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19 Hence the significant parts of speech, are,

1. THE NOUN and PRONOUN, (substantive terms.)
2. THE VERB and PARTICIPLE, (predicative terms.)

3. THE ADJECTIVE and the ADVERB, (attributive terms.) EXERCISE 1.-Distinguish the different kinds of significant terms in the following:

Good, well, works, me, is, them, sleeps, studies, noble, great, they, comes, rapidly, me, you, reads, house, wisely, sees, men, them, glorious, soon, yesterday, now, all, playing, grand, grandeur, flowers, loving, beautiful, excess, excellent, excellently, Boston, gold, gilded, gilding, gilt, gilds, golden, some, four, first, many.


20. In the preceding section, we have considered the different kinds of significant words, with reference to their primary and proper meaning. Now, by reason of ellipses, and abbreviations, and in many instances, through a necessity, arising from insufficiency of vocabulary in our language, terms properly belonging to one of the above mentioned classes, are frequently used to perform the office of one or of both the other classes. 21. Thus, for substantive terms, we have, 1. Predicative words, as, “A walk ;' a ride;" "a sail." 2. Attributive words, as, "The good;" "the virtuous;" "the



22. Again, for predicative terms, we have,

1. Substantive words, as, "They head the movement; "shoulders responsibility;" "ships the goods."

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2. Attributive words, as, "They better their condition; " (att. adj.) "Down, minions," (att. adv.)

3. Relation words, as, " On, ye brave."

23. Again, for attributive terms, we have,
1. Predicative words, as, "The advance guard;'


2. Substantive words, as "Gold watches;" "A he goat."

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"A mowing

"Silver ware;"

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3. Relation words, as, "The above remark;' "The within statement,"

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