Obrázky stránek

"A. B. C. Syndicaliste," Georges Yvetot. 3 Rue de Pondichéry,


"La Confédération Générale du Travail," Emile Pouget. Marcel Rivière, 30 Rue Jacob, Paris.

"L'Action Syndicaliste," Victor Griffuelhes. Marcel Rivière, 30 Rue Jacob, Paris.

"La Décomposition du Marxisme," and "Les Illusions du progres," 2d ed., 1911, Georges Sorel. Marcel Rivière,

30 Rue Jacob, Paris.

"Réflexions sur la Violence," Georges Sorel. Publisher, Marcel Rivière, 30 Rue Jacob, Paris.

"Les Syndicats et la Révolution," L. Niels. 140 Rue Mouffetard, Paris, 1902.

"La Philosophie Syndicaliste," Guy-Grand. 2d ed., Paris,



"Der moderne französische Syndikalismus," Dr. Anton Acht. Verlag von Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1911.

A severely academic study, but one of the most useful yet published.

The voluminous Italian literature I have not seen except such as appears in French translations. Something of this will be found in the French sources noted above.



Absolutism, the democratic ris-
ing against capitalistic, 46.
Adulteration of foods, 132-134.
Agreements in garment-makers'
strike, New York, attacked

by I. W. W., 89 n.
Agriculture, coöperative work
in, in Italy, 199–200.
American Federation of Labor,
the, 53, 68-69, 72; members
of, held as scabs by I. W. W.,

American Railway Union strike

(1894), 104.
Amsterdam dockers' strike

(1903), 124.

Anarchism, the I. W. W. and,
30, 168 ff.; strength of tenden-
cies toward, in American Syn-
dicalism, 172; French Syndi-
calists who believe in, 172;
element of, peculiar to the
I. W. W., 175; in Italy, 176-

Anarchy during strikes, 78.
Angel, Norman, The Great Illu-

sion by, 116 n.
Antagonisms, class, 106–114.
Anthracite Coal Commission, 29.
Apart colonies, 51.

Arbitration, 52, 242.

Arbitration acts, rejection of

Canadian, by I. W. W., 147.
Atlantic Monthly, 10.

Australian ballot, disappoint-

ment in scope of results from,

Australian strike of 1890, 124 n.
Awakener, service of the I. W.
W. as an, 225-238.
Awakener, The, English maga-
zine, 226.


Bax, Belfort, opposition of, to
sabotage, 153.

Bergson, Henri, 99; as "the
philosopher of the unuttera-
ble," 169 n.

Bernstein, E., Der Politische
Massenstreik by, 126 n.; com-
mitted to compensation, 183.
Berth, Edouard, 99; sabotage
opposed by, 153; anarchist
protest of, 171.

Bohn, Frank, quoted concerning
the thirty-three dynamiters,

Bonus systems, 52.
Boston Elevated Railroad strike,

23, 244.

Bourget, Paul, on Sorel, 172.
Boycott, perils of the, 70, 71.

Brewery workers, rejection of
Old Age Pension offer by,
Briand, 98.

Bryce, James, 48.

Burke, Edmund, quoted, 36.
Burns, John, 98.


Canada, Arbitration Acts in, 147.
Capitalism, disposal of, accord-
ing to socialist theory, 179-

Caruso, trial of, 8 n.
Channing's History of the United
States cited, 77.
Chartism, 62-63.
Chicago, packing-house labor
unions in, 88-89; American
Railway Union strike at, 104.
Class consciousness, force of the
deepened, 106 ff.

Class war, the, 101, 106–114.
Cleveland, Grover, 29.

Cobden, Richard, 47.
Collective bargaining, 224, 245.
Colonizing experiments, disap-
pointment in results from, 51.
Colorado miners' strike, 20, 75.
Communes, socialist, 57.
Compensation, attitude of so-
cialism toward question of,
179-190; attitude of the I. W.
W. and Socialist Labor Party,

Compensation and Old Age Pen-
sion, rejection of, by brewery
workers, 54.

Compulsory arbitration, 52-53.
Conciliation, hopes fastened on,

Confiscation, the doctrine of,

Constructive suggestion, 194-

214; lack of, in American Syn-
dicalism, 250.
Coöperation, constructive sug-
gestion based on, 195-198;
under the Syndicalist régime,

198 ff.; the ideal level of Syn-
dicalism, 252.

Coöperative groups, work done
by, in European cities, 201-


Craft autonomy, 67.


Debs, Eugene, 33, 104; quoted
on the I. W. W., 86 n.; doubts
raised about sabotage by,
153 n.

Delesalle, a believer in anar-
chism, 172.

Democracy and the Party System,
Ostrogorski's, quoted, 48-49.
Denmark, Socialism in, 3.
Dimnet, Ernest, on the term
"la grève perlé," 148 n.
Direct action, 128, 129 ff.; vs.

the indirect action of capital-
ism, 129-130; similarity of
sabotage and, 132, 134; as il-
lustrated by the ordinary
strike, 158.

