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174. "Long and deep rivers." Here "long and deep" is the modifier of "rivers," and is, therefore, a compound subordinate. (149.) So "Men of genius and learning." Here "of genius and learning" is a subordinate of the compound phraseform. "Shall go if it be pleasant and if my friend arrive." Here we have a subordinate of the compound clause-form.

175. Sometimes one of the significant terms of a compound subordinate of the phrase-form, is omitted. Thus; "My travels in and about Boston."

176. The compound subordinate should not be confounded with the complex subordinate, (164) or the complex base. (156) The difference will be manifest, on reflection. Between each of the constituents of a compound subordinate a coördinate is either expressed, or clearly implied. This is not true of the others. Thus :

Good and wise and patriotic men. (Cd. Sub.)

Much more patriotic men. (Cx. Sub.)

Those ancient patriotic men. (Cx. B.)

177. NOTE 1. The difference in the logical force of these three different forms of expression, will become more manifest, if we put a connective between each constituent, in each case. Thus :

"Good and wise and patriotic men."

"Much and more and patriotic men."

"Those and ancient and patriotic men."

The first, now, makes good sense; the last two, absolute nonsense. 178. NOTE 2. Observe the difference in the meaning of the following:

"The black and white horse."

"The black and the white horse."

"The black and white horses."

In the first, reference is made to one horse, which is of a white and black, or dappled color. It is, therefore, an El. of the Cx. W-f., of which "horse" is the base, and modified by "black and white," a subordinate of the Cd. W-f.

In the second, reference is made to two horses, of which one is black and the other white. This is, therefore, an El. of the Cd. W-f., of which "horse," implied, is the first constituent, and modified by "black;" and "horse," expressed, is the second constituent, and modified by "white."

In the third case reference is made to two or more horses whose color is black and white. Here the analysis is the same as in the first example.

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