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this new species of industry. And is it to be human industry. We are in favor of it, becharged to them as a crime, that they have cause we believe that it is protective of the been more enterprising and industrious than commercial interests. We are in favor of it, their southern friends, and have made greater because we regard it as essential to agriculproficiency in the arts of manufactures? ture, that great and paramount interest, which As to the burdens of the Tariff, they fall is the foundation of every other. But, above upon the middle and northern States more all, we are in favor of the protective system, than upon the southern. Every one who because it promotes the interest of the laborers knows the character of southern society, of the country. This, after all, is the interest knows that the dutiable articles are there which requires the most protection. The rich used principally by a select class of the popu- man can rely upon his money for his support. lation; while, at the north, they are used by If the times are hard, his money becomes almost the entire population. Let the reve-more valuable, as it will command a better innue from customs be abandoned, and let the terest, and furnish him more of the comforts burdens of the Government fall upon the and luxuries of life. But to the poor man, the States according to federal numbers, and the laborer, who has no capital but his ability to south would see at once that her present com- toil-to such a one, a prostration of business is plaints are unfounded. We have no disposi- absolute ruin. Now, as the protective policy tion to excite local jealousies-we would ra- is calculated to revive business, and give to the ther strive to allay them. We have no dispo- laborer the due reward of his toil, we regard sition to build up one section of the Union at it as the poor man's system-as his rightful} the expense of another---hence we are in favor inheritance.

of a Tariff which shall protect every interest, This system has already done much for the. and encourage enterprise and industry, in poor man. There is no article of clothing whatever business it may be employed, or in which goes into the consumption of the poor whatever part of the country it may be loca-man's family so extensively as cottons, in their ted. various forms; and this policy has reduced? But we are told that protection diminishes the price of common cotton cloth more than importations, and that our exports must cor-three-quarters. Those shirtings, which in respond with our imports, and a Tariff is a 1816 would cost some thirty cents per yard, tax upon the exportation of cotton. We have can now be purchased for six cents; and other no disposition, at this time, to go at length cottons have fallen nearly in the saine proporinto this subject; but will content ourselves tion. We commend this to the special considwith observing that, if this argument be sound, eration of those who eat their bread in the the planting States are more clamorous for sweat of their brow, who constitute the great protection than any other section of the coun-mass of the people.

try. For they ask the Government to shape We say, in conclusion, that Congress not their policy so as to meet their interest alone only possesses the power to lay protective du-to repeal those restrictions upon commerce ties, but the good of the country demands the which every nation has found necessary for exercise of this power. So thought the "Fanational prosperity, and even national inde- ther of his country"-so thought the patriots pendence, that they may reap all the advan- and sages of the Revolution. And shall the tages in the sale of their great staple. But, mere theorists of this day, with their refined suppose their request were granted, it would, closet-dreams, lead us from the paths which on their own theory, operate in the end to our fathers have trod, and which experience? their own disadvantage. A repeal of discri- has shown us to be the paths of wisdom and minating duties would destroy our manufac- of prosperity? Every feeling of national tures and paralyze our industry, so as to ren-honor, every dictate of patriotism, every inteder us unable to purchase foreign fabrics.-rest in the country, cry out against it. Importations, then, would in a measure cease; and as imports and exports must correspond with each other,the exports of cotton would be diminished. But we have no room to pursue this subject.

(Hunt's Merchants' Magazine.

Mr. Van Buren and the Tariff. "ALBANY, Feb. 28, 1843. "My Dear Sir-I thank you very kindly We are in favor of the protective system, for your friendly letter. I have at no time: because we believe it is calculated to promote nor any where hesitated to express my decithe interest of our country, and our whole ded disapprobation of the Tariff Act of the country. We believe that there is no one last Session, as well in respect to the princiquestion of national policy in which the people ple upon which it is founded, as to its details. have so deep an interest as the one we have In good time you will have my views in re-2 been considering. We are in favor of it, be-spect to that and other subjects before the cause it will promote the interest of the mann-public. In the mean time believe me to be, Very sincerely. facturers, and save from ruin the $300,000,000 Your friend and ob't servant, of capital invested in that useful department off VAN BUREN."



