the intersection evidence exercise fact failed favor feet fendant forged gence granted green light guilty of contributory guilty of negligence held highway infra injunction injury inter intersecting street judgment jury last clear chance liability lis pendens Lumber manufacturer matter of law motorist motorman NE2d negligence per se NW2d Ohio ordinance party pedestrian person plaintiff's car privity of contract proaching proceeding protected by stop providing question reasonable red light rule SE2d semaphore So2d speed statute stop sign streetcar struck by defendant's Super Ct superseding cause supra SW2d taxicab tersection Tex Civ App tiff timber rights tion traffic light traffic signal trial judge vehicle Wash2d yield the right