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entry on the minutes of the court or recital that required proof was made or notice was given shall be conclusive evidence of the fact of such notice.


4. He may in uncontested cases hear the proofs Property rents, and determine the facts as provided in section 4048, and may fix the amount of the bond and for that purpose may hear testimony as to the property, rents, profits and issues as provided in section 4055.


5. He may in all cases approve bonds and under- Bonds and takings as provided in sections 4060, 4061 and 4078.


6. He may appoint a special administrator as pro- Special vided in section 4075, and fix the amount of his bond as provided in section 4078.

7. He may appoint appraisers as provided in sec- Appraisers. tion 4099.


8. He may designate the terms of and enter the Notice to order for publication of notice to creditors required by section 4120.

9. He may grant an order of sale of perishable Order of sale. property under the provisions of section 4148.

10. He may consider a petition for the sale of real property made by an executor or administrator and may make the order provided for in section 4160, if he find the petition sufficient.


11. He may make and enter the order fixing the Hearing upon day for hearing upon return of proceedings and the manner in which notice of the same shall be given as provided in section 4173.


12. He may appoint the time and place for hear- Petition for ing the petition for conveyance from an executor or administrator and enter the order directing the manner in which notice of the same shall be given as provided in section 4209.


13. He may appoint the day for the settlement of Settlement of the accounts of an executor or administrator and designate by order the notice to be given as provided in section 4237.

14. He may designate the notice to be given to Notice concernthe person having the charge of a minor and to rela- ing minor. tives of the minor as provided in section 4305.


15. He may cause notice to be given of the time Insane and and place of hearing petition in the case of an insane hearing or incompetent person as provided in section 4318.


16. He may consider the petition and may make order to show the order to show cause why an order should not be cause,

Record to be kept.

granted for the sale of real estate as provided in sec tion 4336, if he find the petition sufficient.

Sec. 2. All orders made and proceedings had by the clerk under the provisions of the foregoing section shall be by him spread at large upon the minutes of the court which shall show the fact of the absence of the judge of the court from the county seat; and all such orders and proceedings so had and made shall be valid and binding to the same extent and with the same effect as though made in open court, except as provided in subdivision 3 of section 1 hereof.


Sec. 3. This act shall take effect upon its appro

Approved March 11, 1896.

Approving the



JOINT RESOLUTION relative to the Trans-Mississippi Exposition to be held at Omaha, Nebraska, in the year 1898.

Whereas, Delegates representing the twenty-four states and territories lying west of the Mississippi River, at the Trans-Mississippi Congress of 1895, adopted a resolution providing for the holding of an exposition of the products, manufactures, arts and industries of these states and territories; and

Whereas, The said convention voted to hold the said exposition at Omaha, Nebraska, in the year 1898; and

Whereas, The common interest of the states and territories constituting this great region will be promoted thereby, and the interests of the State of Utah will be especially benefited by such an exposition,

Be it therefore resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Utah that the holdtrans-Missising of the said Trans-Mississippi Exposition is heartily approved and that the people of Utah are urged to cooperate with the people of the other states of the

sippi congress.

Trans-Mississippi region and to take this opportunity of making a fitting display of their resources; and

Be it further resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Senators and Representative from Utah in the National Congress by the Secretary of State, with the request that they promote as far as possible the said exposition.

Approved March 13, 1896.



AN ACT to make a special appropriation to maintain the Current Expenses of the Utah State Reform School until the regular appropriation is made by the State Legislature.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah:

SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the general funds of the State, the sum of three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to meet the current expenses of the Utah State Reform School, from January 1st, 1896, to such time as the regular appropriation for its maintenance shall have been made.

Appropriation for current expenses of reform school.

not to be drawn

Sec. 2. Warrants for the appropriation shall be Interest fund issued by the State Auditor, but the same shall not be on. paid out of any moneys otherwise heretofore appropriated or held in reserve for the payment of interest on the bonded indebtedness of the State.

Sec. 3. This act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved March 13, 1896.

for current

expenses of State Prison.



AN ACT making an appropriation for the payment of the Current Expenses of the State Prison.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah: SECTION 1. That the sum of six thousand dollars Appropriation be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the State treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay the current expenses of the State Prison, from January 1st, until the regular appropriation shall have been made. And the State Auditor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant or warrants on the State Treasurer for the amount herein appropriated.

Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved March 13, 1896.

Election of Representative to Congress.



AN ACT relating to Elections of Representatives in Congress and providing for the issuance of Certificates to persons elected.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah:

SECTION 1. At the general election to be held in the year 1896, and biennially thereafter, there shall be elected for each Congressional district one Representative to the Congress of the United States.

Sec. 2. The vote for Representative in Congress Canvass of vote. must be canvassed, certified to and transmitted in the same manner as the vote for State officers.


Sec. 3. The Governor shall, as soon as the returns of such election are completed and canvassed according to law, transmit to the person elected as Representa

tive in Congress a certificate of his election, sealed with the great seal and attested by the Secretary of State.

Approved March 13, 1896.



AN ACT incorporating the Utah State School for the Blind and providing for its Government.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah:

the blind

SECTION 1. To carry out the provisions of section School for 10. Article X, of the Constitution, the Institution of incorporated. the Blind thereby established is hereby made a body corporate by the name of the Utah school for the Blind, and it shall have perpetual succession, a corporate seal, and by said name may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, and it may take and hold by purchase, gift, devise or bequest, real and personal property required for its uses, and it may convert property and credits received by gift, devise or bequest, and not suitable for its use, into money or property available for its uses. It shall be deemed a public corporation, and its property, credits and effects shall be exempt from all taxes and assessments.

school trustees


Sec. 2. The trustees and officers of the Utah State Deaf and dumb School for the Deaf and Dumb are hereby constituted for school for the trustees and officers of the said School for the Blind which shall, until otherwise provided by law, be conducted as a co-ordinate institution with said School for the Deaf and Dumb.

be given, and

Sec. 3. The purposes of the school shall be to Instruction to provide a practical education for the blind of Utah, to whom. who are of sound mind and body, under thirty years of age, capable of receiving beneficial instruction and incapacitated on account of blindness or inability to see, for instruction in the common schools, and to instruct them in such mechanical trades and arts as will tend to

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