(The proper disposition of the Public Lands of the may safely, however, anticipate that long, if not centuUnited States, after the payment of the Revolutionary ries after the present day, the representatives of our chilDebt, for which they were originally pledged, and to aid

in discharging which was a principal inducement to dren's children may be deliberating in the halls of Contheir cession by the States to the Union, had for some gress, on laws relating to the public lands. time been a subject of increasing solicitude to our wisest

statesmen. President JEFFERSON, as early as 1806, sug-|

The subject in other points of view, challenges the gested the appropriation of their proceeds to the con- fullest attention of an American statesman. If there struction of works of Internal Improvement and to the be any one circumstance more than all others which support of Education, even though it should be deemed

prerequisite to alter the Federal Constitution. General distinguishes our happy condition from that of the no JACKSON, as early as 1830, again called the attention of tions of the old world, it is the possession of this vast Congress to the subject, and proposed the cession of the

remaining Lands, without recompense, to the several national property, and the resources which it afforded to States which contained them, thus shutting out the Old our people and our government, No European nation Thirteen States altogether (with a good part of the

New) from any participation in their benefits. This (possibly with the exception of Russia) commands such proposition would very naturally be received with great an ample resource. With respect to the other republics favor in the States containing Public Lands, while the of this continent, we have no information that any of others might safely be relied on, judging from all experithem have yet adopted a regular system of previous surence, to take little or no interest in the subject. Mr.

CLAY and General Jackson were then rival candidates vey and subsequent sale of their wild lands, in conve for President, and the election not very distant; and the nient tracts, well defined, and adapted to the wants of adversaries of Mr. CLAY, composing a decided majority

of the Senate, having placed him at the head of the all. On the contrary, the probability is that they adhere Committee on Manufactures, now resolved to emburrass to the ruinous and mad system of old Spain, according and prejudice him with the new States by referring to that to which large unsurveyed districts are granted to favorCommittee this proposition to give away to those States

the Public Lands. Extraordinary as this resolution may ite individuals, prejudicial to them, who often sink under well seem, it was carried into effect, and Mr. CLAY re the incumbrance, and die in poverty, whilst the regular quired to report directly on this project of Cession. He did not hesitate to discharge manfully the duty so uncurrent of emigration is checked and diverted from its graciously thrust upon him, and after earnest considera- legitimate channels. tion, devised and reported a bill to DISTRIBUTE TO ALL And if there be in the operations of this government, THE STATES THE PROCEEDS OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, with which his fame and fortunes will stand identified to one which more than any other displays consummate all future time. In support of this bill, he addressed the wisdom and statesmanship, it is that system by which Senate as follows:] the public lands have been so successfully administered.




* *

[The entire Speech will be found in Greeley & We should pause, solemnly pause, before we subvert it. McElrath's edition of the Life and Speeches of Henry We should touch it hesitatingly, and with the gentlest Clay, vol. I., pp. 104-138.] hand. * Long after we shall cease to be agitated by the Tariff, Under the system of the general government, the ages after our manufactures shall have acquired a sta-country subject to its operation, beyond the Alleghany bility and perfection which will enable them successful mountains, has rapidly advanced in population, imly to cope with the manufactures of any other country, provement and prosperity. The example of the State of the public lands will remain a subject of deep and endur-Ohio was emphatically relied on-its millions of people, Sing interest. In whatever view we contemplate them, its canals, and other improvements, its flourishing there is no question of such vast importance. As to towns, its highly cultivated fields, all put there within their extent, there is public land enough to found an em-less than forty years. pire; stretching across the immense continent, from the * Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, from the Gulf of Mexico In a national point of view, one of the greatest advanto the northwestern lakes, the quantity, according to the tages which these public lands in the west, and this sysofficial surveys and estimates, amounting to the prodi-tem of selling them, affords, is the resource which they gious sum of one billion and eighty millions of acres, present against pressure and want, in other parts of the As to the duration of the interest, regarded as a source of Union, from the vocations of society being too closely comfort to our people, and of public income---during filled, and too much crowded. They constantly tend to the year, when the greatest quantity was sold that ever sustain the price of labor, by the opportunity which they in one year had been previously sold, it amounted to less offer of the acquisition of fertile land at a moderate than three millions of acres; and assuming that year as price, and the consequent temptation to emigrate from affording the standard rate at which the lands will be those parts of the Union where labor may be badly reannually sold, it would require three hundred years to varded.