Direct primaries, 48.
Disraeli, the Sybil of, quoted, 63.
Douglas, Frederick, 138.
Dreyfus, the case of, 131.
Dynamiters, an I. W. W. view
of the thirty-three, 162.


Economic basis, need of 8
broader, to secure a real
democracy, 48-49.
Educative agencies, vanity of
hopes of results from, 50-51.
England, Socialism in, 3.
Ettor, trial of, 8 n.; references

to, 9, 117, 131; trial of, as
viewed by French syndicalist
reporter, 91; quoted on vio-
lence in the code of the I. W.
W., 159.


Faure, Syndicalist veteran, 137.
Favre, Jules, 115.
Fourier, 47, 65, 141.
France, socialism in, 3; Hay-
wood's account of the general
strike in, 117-118; reformist
parties in, 221-222; advantage
to syndicalist experiments in,
from weakness of trade unions,

Gompers, 79.

Government interference in in-
dustrial affairs, 28-29; influ-

ence of public opinion upon,
Grand Lodge, the, of the Owen.
ites, 61, 62.

Grand National Consolidated
Trade Unions of 1834, 93.
"Gréviculture," 135.
Griffuehles, Victor, L'Action Syn-
dicaliste by, 123 n.; quoted,
128, 131; mentioned, 135 n.
Guèsde, 153.

Guild life of Middle Ages, strikes
in the, 116


Garibaldi's army, an illustration
from, 22.
Garment-makers' strike, New
York, 89 n.

General Confederation of Labor,


General strike, the, 71, 86-87, 93,

Germany, Socialism in, 3; weak-

ness of Syndicalism in, due
to strength of labor unions,

Ghent, W. J., on socialism in
the Roosevelt programme, 100;
on the class war, 108; on sa-
botage, 154.

Giovannitti, trial of, 8 n.; men-
tioned, 9.
Girardin, E. de, 115.

Goldfield, Nevada, I. W. W.
attacks in, 246.


Hardy, Keir, 153.

Harley, J. H., Syndicalism by,
63 n.
Haywood, William D., 69, 82,
85, 91, 178; a production of
the Colorado miners' strike,
75-77; Industrial Socialism
by, quoted, 80; The General
Strike by, quoted, 117-120;
lack of consistency in posi-
tion of, on National Executive
Board of socialist party, 239-


Henderson, C. H., Pay-Day by,
quoted, 187-188.

Hillquit, Morris, quoted on com-
pensation, 186.
Homestead strike, 13.
Hugo, Victor, 115.

Humbert, King, murder of, 176-


Hunter, Robert, quoted, 154 n.


Immigrants in the I. W. W., 21,


Independent, article on "Direct

Action" in, 136-137, 163 n.
Indirect action practiced by
capitalism against labor, 129-

Industrial Worker, The, organ

of the I. W. W., 85.
Industrial Workers of the World
(I. W. W.), first appearance of
the, 20; class especially ap-
pealed to by, 21; attitude for
statesmanship to take toward,
21-22; revolutionary charac-
ter of movement, 22-23; as a
world movement, 25-30; an-
archist rôle enacted by, 30-31,
168 ff.; idealism at heart of
the movement, 31; forerunners
of the, 61-72; attack of, on
Socialism, 73 ff.; birth of, in
strike of Western Federation
of Miners in Colorado, 75;
terms demanded of the em-
ploying class by, 79-80; in-
flammatory appeals of, 79-
80, 81-82; first convention of
(1904), 83-84; second conven-
tion (1906), 85-86; appear-
ance of disrupting antagonisms
in, 86-89; seventh convention
(1912), 90-91; newer immi-
grants in, 92; youth of mem-
bership, 92-93; general char-
acteristics of, 92-105; strength
derived by, from fusion of
whole body of workers, 120-
121; attitude towards com-
pensation, 190-192; effects of

responsibility upon, 215 ff.;
chief grounds for criticism of
ways and means of, 224; serv-
ices rendered by, as an awak-
ener, 225-238.
Initiative, the, 48.
Intellectuals, the, 108, 109, III,

112; real indispensability of,
to the I. W. W., 112-114; ef-
fective formulas for the Gen-
eral Strike furnished by, 115.
International, the, 63, 219, 220.
International Working People's
Association, 221.

Irritation strike, the, 158.
Italy, socialism in, 3; strike of
railway employees in, 118-119;
the anarchist element in Syn-
dicalism shown in, 176-177;
possibilities of coöperative in-
dustry in, 199-200.


Jaurès, quoted on compensa-
tion, 183.
Jefferson, Thomas, faith of, in
popular educative agencies,

Judge, Syndicalist's speech to a,
quoted, 102-103.


Kautsky, Karl, on the I. W. W.,
73-74; mentioned, 151, 153;
committed to compensation,
183; quoted on expropriation
of the capitalist, 185.
Kenngott, G. F., Record of a City
by, quoted, 230-232.
Keufer, A., 216, 222.

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