The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, Svazek 4The Association, 1904 |
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A. L. Evans abdominal amendment American Osteopathic Association annual meeting application asthma attention believe bill Bldg blood body Boston Bright's disease C. A. Whiting cause Chas Chattanooga Chicago chronic City clavicle clinic College of Osteopathy committee condition course cure Denver Denver meeting diagnosis Discussion disease doctor dorsal drugs effect elected fact function gallstones give Hazzard healing heart Hulett Huntington Huntington Ave important inhibition interest irritation Journal Kirksville led by Dr legislation lesions Louis Main St matter McConnell medicine membership methods months muscles nerve opathic organization osteo osteopathic physician Osteopathic Society osteopathic treatment paper patient Philadelphia practice of osteopathy practitioners present President prophylaxis purin question removal ribs School of Osteopathy scientific Secretary spinal spine stimulation street subluxation surgery Teall therapeutics things tion tissues treat uric acid uterus vertebra York
Oblíbené pasáže
Strana 95 - (i. When a physician is called to an urgent case, because the family attendant is not at hand, unless assistance in consultation is desired, he should resign the care of the patient immediately on the arrival of the family physician. SEC. 7. It. often happens in cases
Strana 196 - come to naught ; but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest haply ye be found to fight against God.
Strana 304 - Be always displeased with what thou art, if thou desirest to attain to what thou art not; for where thou hast pleased thyself, there thou abidest. But if thou sayest I have enough, thou perishest. Always add, always walk, always proceed. Neither stand still, nor go back nor deviate.—Augustine.
Strana 94 - It is sometimes necessary for a physician to withdraw temporarily from daily professional labor and to appoint a colleague to act in his place. The colleague's compliance is an act of courtesy which should always be performed with the utmost consideration for
Strana 94 - or prognostications should be delivered which are not the result of previous deliberation and concurrence. Provided, that in case of a disagreement the consultant's opinion may be stated to the patient, or his friends, at their request in the presence of
Strana 93 - or harmful. Entering the profession and thereby becoming entitled to full professional fellowship, incurs an obligation to uphold its dignity and honor, to exalt its standing and to extend the bounds of its usefulness. SEC. 2. The
Strana 298 - be round and full at evening. Does not Mr. Bryant say that Truth gets well if she is run over by a locomotive, while Error dies of lockjaw if she scratches her finger? I never heard that a mathematician was alarmed for the safety of a demonstrated proposition.
Strana 95 - be immediately adjusted, they should be referred to the arbitration of a sufficient number of impartial physicians. SEC. 2. A peculiar reserve should be maintained by physicians toward the public in regard to
Strana 95 - employed, but the topics of conversation should be as foreign to the case as circumstances will admit. SEC. 4. A physician ought not to take charge of or treat a patient who has recently been
Strana 301 - That ostéopathie physicians shall observe and be subject to all State and municipal regulations relating to the control of contagious diseases ; the reporting and certifying of births and deaths ; and all matters pertaining to public health ; and such reports shall be accepted by the officer or department to whom the same are made. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That every person