dispose of them. But the sales will probably be accele- The progress of settlement, and the improvement in rated from increased population and other causes. We the fortunes and condition of individuals, under the ope

ration of this beneficent system, are as simple as they are Tennessee, are the most migrating States in the Union. manifest. Pioneers of a more adventurous character To supply this constantly augmenting demand, the advancing before the tide of emigration, penetrate into policy, which has hitherto characterized the general the uninhabited regions of the west. They apply the government, has been highly liberal both towards indiaxe to the forest, which falls before them, or the plough viduals and the new States. Large tracts, far surpassing to the prairie, deeply sinking its share in the unbroken the demand of purchasers, in every climate and situawild grasses in which it abounds. They build houses, tion, adapted to the wants of all parts of the Union, are plant orchards, enclose fields, cultivate the earth, and brought into market at moderate prices, the government rear up families around them. Meantime, the tide of having sustained all the expense of the original puremigration flows upon them, their improved farms rise chase, and of surveying, marking, and dividing the in value, a demand for them takes place, they sell to the land. For fifty dollars any poor man may purchase new comers, at a great advance, and proceed farther forty acres of first rate land; and for less than the wages west, with ample means to purchase from government, of one year's labor, he may buy eighty acres. To the at reasonable prices, sufficient land for all the members new States, also, has the government been liberal and of their families. Another and another tide succeeds, generous in the grants for schools and for internal imthe first pushing on westwardly the previous settlers, provements, as well as in reducing the debt, contracted who, in their turn, sell out their farms, constantly aug-for the purchase of lands, by the citizeus of those states menting in price, until they arrive at a fixed and station- who are tempted, in a spirit of inordinate speculation, to ary value. In this way, thousands and tens of thou- purchase too much, or at too high prices. sands are daily improving their circumstances and bet- Such is a rapid outline of this invaluable national protering their condition. I have often witnessed this grati-perty; of the system which regulates its managemen ying progress. On the same farm you may sometimes and distribution, and of the effects of that system. behold, standing together, the first rude cabin of round might here pause, and wonder that there should be a and unhewn logs, and wooden chimneys, the hewed log disposition with any to waste or throw away this great house, chinked and shingled, with stone or brick chim- resource, or to abolish a system which has been fraught neys; and, lastly, the comfortable brick or stone dwel with so many manifest advantages. Nevertheless, there ling, each denoting the different occupants of the farm, are such, who, impatient with the slow and natural ope or the several stages of the condition of the same occuration of wise laws, have put forth various pretensions pant. What other nation cah boast of such an outlet and projects concerning the public lands, within a few for its increasing population, such bountiful means of fears past. One of these pretensions is an assumption of promoting their prosperity and securing their indepen- the sovereign right of the new States to all the lands dence ? within their respective limits, to the exclusion of the ge


To the public lands of the United States, and especial-neral government, and to the exclusion of all the people ly to the existing system by which they are distributed of the United States, those in the new Stutes only exwith so much regularity and equity, we are indebted for cepted. It is my purpose now to trace the origin, exathese signal benefits in our national condition. And mine the nature, and expose the injustice of this pretenevery consideration of duty to ourselves and to posterity, sion.

