NOTE. When answering advertisements please mention. Tribune Almanas. COVER PAGES, BURNS BROS. (Coal)............ ... Fourth Cover Page PINK PAGES. ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰.۰۰۰. Second Pink Page LONG ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY............. Third Pink Page KESSLER, GEO. A., & CO. (Moët & Chandon Wines)......................Fourth Pink Page METROPOLITAN TRUST COMPANY, THE, ......**** 888 -389-391 RATHBONE, A. H. & CO. (Insurance)...... 391 SCHNOTER, J. C., CO. (Shoulder Brace and Trusses)...... 892 BELL'S HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACY 892 NEOSTYLE ENVELOPE COMPANY........ 892 A. D. FARMER & SON TYPEFOUNDING COMPANY.......... 893 893 ALBERS, WILLIAM F. (Blank Books).... 893 FULLER'S NEW YORK DETECTIVE BUREAU......... 893 WEIL, SAMUEL, & SON (Patent Paste and Sizing).......... 893 CEDAR GROVE CEMETERY.. 893 FAIRVIEW CEMETERY COMPANY..๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ 398 COOPER, CHAS., & CO. (Chemists)....۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ 894 MRS. WINSLOW (Soothing Syrup)............۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰.۰ 894 DUN, B. G., & CO. (Mercantile Agency)..............۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE WASHINGTON TRUST COMPANY, Of the City of New York, at the close of business on the 14th day of November, 1906: RESOURCES. Bonds and mortgages. $935,150 00 Amount of stock and bond investments (market value, $1,588,336), book value 1,588,336 00 Amount loaned on collaterals. 7,413,100 00 Other loans, including bills purchased (amount due from directors, included in Items 3 and 4, $291,000). 229,000 00 Overdrafts None. Real estate: Banking house, none; other real estate. Due from approved reserve depositories, less amount of offsets.... United States legal tender notes and bills of national banks. 328,402 23 84,791 00 Other items carried as cash... .None. Amount of investments held as executor, administrator, guardian, receiver, trustee, committee, or as depositary of moneys deposited on order of the court, for which the trust. company is liable because the same are not legal for savings banks, nor permitted in and by the respective instruments or words creating or defining the trusts None. Amount of assets not included under any of the above heads, viz.: .None. : asset .None.. Estimated accrued interest not entered on books at date of this report as an asset.. $11,352,653 17 107,180 28 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, in cash. *Surplus on book value (less current expenses and taxes paid).... Surplus on market value (less current expenses and $500,000 00 1,174,165 14 taxes pald) $1,174,165 14 Surplus on basis of book value after charging and crediting accrued interest not entered on books........ Surplus on market value after charging and crediting accrued interest not entered on books. 1,146,683 04 1,146,683 04 Deposits subject to check (except as stated below), Other liabilities not included under any of the above heads, viz.: Estimated accrued interest not entered on books at date of this report as a liability.... Surplus includes undivided profits, Amount of debts guaranteed and liability thereon at date of this report, nona. Total amount of deposits on which interest is paid at this date, 19,645,857 60; average rate of interest on deposits on which interest is paid, 8.15% 134,662 88 QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE KNICKERBOCKER TRUST COMPANY. At the close of business on the 14th day of November, 1906: Bonds and mortgages. RESOURCES. Amount of stock and bond investments (market value, $5,938,35173), book value Amount loaned on collaterals.. Other loans, inchiding bills purchased.. (Amount due from directors, included in items 3 and 4, $267, 715 66.) Overdrafts Real estate: Banking house, $925,000 00; other real estate, $365,000.00. Due from approved reserve depositories, less amount of offsets. United States legal tender notes and bills of national banks...... Amount of assets not included under any of the above heads, viz.: Accrued interest entered on books at date of this report as an asset 17,465 56 i Interest in Real Estate Company formed for purchase and leasing of Consolidated Stock Exchange Building. 866,612 63 $69,165,137 93 Estimated accrued interest not entered on books at date of this report as an asset 967,941 67 LLABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, în cash.. $1,200,000 00 Surplus on book values (less current expenses and taxes paid).... 4,797,812 03 Surplus on market value (less current expenses and taxes paid), $4,955,952 64. Surplus on basis of book value after charging and crediting accrued interest not entered on books, $5,113,461 39. Surplus on market value after charging and crediting accrued interest not entered on books, $5,271,60200. Deposits subject to check (except as stated below), not preferred Certificates of deposit (not preferred): Flame $47,830,862 41 $6,709,765 16 Preferred liability on account of item No. 12 in resources........... 62,453,665 44 51,200 00 Unpaid dividends $1,020 00 Certified checks 400,219 97 Acerued interest entered on books at date of this report Extimated accrued interest not entered on books at date of this re Total amount of deposits on which interest is paid at this date, $57,417,453.55; average rate of interest on deposits on which interest is paid, 2.934% 652,292 31 QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE METROPOLITAN TRUST COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, At the close of business on the 14th day of November, 1906: Bonds and mortgages........... RESOURCES ............. Amount of stock and boad investments (market value, $3,822,634.41), .... .... Due from trust companies, banks, and bankers, not included in next ......... ................. item ............. Due from approvod reserve depositories, less amount of offsets... Specte ..... ... ................... United States legal tander notes and bills of national banks......... Estimated accrued Interest not entered on books at date of this report as an asset........ $1,031,500.00 2,822,634.41 26,696,121.36 831.45 61,737.41 1,914,927.93 1,032,699.92 5.205.00 $34,565,657.48 295,889.35 $2,000,000.00 Capital stock paid in, in cash....... $6,934,176.58. Sarplus on basis of book value after charging and crediting accrued Interest not entered on books, $7,017,694.98. Surplus on market value after charging and crediting accrued interest not entered on books, $7,017,694.98. Deposits subject to check (except as stated below), not preferred..... ..$19,506,834.76 Certificates of deposit (not preferred); Demand........ 1,718,905.14 Other liabilities not included under any of the above heads, viz: Estimated accrued interest not entered on books at date of this report as a liability.... ... 312,370.95 Total amount of deposits on which interest is paid at this date, $23,610,076.97; average rate of interest on deposits on which interest is paid, 2.93%. Has each official communication directed by the Banking Department to this institution been submitted to the Board of Directora at the meeting held next after its receipt? Yes. State of New York, County of New York, 88.; BEVERLY CHEW, Second Vice-President, and BERTRAM CRUGER, Treasurer, of the Metropolitan Trust Company of the City of New York, located and doing business at No. 49 Wall Street, in the City of New York, in said county, being duly sworn, each for himself says the foregoing report, with the schedules accompanying the same, is true and correct in all respects, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and they further say that the usual business of said trust company has been transacted at the location required by the banking law (Chap. 689, Laws of 1892), and not elsewhere; and that the above report is made in compliance with an official notice received from the Superintendent of Banks, designating the fourteenth day of November, 1906, as the day of which such report shall be made. BEVERLY CHEW, 2d Vice-President. Severally subscribed and sworn to by both deponents the 17th day of Novemben, 1906, before me [8] CLARENCE KLINCK, Notary Public in and for Kings County, N. Y. Certificate filed in New York County. |