enjoins that we should abstain from the adoption of any This pretension may be fairly ascribed to the proposiwild project that would cast away this vast national tions of the gentleman from Missouri, (Mr. Benton,) to) property, holden by the general government in sacred graduate the public lands, to reduce the price, and cede trust for the whole people of the United States, and for- the "refuse" lands (a term which I believe originated bids that we should rashly touch a system which has with him) to the States within which they lie. Promptbeen so successfully tested by experience. ed, probably, by these propositions, a late Governor of



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It has been only within a few years that restless men Illinois, unwilling to be outdone, presented an elaborate have thrown before the public their visionary plans for Message to the Legislature of that State, in which he squandering the public domain. With the existing laws gravely and formally asserted the right of that State to the great State of the west is satisfied and contented. all the land of the United States, comprehended within She has felt their benefit, and grown great and powerful its limits. It must be allowed that the Governor was a under their sway. She knows and testifies to the liber- most impartial judge, and the Legislature a most disinality of the general government in the administration of terested tribunal, to decide such a question! the public lands, extended alike to her and to the other The Senator from Missouri was chanting most sweetrefuse new States. *ly to the tune, "refuse lands," "refuse lands,' Assuming the duplication of our population in terms lands," on the Missouri side of the Mississippi, and the of twenty-five years, the demand for waste land, at the soft strains of his music, having caught the ear of his exend of every term, will at least be double what it was at cellency, on the Illinois side, he joined in chorus, and the commencement. But the ratio of the increased de-struck an octave higher. The Senator from Missouri rand will be much greater than the increase of the whole wished only to pick up some crumbs which fell from population of the United States, because the Western Uncle Sam's table; but the Governor resolved to grasp States nearest to, or including the public lands, populate the whole loaf. The Senator modestly claimed only an much more rapidly than other parts of the Union; and old smoked, rejected joint; but the stomach of his excelit will be from then that the greatest current of emigra- lency yearned after the whole hog! The Governor tion will flow. At this moment Ohio, Kentucky and peeped over the Mississippi into Missouri, and saw the

Senator leisurely roaming in some rich pastures, on bits But this pretension, unjust to the old States, unequal of refuse lands. He returned to Illinois, and, springing as to all, would be injurious to the new States theminto the grand prairie, determined to claim and occupy selves, in whose behalf it has been put forth, if it were it, in all its boundless extent. * ** * * * recognized. The interest of the new States is not conThe right of the Union to the public lands is incon- fined to the lands within their limits, but extends to the testible. It ought not to be considered debatable. It whole billion and eighty millions of acres. Sanction the never was questioned but by a few, whose monstrous claim, however, and they are cut down and restricted? heresy, it was probably supposed, would escape ani- to that which is included in their own boundaries. Is it madversion from the enormity of the absurdity, and the not better for Ohio, instead of the five millions and a Sutter impracticability of the success of the claim. The half---for Indiana, instead of the fifteen millions---or right of the whole is sealed by the blood of the Revolu- even for Illinois, instead of the thirty-one or thirty-two tion, founded upon solemn deeds of cession from sove-millions--or Missouri, instead of the thirty-eight millions reign States, deliberately executed in the face of the---within their respective limits, to retain their interests world, or resting upon national trentics concluded with in those several quantities, and also retain their interest, foreign powers, or ample equivalents contributed from in common with the other members of the Union, in the the common treasury of the people of the United States. countless millions of acres that lie west or northwest This right of the whole was stamped upon the face of beyond them? the new States at the very instant of their parturition. "The general government at a moderate price, is sellThey admitted and recognised it with their first breath. ing the public land as fast as it can find purchasers. They hold their stations, as members of the confederacy, The new States are populating with unexampled rain virtue of that admission. The senators who sit here, pidity; their condition is now much more cligible than and the members in the House of Representatives from that of some of the old States. Ohio, I am sorry to be the new States, deliberate in Congress with other sena-jobliged to confess, is, in internal improvement and some tors and representatives, under that admission. And other respects, fifty years in advance of her older sister since the new States came into being, they have recog- and neighbor, Kentucky. How have her growth and nised this right of the general government by innumer-prosperity, her independence, her equality with the elder able acts. States, the development of her resources, the taxation,




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By their concurrence in the passage of hundreds of laws cultivation, and settlement of her soil, or the proper enrespecting the public domain, founded upon the incon-joyment of her jurisdiction and sovereignty, been affecttestible right of the whole of the States. ed or impaired by the federal title within her lituits?

By repented applications to extinguish Indian titles, The federal title! It has been a source of blessings and and to survey the lands which they covered. of bounties, but not one of real grievance. As to the? And by solicitation and acceptance of extensive grants exemption from taxation of the public lands, and the from the general government, of the public lands. exemption for five years of those sold to individuals, if The existence of the new States is a falsehood, or the the public land belonged to the new States, would they right of all the States to the public domain is an unde-tax it? And as to the latter exemption, it is paid for by the niable truth. They have no more right to the public general government, as may be seen by reference to the lands, within their particular jurisdiction, than other compacts; and it is, moreover, beneficial to the new States have to the mint, the forts and arsenals, or public States themselves, by holding out a motive to emigrants ships within theirs, or than the people of the District of to purchase and settle within their limits. * * * Columbia have to this magnificent capitol, in whose splendid halls we now deliberate.

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Whatever may be the sum drawn from the sales of the public lands, it will be contributed, not by citizens of the 2 The equality contended for between all the States now States alone in which they are situated, but by emiexists. The public lands are now held, and ought to be grants from all the States. And it will be raised, not in? held and administered, for the common benefit of all. Ia single year, but in a long series of years. It would? hope our fellow citizens of Illinois, Indiana, and Mis- have been impossible for the State of Ohio to have paid, souri will reconsider the matter; that they will cease to in one year, the millions that have been raised in that) take counsel from demagogues who would deceive State by the sale of public lands; but in a period of up$them, and instil erroneous principles into their ears; and ward of thirty years the payment has been made, not) that they will feel and acknowledge that their brethren only without impoverishing, but with the constantly inof Kentucky and of Ohio, and of all the States in the creasing prosperity of the State. Union, have an equal right with the citizens of those England has too little land, and too many people. three States in the public lands. If the possibility of an America has too much land, for the present population event so direful as a severance of this Union, were for a of the country, and wants people. The British crown. moment contemplated, what would be the probable had owned, for many generations, large bodies of land, consequence of such an unspeakable calamity; if three preserved for game and forest, from which but small reconfederacies were formed out of its fragments, do you venues were derived. It was proposed to sell out the imagine that the western confederacy would consent to crown lands, that they might be peopled and cultivated, the States including the public lands holding them ex- and that the royal family should be placed on the civil clusively for themselves? Can you imagine that the list. Mr. Burke supported the proposition by convincing) States of Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, would quietly arguments. But what analogy is there between the renounce their right in all the public lands west of them? crown lands of the British sovereign, and the public

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lands of the United States? Are they here locked up States." The power of disposition is plenary, unrefrom the people, and, for the sake of their game or tim- strained, unqualified. It is not limited to a specified obber, excluded from sale? Are not they freely exposed jest or to a defined purpose, but left applicable to any in market, to all who want them, at moderate prices? object or purpose which the wisdom of Congress shall The complaint is, that they are not sold fast enough, in deem fit, acting under its high responsibility. other words, that people are not multiplied rapidly The deeds from the ceding States, far from opposing, enough to buy them. Patience, gentlemen of the land fully warrant the distribution. That of Virginia ceded committee, patience! The new States are daily rising the land as "a common fund for the use and benefit of in power and importance. Some of them are already such of the United States as huve become, or shall begreat and flourishing members of the confederacy. And, come members of the confederation or federal alliance if you will only acquiesce in the certain and quiet ope- of the said States, Virginia inclusive." The cession ration of the laws of God and man, the wilderness will was for the benefit of all the States. It may be argued quickly teem with people, and be filled with the inonu that the find must be retained in the common treasury, ments of civilization. and thence paid out. But by the bill reported, it will; There are good men in different parts, but especially come into the common treasury, and then the question in the Atlantic portion of the Union, who have been in-how it shall be subsequently applied for the use and duced to regard lightly this vast national property; who benefit of such of the United States as compose the conhave been persuaded that the people of the West are federacy, is one of modus only. Whether the money is dissatisfied with the administration of it; and who be disbursed by the general government directly, or is paid lieve that it will, in the end, be lost to the nation, and out upon some equal and just principle to the States, to that it is not worth present care and preservation. But be disbursed by them, cannot affect the right of distributhese are radical mistakes. The great body of the West tion. If the general government retained the power of are satisfied--perfectly satisfied with the general admin-ultimate disbursement, it could execute it only by suitistration of the public lands. They would indeed like, able agents; and what agency is more suitable than that) and are entitled to, a more liberal expenditure among of the States themselves? If the States expend the them of the proceeds of the sales. But the great body money, the expenditure will, in effect, be a disbursement of the West have not called for, and understand too well for the benefit of the whole, although the several States their real interest to desire, any essential change in the are organs of the expenditure; for the whole and all the system of survey, sale, or price of the land. There may parts are identical. And whatever redounds to the bebe a few, stimulated by demagogues, who desire change; and what system is there, what government, what order of human society, that a few do not desire to change?






nefit of all the parts necessarily contributes in the same measure to the benefit of the whole. The great question should be, Is the distribution upon equal and just prinIt is one of the admirable properties of the existing ciples? * * * * system, that it contains within itself and carries along And now I have a few more words to say and shall be principles of conservation and safety. In the progress done. We are admonished by all our reflections, and of its operation, new States become identified with the by existing signs, of the duty of communicating strength old, in feeling, in thinking, and in interest. Now, Ohio and energy to the glorious Union which now encircles is as sound as any old State in the Union, in all her our favored country. Among the ties which bind us toviews relating to the public lands. She feels that her gether, the public domain merits high consideration. share in the exterior domain is much more important And if we appropriate, for a limited time, the proceeds than would be an exclusive right to the few millions of of that great resource, among the several States, for the acres left unsold, within her limits, accompanied by a important objects which have been enumerated, a new virtual surrender of her interests in all the other public and powerful bond of affection and of interest will be lands of the United States. And I have no doubt that added. The States will feel and recognize the operanow, the people of the other new States, left to their tion of the general government, not merely in power and own unbiased sense of equity and justice, would form burdens, but in benefactions and blessings. And the the same judgement. They cannot believe that what general government in its turn will feel, from the expenthey have not bought, what remains the property of diture of the money which it dispenses to the States, the themselves and all their brethren of the United States, benefits of moral and intellectual improvement of the in common, belongs to them exclusively. But if I am people, of greater facility in social and commercial inmistaken--if they have been deceived by erroneous im- tercourse, und of the purification of the population of pressions on their mind, made by artful men, as the sales our country, themselves the best parental sources of naproceed, and the land is exhausted, and their population tional character, national union, and national greatincreased, like the State of Ohio, they will feel that ness. Whatever may be the fate of the particular protheir true interest points to their remaining copartners in position now under consideration, I sincerely hope that the whole national domain, instead of bringing forward the attention of the nation may be attracted to this most an unfounded pretension to the inconsiderable remnant interesting subject; that it may justly appreciate the which will be then left in their own limits. * *value of this immense national property; and that,


By the second part of the third section of the fourth preserving the regulation of it by the will of the whole, article of the Constitution, Congress "have power to for the advantage of the whole, it may be transmitted, dispose of, and make all needful rules and regulations as a sacred and inestimable succession, to posterity, for respecting the territory or other property of the United its benefit and blessing for ages to come.

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